All Weeks Design Thinking for Innovation Coursera Quiz Answers
Design Thinking for Innovation Week 1 Quiz Answers
Quiz 1: Peer Review Practice
Q1. How would you score the example’s challenge description?
- 3) The example provides a detailed description of the author’s challenge including all relevant information
- 2) The example describes the author’s challenge including some information
- 1) The example does not sufficiently describe the author’s challenge
Q2. How would you score the example’s tool selection description?
- 3) The example provides a detailed description of the selected tool including all relevant information (e.g., what it is and why the author selected it for his/her challenge — including any appropriate video lecture references)
- 2) The example describes the selected tool including some information (e.g., what it is and why the author selected it for his/her challenge — including any appropriate video lecture references)
- 1) The example does not sufficiently describe the selected tool
Q3. How would you score the example’s tool application description?
- 3) The example provides a detailed description of applying the selected tool including all relevant information (e.g., what the author did and how the tool was applied effectively/ineffectively)
- 2) The example describes applying the selected tool including some information (e.g., what the author did and how the tool was applied effectively/ineffectively)
- 1) The example does not sufficiently describe applying the selected tool
Q4. How would you score the example’s insight description?
- 3) The example provides a detailed description of the insight gained including all relevant information (e.g., how an insight affected the author’s thinking about his/her challenge and about design thinking more broadly)
- 2) The example describes the insight gained by including some information (e.g., how an insight affected the author’s thinking about his/her challenge and about design thinking more broadly)
- 1) The example does not sufficiently describe the insight gained by the author
Q5. How would you score the example’s approach description?
- 3) The example provides a detailed description of an alternative approach including all relevant information (e.g., applying the same selected tool or a different one and the reason(s) why)
- 2) The example describes an alternative approach including some information (e.g., applying the same selected tool or a different one and the reason(s) why)
- 1) The example does not sufficiently describe an alternative approach
Q6. How would you score the example’s overall organization?
- 3) The example is clear, compelling, and succinct; descriptions flow logically
- 2) The example is an appropriate length; some descriptions are unclear or do not flow logically
- 1) The example is either underdeveloped or overly wordy; descriptions are unclear or difficult to follow
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