Positive Psychology: Martin E. P. Seligman’s Visionary Science Quiz Answers

Welcome to your definitive guide for Positive Psychology: Martin E. P. Seligman’s Visionary Science quiz answers! Whether you’re working through practice quizzes to solidify your understanding or preparing for graded quizzes to test your knowledge, this guide is here to help.

This post covers all course modules and provides insights into Martin Seligman’s pioneering work in positive psychology, including his research on well-being, happiness, and the science behind human flourishing.

Positive Psychology: Martin E. P. Seligman’s Visionary Science Quiz Answers – Practice & Graded Quizzes for All Modules

Positive Psychology: Martin E. P. Seligman’s Visionary Science Module 01 Quiz Answers

Quiz 1: Try This At Home: What Went Well

Q1. Did you try the What Went Well exercise?

  • Yes
  • No

Q2. Once you have completed the What Went Well exercise, please share a key take-away you have about this positive intervention and/or gratitude.

When a human does a exercise early in the morning, he feels active all the day

Quiz 2: Module 1

Q1. Positive Psychology is the scientific study of (select 2)

  • how to be happy all of the time
  • positive interventions
  • neurological disorders
  • well-being

Q2. People who are usually pessimists can learn an optimistic thinking style:

  • TRUE

Q3. Research shows that Positive Psychology interventions (exercises) can:

  • alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression
  • increase positive emotions
  • increase health and well-being
  • all of the above

Q4. Which of the following is true about the “Three Good Things” exercise (writing down three good things that went well today and why they went well)?

This exercise:

  • is a scientifically-proven positive psychology intervention
  • can increase life satisfaction
  • can decrease depression
  • is based on research about gratitude in life
  • all of the above

Q5. Select all of the dimensions of the PERMA theory of well-being from the list below:

  • Meaning
  • Positive Emotions
  • Acceleration
  • Accomplishment
  • Relationships
  • Engagement

Q6. Which of the following thoughts would you expect someone with an optimistic thinking style to have while they are stuck in traffic on the way to an important meeting? Choose three (3).

  • “No one is moving. I’m just going to have to sit here all morning and miss the meeting”.
  • “I haven’t been late to a meeting all year, so they know I am a responsible person.”
  • “If I call my manager now to let her know, she can share my initial feedback before I arrive.”
  • “Now they are all going to hate my ideas for the project and someone else will get to lead it.”
  • “I should have known this was going to happen. Why don’t I ever check the traffic reports?!”
  • “Traffic is getting worse and worse in this city. It’s becoming impossible to be on time”.
  • “Once I get through the next intersection, I can try an alternate route and be there soon.”

Q7. James Pawelski notes that, “basic concerns about what makes life worth living and how to improve it have long been at the center of human attention”. What is one of the most important ways that the development of the field of Positive Psychology has enhanced our exploration of these s?

  • Switching from a negativity bias to an optimism bias.
  • Emphasizing that understanding positive human exprience and functioning is much more important than study and treatment of mental illness.
  • Bringing greater attention to the contributions of historical figures who explored well-being and the good life.
  • Developing and using rigorous, empirical methods of inquiry to study them.

Q8. Which best describes what is meant by the term, ‘positive’ in Positive Psychology?

  • Things that we feel to be positive in the moment.
  • Things that are ethically good.
  • The alleviation of misery and suffering.
  • What makes us flourish.
  • Things that seemed negative in the moment but that we later judge to have been positive.

Q9. Someone with an Optimistic Explanatory Style is likely to explain bad events as:

  • Temporary – This will pass.
  • Uncontrollable – There’s nothing I can do about it.
  • Pervasive – This is going to undermine everything.
  • Personal – It’s me. It’s my fault.
  • Permanent – This will last forever.

Q10. There are numerous theories and conceptions of well-being. Martin Seligman finds it most helpful to operationalize well-being as PERMA. It is true to say about PERMA, that:

  • People value each of the elements differently.
  • Each element can be measured and built.
  • You can measure the well-being of a person, an organization, or a community by how much of their most valued PERMA element they are experiencing.
  • Each element is something that free people choose to pursue for its own sake.
  • All of the above

Positive Psychology: Martin E. P. Seligman’s Visionary Science Module 02 Quiz Answers

Quiz 1: Try This At Home: ACR 1:

Q1. Did you try out Active-Constructive Responding?

  • Yes
  • No

Q2. Once you have completed the Active-Constructive Responding exercise, please share a key take-away you have about this positive intervention.

Active-Constructive Responding exercise, please share a key take-away can make peoples life aumbonitious

Quiz 2: Module 2

Q1. Which best describes what a positive intervention is?

  • The Gratitude or Three Blessings Exercise.
  • Actions that are taken to help people change.
  • A confrontation with a friend or family member to try to stop them from continuing a particular behavior or activity.
  • Activities undertaken to cultivate positive emotions, thoughts or behaviors.

Q2. True of False? All positive interventions are empirically validated.

  • True
  • False

Q3. Which of the following statements does NOT represent the research findings supporting particular positive education initiatives?

  • teachers are rejuvenated.
  • self-discipline is twice as important as IQ for academic achievement.
  • better student attendance
  • improved academic achievement.
  • significantly lower (by ~1/2) rates of depression amongst adolescents who were taught resilience skills during middle school.
  • more satisfied parent community.

Q4. Active-constructive responding (ACR) is designed as a good strategy to use when someone else shares (select 2):

  • a complaint or issue they are having with you.
  • good news with you.
  • one of their three blessings reflections.
  • a problem they would like your help with.

Q5. True or false? Preliminary results from Alejandro Adler’s work within the field of Positive Education demonstrate that the teaching of his well-being and character education program leads to increases in student well-being and that it doesn’t affect student academic performance.

  • True
  • False

Q6. Based on the independent research done on the US Army’s Comprehensive Family and Fitness (CSF2) program, Master Resilience Training:

(Check all that apply.)

  • has been deemed inconclusive.
  • has been mandated for all US Army service members.
  • has been deemed effective.
  • has been reduced in scope.

Q7. Since the beginnings of the field, initiatives in Positive Education:

(Check all that apply.)

  • have become more comprehensive in their approach.
  • have been implemented with larger populations.
  • have particularly been established in US schools.
  • have spread more internationally.

Q8. The first school to try to embed Positive Education across its curriculum and into its culture was:

  • in Bhutan.
  • Geelong Grammar School (Australia).
  • The University of Pennsylvania (USA).
  • St. Peters College, Adelaide (Australia).

Q9. A primary goal of the US Army’s Comprehensive Soldier and Family Fitness programs (CSF2) is to ensure that its servicemen and service women:

  • are as mentally fit as they are physically fit.
  • all of the above.
  • never experience adverse situations.
  • score higher on standardized test scores.

Positive Psychology: Martin E. P. Seligman’s Visionary Science Module 03 Quiz Answers

Quiz 1: Know and Grow Your Strengths

Q1. Did you complete the VIA questionnaire and find out your top 5 signature character strengths?

  • Yes
  • No

Q1. Once you have completed the VIA questionnaire, please share a key take-away you have about your character strengths or character strengths and virtues in general.

I am feeling very much confident because of the this psychology courser, It helps me to overcome come my tension and depression.

Quiz 2: Module 3 Quiz

Q1. According to the research findings, if you are a strong pessimist, you have a higher risk than more optimistic people to:

  • developing cardiovascular disease.
  • smoking a lot and getting lung cancer.
  • early onset dementia
  • none of the above

Q2. Identify which strategies mentioned during this module can help to increase creativity throughout life (Select 3).

  • Reading fiction.
  • Engaging in perspective taking.
  • Imagining and planning the futures of other people.
  • Studying imagination.
  • Developing good relationships.
  • Imagining and planning your personal future.
  • Wearing bright colors.

Q3. Work in the new field of prospection proposes a new explanation of depression. It is that:

  • depression is a disorder of the present.
  • all of the above.
  • depression is a result of people not being mindful enough about their present experience.
  • depression is a disorder of the future.
  • depression is a disorder of the past.

Q4. Research in positive health indicates that (select 2):

  • a healthy mind benefits a healthy body.
  • a healthy body benefits a healthy mind.
  • good character benefits positive health.
  • good health leads to good character

Q5. The concept of prospection proposes that an error in traditional psychology has been:

  • a belief that by asking someone what they plan to do in the future, we can determine many of their past actions.
  • a belief that how someone is living in the present is indicative of their future behavior.
  • a belief that greater well-being is achieved through having clear goals for the future.
  • a belief that by understanding what someone has done in the past, we can predict what they will do in the future.

Q6. A state of ‘positive health’ is best described as:

  • lacking illness or injury.
  • feeling good about your level of health.
  • having tested positive for a particular illness or condition.
  • the presence of health assets.

Q7. Creativity is often defined as a combination of originality and:

  • consideration of future possibilities.
  • producing a lot of work.
  • meaningfulness-usefulness in your daily life.
  • openness to experience.

Q8. An implication of Positive Health is that the medical profession ought to include products and services that focus on:

  • health remediation.
  • disease prevention.
  • health promotion
  • all of the above.

Q9. The Selective Attention Test is an example of how our perception (Select 2):

  • is clever.
  • works just right in every scenario.
  • is faulty.
  • is pessimistic.

Positive Psychology: Martin E. P. Seligman’s Visionary Science Module 04 Quiz Answers

Quiz 1: Try This At Home: Fun vs. Philanthropy

Q1. Did you complete the Fun vs. Philanthropy exercise?

  • Yes
  • No

Q2. Once you have completed the Fun vs. Philanthropy exercise, please share a key take-away you have about this positive intervention.

I am feeling very much confident because of the this psychology courser, It helps me to overcome come my tension and depression.

Quiz 2: Module 4

Q1. There are many burgeoning areas of study and application within the field of Positive Psychology. From the list below, select two areas that were introduced in this module:

  • Positive Health
  • Perspective
  • Big Data
  • Theology

Q2. The use of Big Data in the field of positive psychology research is considered potentially groundbreaking because:

  • it doesn’t require people to fill in a naire.
  • it minimizes self-report error or bias.
  • it can capture data from many people at the same time.
  • research samples can be larger and more diverse.
  • all of the above reasons.

Q3. The overview effect describes:

  • the detrimental effect on the quality of news reporting when it is summarized too greatly.
  • the feeling of awe and wonder that astronauts experience after seeing Earth from above
  • one of the finding in Positive Aging research, where older people can be more creative because of the longer-term perspective they have developed.
  • the process by which Big Data can analyze huge amounts of information at once.

Q4. The primary aim of constructive journalists is to:

  • cover only positive news stories.
  • include solution-focused angles in their stories.
  • find silver-linings within all negative news stories.

Q5. Research shows that people tend to experience higher well-being when they:

  • do something to help another person.
  • plan a day of activities that they find really fun.
  • plan a day that evenly balances their PERMA
  • do something to indulge themselves.

Q6. The projects discussed by Cathrine Gyldensted and Johannes Eichstaedt are oriented towards enhancing the well-being of individuals and communities around the world. In order to avoid the misuse or abuse of these analytical tools, which of these answers do they suggest would be the best?

  • Avoid using research tools, or ban them
  • Carefully think through how we can use existing methods and tools towards positive ends.
  • Consider what regulatory bodies or policies can be put in place to protect people.
  • All of the Above

Q7. The World Well-being Project’s language analysis tool studying Twitter feeds outperforms traditional models in predicting heart disease deaths by county. One hypothesis for what might be a differentiating factor, is:

  • tweets have a limited number of characters.
  • people of higher socio-economic status tend to use Twitter more often.
  • the additional incorporation of positive psychology variables, such as optimism.
  • the analysis is done by a computer.

Q8. From the list below, select two of the seven dimensions of spirituality from David Yaden and Justin McDaniels’ substantive definition:

  • Practices
  • Praise Be
  • Rituals
  • Aspirations

Q9. You have just about reached the end of this course! What are the three most exciting or important things that you will be taking away from it with you?

Your answer cannot be more than 10000 characters.

I am feeling very much confident because of the this psychology courser, It helps me to overcome come my tension and depression.

Q10. What lingering s do you have about Positive Psychology as this course concludes? Share your most burning  or two here.

I am feeling very much confident because of the this psychology courser, It helps me to overcome come my tension and depression.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Are the Positive Psychology: Martin E. P. Seligman’s Visionary Science quiz answers reliable?

Yes, these answers have been verified to ensure accuracy and alignment with the latest course content on Seligman’s contributions to positive psychology.

Can I use these answers for both practice and graded quizzes?

Absolutely! These answers are designed to help you with both practice quizzes and graded assessments, ensuring you’re well-prepared for all quizzes.

Does this guide cover all modules of the course?

Yes, this guide includes answers for every module, ensuring comprehensive coverage for the entire course.

Will this guide help me understand Seligman’s vision of positive psychology better?

Yes, in addition to providing quiz answers, this guide reinforces Seligman’s key ideas on well-being, happiness, and the science of flourishing, offering valuable insights for real-life application.


We hope this guide to Positive Psychology: Martin E. P. Seligman’s Visionary Science quiz answers helps you grasp the foundational concepts of Seligman’s work in positive psychology and enhances your understanding of human flourishing.

Bookmark this page for quick reference and share it with your classmates. Ready to apply Seligman’s vision of well-being and ace your quizzes? Let’s dive in!

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