Medical Technology and Evaluation Coursera Quiz Answers

Week 01: Medical Technology Assessment Environment Quiz Answers

Q1. Which of the following is a use a potential user of medical technology evaluation results?

  • Manufacturers.
  • Insurers.
  • Health care providers.
  • All of the above.

Q2. True or False: A medical technology evaluation is just a pricing project.

  • True
  • False

Q3. How can a new technology with lower costs lead to higher health care expenditures?

  • The technology will only reduce expenditures.
  • The technology is effective and used by a larger population than the current technology.
  • No new technologies have lower costs.
  • The technology has better outcomes compared to the current technology.

Q4. What is the regulatory reason that medical technology evaluation evidence is needed?

  • Only payment/reimbursement.
  • Venture capitalist investments.
  • Pricing.
  • Marketing approval and payment/reimbursement.

Q5. Which of the FDA approval phases occurs after FDA approval?

  • Phase IV
  • Phase III and IV
  • None
  • Phase I

Q6. True or False: Once approved a new drug can only be prescribed for what it was approved to treat.

  • True
  • False

Q7. Approximately what percent of new medical devices require a Pre-Market Approval (PMA)?

  • 0 percent
  • 100 percent
  • 90 percent
  • 10 percent

Q8. What is the next step after a drug is approved by the FDA?

  • File an NDA.
  • Conduct a clinical trial.
  • Get insurers to pay/reimburse.
  • Design the packaging.

Q9. What aspects of medical care is covered by Medicare Part A?

  • Outpatient services.
  • Inpatient hospital care.
  • Prescription drugs.
  • Patient out-of-pocket costs.

Q10. True or False: Patients may have higher cost-sharing obligations for the more expensive brand name version of a drug.

  • True
  • False

Week 02: Clinical Trials and Insurance Claims Data Quiz Answers

Q1. following is an example of an experimental design?

  • Patient survey
  • Case study
  • Observational study
  • Randomized controlled trial

Q2. Which of the following is not an alternative to randomization?

  • A placebo treatment.
  • Historical controls.
  • Systematic alternation of treatments.
  • Non-randomized concurrent controls.

Q3. Who is blinded in a double-blind trial design?

  • Patient and Investigator/Provider
  • Investigator/Provider and Statistician
  • Patient and Caregiver
  • Patient and Statistician

Q4. Which of the following elements is included in claims data?

  • Diagnoses and procedure codes.
  • Procedure codes and prices.
  • Prices and patient demographics.
  • All of the above.

Q5. Which of the following is not a benefit of claims data?

  • Includes physicians notes.
  • Large samples.
  • Includes all sources of care.
  • Diagnoses and procedures.

Q6. What are DRGs used for?

  • FDA approval.
  • Medicare inpatient billing/payment.
  • Measuring QALYs.
  • Prescription drug reimbursement.

Q7. What population is covered by Medicare?

  • Ages 65 and older and disabledThe working population
  • Anyone
  • None of the above

Q8. Which of the following is not a potential source of bias?

  • Currency
  • Reporting
  • Detection
  • Selection

Q9. Which of the following questions can a meta-analysis answer?

  • What is the direction of the effect?
  • What is the size of the effect?
  • Is the effect consistent across studies?
  • All of the above

Q10. True or False: claims data can only be used for policy research.

  • True
  • False

Week 03: Peer-graded Assignment: You Are The Consultant

Click here to Download

Week 04: Methodological Approaches and Considerations Quiz Answers

Q1. If an assessment is being conducted to support the case for payment/reimbursement
who is the audience?

  • The Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
  • Physicians
  • Insurers or Payers
  • Venture capitalists

Q2. What is the denominator of the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER)?

  • Indirect costs.
  • Future costs.
  • Benefits of the new technology.
  • Difference in benefits.

Q3. True or False: Only cost-effective technologies ICERs can be graphed on the cost-effectiveness plane.

  • True
  • False

Q4. What is Bayes rule used for?

  • Measuring quality of life (QoL).
  • Randomization in a clinical trial.
  • Incorporating new information to determine a probability of interest.
  • Graph an ICER.

Q5. Future values of which of the following can be discounted to present value?

  • Direct medical costs.
  • Indirect costs.
  • Quality adjusted life years (QALYs).
  • All of the above.

Q6. The expected value of a health outcome is calculated by multiplying the outcome measure by what?

  • Quality of Life (QoL).
  • The discount rate.
  • Direct costs.
  • The probability of the outcome.

Q7. The results of a Monte Carlo simulation can be used to determine the information about the results of an evaluation?

  • Mean and variance of the results.
  • The mean result.
  • The variance of the result.
  • None of the above.

Q8. True or False: A Markov model allows for modeling the progression of the disease over time.

  • True
  • False

Q9. Which of the following is not a source of uncertainty?

  • Future costs.
  • Randomness in medical cost.
  • Randomness in health outcomes.
  • Statistical variation in results.

Q10. In a sensitivity analysis, how many variables can be tested?

  • Only one
  • None
  • One or more
  • Only two

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Healthcare Marketplace Capstone

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Course 01: Healthcare Marketplace

Course 02: Healthcare Delivery Providers

Course 03: Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Innovations

Course 04: Medical Technology and Evaluation

Course 05: Healthcare Marketplace Capstone

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