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Python for Data Science, AI & Development Week 01 Quiz Answers
Quiz : Module 1 Graded Quiz Answers
Q1. What is the value of x after the following lines of code?
- 4
- 2
Q2. What is the result of the following operation 3+2*2 ?
- 3
- 7
- 9
Q3. What is the type of the following “7.1”
- float
- string
Q4. What is the result of the following code segment: int(True)
- 1
- 0
- error
Q5. In Python, what is the result of the following operation: ‘1’+’2′ ?
- 3
- ‘3’
- ’12’
Q6. Given myvar = ‘hello’ , how would you return myvar as uppercase?
- len(myvar)
- myvar.find(‘hello’)
- myvar.upper()
Q7. What is the result of the following : str(1+1) ?
- ‘2’
- ’11’
Q8. What is the result of the following: “ABC”.replace(“AB”, “ab”) ?
- ‘abC’
- ‘ABc’
Q9. In Python 3, what is the type of the variable x after the following: x=1/1 ?
- float
- int
Python for Data Science, AI & Development Week 02 Quiz Answers
Quiz : Module 2 Graded Quiz Answers
Q1. Consider the tuple A=((11,12),[21,22]), that contains a tuple and list. What is the result of the following operation A[1] ?
- (11,12)
- [21,22]
- ((11,12),[21,22])
Q2. Consider the tuple A=((1),[2,3],[4]), that contains a tuple and list. What is the result of the following operation A[2][0]?
- 4
- [4]
- 1
Q3. The method append does the following:
- adds one element to a list
- merges two lists or insert multiple elements to a list
Q4. Consider the following list : A=[“hard rock”,10,1.2]
What will list A contain affter the following command is run: del(A[1]) ?
- [10,1.2]
- [“hard rock”,1.2]
- [“hard rock”,10]
Q5. If A is a list what does the following syntax do: B=A[:] ?
- assigns list A to list B
- variable B references a new copy or clone of the original list A
Q6. What is the result of the following: len((“disco”,10,1.2, “hard rock”,10)) ?
- 5
- 6
- 0
Q7. Consider the following dictionary:
{ “The Bodyguard”:”1992″, “Saturday Night Fever”:”1977″}
select the values
- “1977″
- “1992”
- “The Bodyguard”
- “Saturday Night Fever“
Q8. The variable release_year_dict is a Python Dictionary, what is the result of applying the following method: release_year_dict.keys() ?
- retrieve the keys of the dictionary
- retrieves, the values of the dictionary
Q9. Consider the Set: V={‘A’,’B’}, what is the result of V.add(‘C’)?
- {‘A’,’B’,’C’}
- error
- {‘A’,’B’}
Q10. What is the result of the following: ‘1’ in {‘1′,’2’} ?
- False
- True
Python for Data Science, AI & Development Week 03 Quiz Answers
Quiz : Module 3 Graded Quiz Answers
Q1. What is the output of the following code?
print('Go ')
- Go Mike
- Mike
- Stop Mike
Q2. What is the result of the following lines of code?
- True
- False
Q3. What is the output of the following few lines of code?
- 0
- 1
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 0
- 1
- 3
- 4
Q4. What is the result of running the following lines of code ?
class Points(object):
def __init__(self,x,y):
def print_point(self):
print('x=',self.x,' y=',self.y)
- x=1;
- x=1 y=2
- y=2
Q5. What is the output of the following few lines of code?
for i,x in enumerate(['A','B','C']):
- 1 A
- 2 B
- 3 C
- 0 A
- 1 B
- 2 C
- 0 AA
- 1 BB
- 2 CC
Q6. What is the result of running the following lines of code ?
class Points(object):
def __init__(self,x,y):
def print_point(self):
print('x=',self.x,' y=',self.y)
- x= 1 y=2
- x= A y=2
- x=A, y=B
Q7. Consider the function step, when will the function return a value of 1?
def step(x):
if x>0:
return y
- if x is larger than 0
- if x is equal to or less then zero
- if x is less than zero
Q8. What is the output of the following lines of code?
def do(x):
- 2
- 101
- 102
Python for Data Science, AI & Development Week 04 Quiz Answers
Quiz : Module 4 Graded Quiz Answers
Q1. What is the result of the following lines of code?
- 0
- 1
- array([1,1])
Q2. What is the value of Z after the following code is run?
- array([[1,1],[1,1]])
- array([[1,0],[0,1]])
- array([[0,1],[1,1]])
Q3. What values does the variable out take if the following lines of code are run?
- array([1,0])
- array([1,2])
- array([1,1])
Q4. What is the value of Z after the following code is run?
- array([[2,2],[2,2]])
- array([[2,0],[0,2] ])
- array([[3,2],[2,3]])
Q5. Consider the following text file: Example1.txt:
This is line 1
This is line 2
This is line 3
What is the output of the following lines of code?
with open("Example1.txt","r") as file1:
- This is line 1
- This is line 2
- This is line 3
- This is line 1
- This
Q6. What do the following lines of code do?
with open("Example1.txt","r") as file1:
- Read the file “Example1.txt”
- Write to the file “Example1.txt”
- Append the file “Example1.txt”
Q7. What do the following lines of code do?
with open("Example.txt","a") as writefile:
writefile.write("This is line A\n")
writefile.write("This is line B\n")
- Read the file “Example.txt”
- Append the file “Example.txt”
- Write to the file “Example.txt”
Q8. What task do the following lines of code perform?
with open('Example2.txt','r') as readfile:
with open('Example3.txt','w') as writefile:
for line in readfile:
- Check the mode of the open function for each file object.
- Copy the text from Example2.txt to Example3.txt.
- Print out the content of Example2.txt.
Q9. Consider the dataframe df. How would you access the element in the 1st row 3rd column
- df.iloc[2,0]
- df.iloc[1,3]
- df.iloc[0,2]
Q10. What method gets the unique elements of the following: df[‘Length’] ?
- unique
- head
Python for Data Science, AI & Development Week 05 Quiz Answers
Quiz : Module 5 Graded Quiz Answers
Q1. What are the 3 parts to a response message?
- Start or status line, header, and body
- Bookmarks, history, and security
- Encoding, body, and cache
- HTTP headers, blank line, and body
Q2. What is the purpose of this line of code “table_row=table.find_all(name=’tr’)” used in webscraping?
- It will find all of the data within the table marked with a tag “tr”
- It will find all of the data within the table marked with a tag “h1”
- It will find all of the data within the table marked with a tag “a”
- It will find all of the data within the table marked with a tag “p”
Q3. In what data structure do HTTP responses generally return?
- Tuples
- Nested Lists
- Lists
Q4. The Python library we used to plot the chart in the lab is
- Plotly
- MatPlotLib
- Pandas
- PyCoinGecko
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