User Experience & Interaction Design for AR/VR/MR/XR Quiz Answers

Get All Weeks User Experience & Interaction Design for AR/VR/MR/XR Quiz Answers

Week 01: User Experience & Interaction Design for AR/VR/MR/XR Quiz Answers

XR Process Quiz Answers

Q1. Which of the following are key ingredients for immersive VR experiences? Choose all that apply.

1.Environment & physics
2.Lights & shadows
3.Controller/hand interactions
4.3D models & animations

Q2. What are the main differences between marker-based and marker-less AR? Choose all that apply.

1.Required hardware and software for tracking
2.The required amount of environmental information
3.The required amount of user and environment instrumentation

Q3. Which of the following are key barriers to entry for novice XR creators? Choose all that apply.

1.Starting point: not sure how to get started/where to start
2.Making the jump from 2D to 3D: not clear how to adapt methods and tools for XR
3.Finding good examples: not sure how to find good content & functionality
4.Not enough tools: There is a need for more non-programmer tools

Q4. If your friend who previously developed web applications now wants to develop a new smartphone-based AR app, which path is likely the easiest for them? Choose one.

Use ARKit/ARCore to design and develop your AR app

Q5. Which of the following activities should be the first step when designing a new XR experience? Choose one (1).

Needfinding & brainstorming

Q6. What is the last step in the XR process? Choose one (1)

Deploying the XR app and collecting data in uncontrolled settings

Q7. When storyboarding a new XR experience, which of the following would give you the highest fidelity? Choose one (1).

3D storyboard

Q8. What is the Minimum Viable Product (MVP)? Choose one (1).

MVP is a version of a product with just enough features to be usable by early customers who can then provide feedback for future product development.

Q9. Which of the following is the correct order of steps in the XR design process? Choose one

Problem Statement > Competitive Analysis > Design Space Analysis > Prototypes > Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

Q10. When is a good time to do user testing? Choose one (1).

When we have a minimum viable product and with every major design iteration

Week 02: User Experience & Interaction Design for AR/VR/MR/XR Quiz Answers

XR Design Thinking Quiz Answers

Q1. Which of the following statements about design thinking for XR is correct? Choose one (1).

Design thinking starts with empathy, but we often cannot just ask/observe users because user adoption of XR technology is still limited

Q2. Which of the following statements are correct about methods and tools for XR design thinking? Choose all that apply.

1.Competitive analysis is about identifying key factors and gaps with existing solutions
2.Scenarios & use cases can help with the problem statement

Q3. What is a negative persona? Choose one (1).

A negative persona captures users whose goals/needs are not targeted by our design

Q4. If you were to design a new VR sketching app like Google Tilt Brush, then Tilt Brush would be what kind of competitor? Choose one (1).

Direct competitor

Q5. Which of the following are key design ethics principles when creating new XR experiences? Choose all that apply.

1.Autonomy: The user is in control of the XR experience
2.Safety: The user is protected from danger, risk, and injury resulting from the XR experience
3.Transparency: The user is informed about how to control the XR experience

Q6. Which of the following statements is true about considering the design impact of XR experiences? Choose one (1).

The impact of an XR experience needs to be controlled before, during, and after usage.

Q7. What are key considerations when performing a design ethics review? Choose all that apply.

1.Context & situation: Where is the XR device being used? Who is around the user?
2.Processing pipeline: What happens on-device? What happens in the cloud?
3.Social capital & branding: Which company is behind the XR system? How are they perceived by society?
4.Sensory information & data: What does the XR device see? What kind of data is acquired?
5.Data ownership & governance: Who owns and manages the data? How is the user informed?

Q8. Which of the following are valid design guidelines when creating new XR experiences? Choose all that apply.

1.Offer alternative ways to travel and provide input
2.Make use of interface metaphors and physical affordances

Q9. Which of the following are key considerations when formulating a design critique? Choose all that apply.

Existing design guidelines and principles such as feedback, affordances, mappings, and constraints

Q10. Which of the following are things you could/should do when participating in an XR design jam? Choose all that apply.

1.Design and conduct a user study on existing solutions to help you shape your own solution
2.Create storyboards and prototypes to flesh out the design concept and illustrate the envisioned XR experience
3.Define scenarios and personas to frame the problem and communicate target users

Week 03: User Experience & Interaction Design for AR/VR/MR/XR Quiz Answers

Storyboarding & Physical Prototyping Quiz Answers

Q1. Which of the following are key questions when brainstorming new ideas for an XR app? Choose all that apply.

1.What is the premise of your XR solution? Why can XR solve this? What are your assumptions?
2.What is the promise of your XR solution? Where can XR help? What is your value proposition?
3.What is the problem tackled by your XR solution? What is hard about it? Why is it important to you?

Q2. What is the Idea Hexagon good for?

Given an idea, it allows the designer to explore different directions when brainstorming new ideas

Q3. Which of the following statements describe good ideas for new XR projects? Choose all that apply.

1.You’re looking at an existing problem through a new lens
2.You’re picking one particular aspect of a problem and trying a different solution

Q4. Which of the following is the correct order of steps in the XR prototyping process?

Storyboarding & Wireframing > Physical Prototyping > Digital Prototyping

Q5. Which of the following is a storyboarding method that uses paper and achieves medium fidelity?

360 Storyboard

Q6. What are possible ways to create a 360 storyboard? Choose all that apply.

1.By taking 360 photos or video
2.By sketching on paper in an equirectangular format

Q7. What are good tips you would give someone who asks how to best create a storyboard? Choose all that apply.

1.Start with high-level sketches first and gradually add more detail
2.Distinguish between physical and virtual objects using a consistent notation (color, line thickness or style, etc.)

Q8. Which of the following is the correct order of physical prototyping methods from low to high fidelity?

Paper Prototyping > 3D Modeling with Clay > Diorama > 360 Paper Prototyping

Q9. Which of the following statements are correct about physical prototypes? Choose all that apply.

1.360 paper prototypes are good for demonstrating interactions that involve objects flying towards the user
2.Paper prototypes are good for demonstrating interactions in front of the user
3.360 paper prototypes are good for demonstrating interactions around the user

Q10. Which of the statements are correct about roles and responsibilities when testing paper prototypes? Choose all that apply

1.The Facilitator guides the user through the testing process
2.The “Computer” manipulates the paper prototype in response to user interactions

Week 04: User Experience & Interaction Design for AR/VR/MR/XR Quiz Answers

Digital Prototyping & Evaluation Quiz Answers

Q1. What is commonly referred to as immersive authoring?

Concurrent design and testing in AR or VR

Q2. Which of the following statements about immersive authoring tools for AR is not correct?

Allow designers to do everything Unity can do without programming

Q3. Which of the following statements about A-Frame is not correct?

Supports visual authoring of scenes just like the Unity Editor

Q4. Which statement best describes Unity?

One of the most popular platforms for AR/VR application development

Q5. Which of the following is not a common digital prototyping strategy?

Divide & conquer

Q6. Which of the following are not usability metrics? Choose all that apply.


Q7. Which of the following are usability metrics specific to XR? Choose all that apply.


Q8. Which of the following are common usability evaluation methods? Choose all that apply.

1.User testing
2.Cognitive walkthrough
3.Heuristic evaluation
4.Paper prototype testing

Q9. Which of the following statements about user testing is correct?

More than 5 users don’t reveal a lot more issues

Q10. Which of the following statements are true about what is a good task for user testing? Choose all that apply.

1.Based on a goal that matters to you and the users
2.Based on questions important to the success of the product or research
3.Not too broad or too narrow

In conclusion, the User Experience & Interaction Design for AR/VR/MR/XR course has been a transformative journey into the immersive and innovative world of extended reality (XR). Throughout this course, we have delved into the intricacies of designing user experiences for augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), mixed reality (MR), and extended reality (XR) environments. Our exploration has led us to a deeper appreciation for the potential of these technologies to reshape the way we interact with the digital and physical worlds.

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