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Art and Science of Machine Learning Week 01 Quiz Answers
The Art of ML: Regularization Quiz Answers
Q1. Regularization is useful because it can
- Limit overfitting
- Make models smaller
Hyperparameter Tuning Quiz Answers
Q1. If searching among a large number of hyperparameters, you should do a systematic grid search rather than start from random values, so that you are not relying on chance. True or False?
- False
Q2. It is a good idea to use the training loss itself as the hyperparameter tuning metric. True or False?
- False
Q3. Hyperparameter tuning in Cloud ML Engine involves adding the appropriate TensorFlow function call to your model code. True or False?
- False
Q4. You are creating a model to predict the outcome (final score difference) of a basketball game between Team A and Team B. Your initial model is a neural network with [64, 32] nodes, learning_rate = 0.05, batch_size = 32. The input features include whether the game was played “at home” for Team A, the fraction of the last 7 games that Team A won, the average number of points scored by Team A in its last 7 games, the average score of Team A’s opponents in its last 7 games, etc.
Which of these are hyperparameters to the model?
- The number of nodes in each layer of the DNN
- The learning rate
- The batch size
- The number of layers in the DNN
- The number of previous games that the input features are averaged over
Learning Rate & Batch Size Quiz Answers
Q1. What is the key reason that we want to penalize models for over-complexity?
- Overly-complex models may not be generalizable to real-world scenarios on unseen data
Q2. If your learning rate is too small, your loss function will:
- Converge very slowly
Q3. If your learning rate is too high, your loss function
- Will converge rapidly, but not reach the lowest error value possible
Q4. If your batch size is too high, your loss function will
- Converge slowly
Q5. If your batch size is too low, your loss function will:
- Oscillate wildly
Art and Science of Machine Learning Week 02 Quiz Answers
L1 Regularization Quiz Answers
Q1. Which type of regularization is more likely to lead to zero weights?
- L1
Q2. Which type of regularization penalizes large weight values more?
- L2
Logistic Regression Quiz Answers
Q1. You are training your classification model and are using Logistic Regression. Which is true?
- Your last layer has no weights that can be tuned
Multi Class Neural Network Quiz Answers
Q1. If you have a classification problem with multiple labels, how does the neural network architecture change?
- Have a logistic layer for each label, and send the outputs of the logistic layer to a softmax layer
Q2. If you have thousands of classes, computing the cross-entropy loss can be very slow. Which of these is a way to help address that problem?
- Use a noise-contrastive loss function
Training Neural Network Quiz Answers
Q1. Which of these is a common way that neural network training can fail?
- Gradients can explode if the learning rate is too high
- Entire layers can die with all their weights becoming zero
- Gradients can vanish, making it harder to train networks the deeper they are
Q2. If you see a dead layer (fraction of zero weights close to 1), what is a reasonable thing to try?
- Lower the learning rate
- Yes
- Try using ReLU activation function
Art and Science of Machine Learning Week 03 Quiz Answers
Custom Estimator Quiz Answers
Q1. What is the benefit of using a pre-canned Estimator?
- It can give us a quick ML model
Q2. What is the recommended way to create distributed Keras models?
- Write a Keras model as normal, and use the model_to_estimator function to convert it into an Estimator for train_and_evaluate
Q3. In the model function for a custom estimator, you can customize:
- The set of evaluation metrics
- The loss metric that is optimized
- The optimizer that is used
- The predictions that are returned
Embeddings Quiz Answers
Q1. What does the word “embedding” mean in the context of Machine Learning?
- What that means is that you convert words into vectors. This allow you to do calculations on them and find similarities between them. Well-trained models with word embeddings have shown powerful understanding of the language.
Q2. Which of these statements are true?
- Embeddings can be used to project data to a lower dimensional representation
- Embeddings learned on one problem can be reused in another problem
- Creating embeddings can be the first step to solving a clustering problem
- Embeddings can be learned directly from the data
- Embeddings learned on one problem can be used as a starting point when training a related problem
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