Communication in the 21st Century Workplace Coursera Quiz Answers

All Weeks Communication in the 21st Century Workplace Coursera Quiz Answers

Communication in the 21st Century Workplace Week 1 Quiz Answers

Quiz 1: Review

Q1. What is one of the most effective verbal communication techniques?

  • Making time.
  • Listening actively.
  • Defending your point of view.
  • Using appropriate grammar.

Q2. What is the most effective response to someone who overly belabors or over-explains a topic?

  • Look around impatiently.
  • Politely interrupt and ask them to summarize.
  • Summarize what you heard.
  • Repeat back exactly what you heard.

Q3. To be an effective communicator, which of these should you avoid? (select all that apply)

  • Swearing.
  • Not maintaining eye contact.
  • Using jargon.
  • Rambling.
  • Using a person’s first name.

Q4. Communication conducted outside of your organization is called:

  • Outside communication.
  • Synthesized communication.
  • External communication.
  • Public communication.

Q5. What is the first step in conflict resolution?

  • Set the scene.
  • Identify the problem.
  • Agree upon the problem.
  • Discuss the problem.

Communication in the 21st Century Workplace Week 2 Quiz Answers

Quiz 2: Review

Q1. There is more motivation for in-person vs. virtual interactions when:

  • You haven’t seen your manager in several weeks.
  • You want to highlight content on a document.
  • You want to introduce a colleague.
  • You need to resolve a major problem more efficiently.

Q2. Which of these is one way in which non-verbal cues can be misconstrued?

  • Misinterpreting fist pounding for anger.
  • Assuming someone is in a hurry when they walk briskly.
  • Being confused by verbal expressions that do not match facial expressions.
  • Feeling pressure to talk faster when recipient looks bored.

Q3. How is social media related to communicating with your manager?

  • Managers need to be engaged using social media.
  • Your manager may communicate with you using social media.
  • You should understand how your manager prefers to use social media.
  • You should understand your manager’s attitude towards social media.

Q4. How soon after uncovering an issue in the workplace that will have negative repercussions should you notify your manager?

  • As soon as possible.
  • Once you understand and assess the impact.
  • At your next one-on-one meeting.
  • You shouldn’t notify your manager.

Q5. What is one effective technique to use during verbal communication with your boss so they will listen?

  • Meet behind closed doors.
  • Stand while making your business case.
  • Invite others to support you.
  • Be attuned to how much information they want.

Communication in the 21st Century Workplace Week 3 Quiz Answers

Quiz 3 : Review

Q1. Given typical executive communication preferences, what is one of the most important things you should consider in advance of communicating?

  • How to catch them when they are in the office.
  • How to convince them in 10 seconds or less.
  • How to present less detail than you would typically appreciate.
  • How to communicate with them during business travel.

Q2. What key rule of written communication should you consider if communicating in writing with an executive?

  • Make it easy for them to read fast.
  • Make sure your paragraphs start with the key point.
  • Make your writing entertaining.
  • Make presentations using multiple colors.

Q3. What language should you use in verbal and written communication with an executive?

  • Clear, concise English.
  • Plain and simple language that anyone can understand.
  • Jargon that demonstrates your strong knowledge of the business.
  • Business language that speaks directly to their needs and the customer impact.

Q4. A recommended solution to a problem is especially valued by an executive because:

  • They do not have the time to come up with their own solution.
  • They are more likely to get involved if the legwork has already been completed.
  • They want to see if you make good recommendations.
  • They want to compare your solution to others.

Q5. This effective technique for overcoming limited executive availability is underutilized:

  • Sending repeated emails.
  • Strolling by the executive’s office to catch them coming out of a meeting.
  • Joining someone else’s meeting.
  • Developing a relationship with the executive’s assistant.

Communication in the 21st Century Workplace Week 4 Quiz Answers

Quiz 4 : Review

Q1. This is one way you can be the type of communicative leader that strengthens relationships:

  • Restate verbal communication.
  • Use multiple communication techniques.
  • Appeal to the business interests of the team.
  • Forge a personal connection through communication.

Q2. What is one benefit to communicating strategically with direct reports?

  • Moving the business forward strategically.
  • Becoming a well-liked leader.
  • Building strong, trusting relationships.
  • Showing your direct reports your leadership capability.

Q3. What technique should you use to signal that you are trying to understand?

  • Say “help me understand.”
  • Ask “why” using a neutral tone and demeanor.
  • Nod vehemently.
  • Maintain consistent eye contact.

Q4. Managing conflict with a team is different than with an individual because:

  • Team conflicts can be easily resolved through virtual communication.
  • The leader can quickly step in and resolve the conflict.
  • The leader must offer the team members a supportive opportunity to first address the conflict themselves.
  • Team members have multiple perspectives.

Q5. Using technology for collaborative communication allows a leader to:

  • Increase productivity.
  • Distribute assignments quickly.
  • Spend more time in their office.
  • Avoid face to face meetings.
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