Critical Thinking Skills for the Professional Coursera Quiz Answers

All Week Critical Thinking Skills for the Professional Coursera Quiz Answers

Week 1: Critical Thinking Skills for the Professional Coursera Quiz Answers

Quiz 1: Identifying Problems Quiz

Question 1: Why do problems go unsolved?

[expand title=View Answer] People create quick fixes so they can avoid the problem for a while.[/expand]

Question 2: Which of these approaches do we need to solve problems?

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Question 3

[expand title=View Answer]
1. When miscommunication happens
2. When goals are unclear

Question 4

Why do problems resurface? (Check all that apply).

[expand title=View Answer]
1.When the solution didn’t include all stakeholders.
2.Because they are not solved or eliminated, to begin with.

Question 5

What is the best way to respond to a problem?

[expand title=View Answer] Assume responsibility and talk with someone about a long-term solution. [/expand]

Quiz 2: Problem-Solving Steps Quiz

Question 1: Which of these is Step 6?

[expand title=View Answer] Prepare & Recommend [/expand]

Question 2: Which of these questions are part of identifying the problem? (Select all that apply).

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1.What’s my role in the problem?
2.When is the problem happening?
3.Why is it happening?

Question 3: Why is it important to acknowledge your role in the problem? (Select all that apply.)

[expand title=View Answer]
1.Because people are more willing to work with a person who accepts responsibility.
2.Because I may not have recognized it before.

Question 4: Why is reframing the problem into a goal-oriented question so important? (Select all that apply).

[expand title=View Answer]
1.Because it defines a clear path to brainstorming.
2.Gets everyone aligned and in agreement.

Question 5: Does the reframe step need to include all those involved in the problem? (Select all that apply.)

[expand title=View Answer]
1.Yes, because everyone should get clear on what the new goal is.
2.Yes, because it creates buy-in on the eventual solution.

Question 6: Which one of these is a Reframed Goal Oriented Question?

[expand title=View Answer]What can we do to ensure that everyone remains engaged in meetings so we can all be more productive? [/expand]

Week 2: Critical Thinking Skills for the Professional Coursera Quiz Answers

Quiz 1: Module 2 Quiz

Question 1: During a brainstorming session about how to have more consistent communication among the team, Sally suggested having a 1 hour response time to emails. Susan said that would be hard to do given all the meetings she has throughout the day. Then Susan suggested a 24-hour response time instead. And Sally said that was a good idea.

Who violated the “non-judgmental” rule during brainstorming?

[expand title=View Answer] Susan Only[/expand]

Question 2: John was intrigued with the idea of brainstorming more than 1 idea since his idea seemed to make the best sense. As other ideas came to the group, the team really got engaged and seemed to come together. At the end of the session, Johns’s idea had launched so many more detailed suggestions that would make a difference for the success of the solution.

Why was it important that the team continued brainstorming, even though they landed on his first idea? (Check all that apply).

[expand title=View Answer]
1.The team now has more buy-in to the solution which will help solve the issue.
2.It proved to the team once and for all that John always had the best ideas.

Question 3: Jean was leading a group brainstorming for her office and allowed some people to put down some of the ideas. After that the group seemed to shut down and no one wanted to voice any new solutions.

What is this called?

[expand title=View Answer] Stifling[/expand]

Question 4: Laney wanted help from her team on solving a supply room issue and asked for some suggestions. The 4 others on the team said they had their own issues that they would also like some help on. Each team member wrote down the problem on a piece of paper and they rotated the paper, each writing down a suggestion. When they got their own paper back, each person had 4 suggestions.

What are the benefits of this brainstorming process? (Check all that apply).

[expand title=View Answer]
1.All ideas were shared without judgment.
2.All ideas were documented without having to take notes.

Question 5: Why is it important to choose at least 3 solutions before deciding?

[expand title=View Answer]
1.Because there may be extenuating circumstances that could sabotage your first solution.
2.All options are important.
3.Because there may not be a budget for your favorite solution.

Question 6: Which of these are typical barriers that can indicate disadvantages?

[expand title=View Answer] All of these can be considered barriers. [/expand]

Question 7: During the Advantages and Disadvantages discussion the team realized that none of the solutions they had brainstormed were going to work. In fact, they realized they were solving the wrong problem to begin with.

What should they do next? (Check all that apply).

[expand title=View Answer]
1.Go back to Step 1 Problem ID.
2.Go back to Step 3 Brainstorming.

Question 8: Joaquin and his team spent most of the meeting discussing how they were going to cut their budget and add more staff to complete the project mandated by the new guidelines. After they brainstormed a couple of ideas, they landed on a solution. Joaquin wrapped up the meeting and headed off to Stephanie to run it past her for approval. Stephanie asked if people would accept that idea and what pushback could result. She also asked if anyone might have a negative reaction. Then she asked if it still seemed like a good solution. Needless to say, Joaquin went back to the team for more ideas.

What steps did Joaquin skip?

[expand title=View Answer]
1.He skipped all of these steps.
3.Prepare & Recommend
4.Choose 3

Question 9: Marisela was excited that the team wanted her opinion on how to solve the space issue in the office. She suggested that they look at the suite next door to see if it might work for the group. When Bernard said it was too expensive, Marisela said, how do you know that? What’s the budget? I bet I could get a better price because I know the owner. Bernard shrugged and said, “Whatever, it’s a waste of time.”

What went wrong?

[expand title=View Answer]No one was facilitating to ensure that everyone was remaining non-judgmental, which stopped the flow of ideas. [/expand]

Question 10: Which of these tools can help you facilitate a great group brainstorming session? (Check all that apply).

[expand title=View Answer]
1.Flip charts, post-its and markers.
3.Large conference room with glass walls for post-its.

Week 3: Critical Thinking Skills for the Professional Coursera Quiz Answers

Quiz: Module 3 Quiz

Question 1: Latisha was presenting her idea about how to solve the staffing problem and her boss Ashima said that had been tried before with no improvement. Ashima suggested they go another way and Latisha said with a raised voice, “We’ve tried that too, and I think if we don’t try my idea, we’re going to have a much bigger issue, worse than we have ever seen, and this problem will never go away!”

What kind of response was Latisha exhibiting to Ashima’s feedback?

[expand title=View Answer] Catastrophizing [/expand]

Question 2: Vikas was excited to share the team’s idea for solving the budget cuts impact. His team had not only come up with a plan that worked with the new budget, but they actually came up with ideas that would improve current processes for more efficiency. When he finished presenting the new plan to the department’s management team, the team asked if they had considered the overall goals of the organization. Although Vikas thought the answer was obvious, he shared the intricacies of how the plan did, indeed, meet the goals.

What kind of response did Vikas exhibit to the management team’s feedback?

[expand title=View Answer]Calm and collected [/expand]

Question 3: Which of these responses should be AVOIDED when receiving feedback?

[expand title=View Answer] We spent a lot of time brainstorming, and this is the only solution that could possibly solve this problem.[/expand]

Question 4: Check all the statements that demonstrate appropriate “BE” responses to feedback.

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1.We considered that and here was our rationale around the advantages and disadvantages of that approach.
2.We didn’t consult that department, Who should we talk to about this?

Question 5: When giving feedback on a solution, which of these statements helps facilitate future problem-solving efforts? (Check all that apply).

[expand title=View Answer]
1.That’s an interesting idea, would you mind explaining your rationale a bit?
2.Go for it, thanks for working on that. I look forward to your suggestions in the future.

Question 6: When giving feedback on a solution, which of these statements stifles future problem-solving efforts? (Check all that apply).

[expand title=View Answer]
1.Why didn’t you talk to Joe about this since he’s the one with the problem?
2.That’s a terrible idea what made you think that would work?

Question 7: Aiko tasked Riker to deal with the break room refrigerator which was full of old food and had gotten quite dirty. When Riker suggested that everyone take away all their own food on Fridays and hire a monthly cleaning service, Aiko preferred a solution that didn’t involve paying a company to clean.

[expand title=View Answer] I like the idea of everyone taking responsibility for their own food on Fridays, but there’s no way I’m paying for a service to clean. [/expand]

Question 8: Gabriella and Rafael have been working together for a very short time. When they were tasked to work together and come up with a solution for improving the intake process, the first steps they should take are…

[expand title=View Answer]Do some research and find out more about the problems that currently exist around the intake process including who, what, when, where, why, & how. [/expand]

Question 9: Irina and Lada couldn’t figure out why there were so many errors in the monthly report. After they did a detailed analysis of the problem, they uncovered that there were 2 employees who had been entering data incorrectly. They established that the goal was to get all employees to enter data correctly. They decided to retrain all 10 employees on the correct way to enter the data which would be time-consuming and costly, but at least everyone would be on the same page.

[expand title=View Answer] Take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of each idea before deciding what to do.[/expand]


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