3D Printing Hardware Coursera Quiz Answers – Networking Funda

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Week 01: 3D Printing Hardware Coursera Quiz Answers

Quiz 02: Practice Quiz 1.1

Q1. What kind of 3D printer uses a powder as a material to print with?

Powder bed fusion

Q2. This kind of 3D printer uses a liquid to create a 3D object

Stereo Lithography (SLA)

Q3. Who started the RepRap movement?

Adrian Bowyer

Q4. This is the most popular type of desktop 3D printer today.

Fused Filament Fabrication

Q5. How long has 3D printing been around?

30+ years

Q6. 3D printer kits always have excellent directions to assemble.


Q7. FFF 3D printers use what material to print with?


Quiz 03: Practice Quiz 1.2

Q1. What are the key components of an SLA printer?

A and C

Q2. What is the advantage of an SLA printer?

Higher resolution

Q3. What do you often trade-off when considering budget printers?

Advanced features

Q4. Which of these is not a common class of 3D printer?


Q5. Where might you find options to 3D print without owning a 3D printer?

3.Local enthusiast group
4.All of the above

Quiz 03:Module 1

Q1. Operator A says that 3D printers can print anything, and Operator B says they can only print in specific materials. Which one is correct?

Operator B

Q2. When considering a kit printer vs a pre-built machine, what considerations should you make in this choice that are critical in the comparison?

1.How much time it takes to build the kit
2.What kind of motion system they use
3.Shipping Costs

Q3. According to the lectures, which of these is a critical point to consider when looking to purchase a machine for professional/institutional use?

Will the company be around to provide support in the future

Q4. Person A says that the RepRap movement is largely the reason we have desktop 3D printers today, Person B says, desktop 3D printers were developed by large companies to enter new markets.

Person A

Q5. Operator A says budget 3D printers are the best option for cost, Operator B says Budget 3D printers have limitations and often don’t offer any typeof troubleshooting or support.

Operator B

Q6. Select the components of a 3D printer that allow it to create a part.

1.Build Platform
2.Tool Head

Q7. Operator A says, building a kit 3D printer is an excellent choice because when you build it you learn the ins and outs of the machine and it can be easier to work with, Operator B says professional desktop machines are an excellent choice because they provide documentation and support to troubleshoot issues with.

Both Operators A and B

Q8. What is the reason why 3D printing has not become ubiquitous in the world today?

The mass market didn’t all have the needs

Q9. What opportunities do service bureaus offer that most 3D printing users not have the ability to do

1.Exotic Materials
2.Large build volumes

Q10. Which of these terms are synonymous with one another?

Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) and Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF)

Week 02: 3D Printing Hardware Coursera Quiz Answers

Quiz 02: Practice Quiz 2.1

Q1. Which of the following is not one of the subsystems discussed in this module?


Q2. The interactive interface is used to do what type of actions?

Select processes on the printer

Q3. Desktop 3D printers are as simple to operate as a standard color paper printer


Quiz 02: Practice Quiz 2.2

Q1. What are some of the important areas to familiarize yourself with in your interactive interface?

1.How to cancel a print
2.How to start a print
3.How to calibrate the printer
4.All of the above

Q2. What are some of the more modern 3D printers used for displays?


Q3. What is firmware?

The interactive interface menu system

Quiz 02: Practice Quiz 2.

Q1. What is the standard coordinate system used in 3D printing?


Q2. What is the main purpose of the endstops?

Establish an initial position (home)

Q3. What kind of print bed has the ability to print any size object in 1 direction?


Quiz 03: Module 2 Quiz

Q1. What menu option is the most logical to use when a print is failing?

Abort Print

Q2. A 3D Printer controller board will take inputs from which sensors in order to control the motion system?

1. Endstops
2. Thermistor

Q3. When the Control System is sending signals to the rest of the machine to begin a print, why doesn’t the machine just turn the heater on permanently til temp is reached?

To allow the sensor data to provide feedback while heating

Q4. Operator A says PID controls are used to provide feedback to the printer so it can monitor itself while printing.  Operator B says you can tune PID controls on a printer if you want to work with new materials.  Which is correct? 

Both Operators A and B

Q5. Operator A says the firmware is the software that interprets the gcode and gives instructions to the printer, Operator B says most 3D printers today operate on 32-bit processors to keep up with the demands of high-speed printing. Which is correct?

Operator B

Q6. Which of the following is what processes the gcode into coordinate values?


Q7. What shape is a Delta printer’s build envelope?


Q8. Operator A says the build envelope is smaller than the interior of the machine because manufacturers want to limit your part size.  Operator B says it’s because they have to compensate for the motion system’s physical size.  Which is correct?

Both Operators A and B

Q9. How does the firmware compensate for the type of machine you use (cartesian, delta, polar, etc.)?

It uses an algorithm to change gcode into the appropriate steps of the motor

Q10. Which of these are outputs that the control system operates?

1.Hotend fan
2.Y Stepper Motor

Week 03: 3D Printing Hardware Coursera Quiz Answers

Quiz 01: Practice Quiz 3.1

Q1. What type of extrusion system uses a stepper motor housed on the tool head?

Direct Drive

Q2. The Hot End contains the following things

1.Hot Zone
2.Cold Zone
5.All of the above

Q3. The PID loop in the hotend controls what?

The moderation of temperature

Q4. What is the most common nozzle size and material in 3D printing?

.4mm Brass

Q5. Why is active cooling important in 3D printing?

It allows certain materials to quickly stabilize and hold their position in a 3D space

Q6. What feature of a build plate is most commonly used and versatile in desktop 3D printing?

Heated Build Plate

Quiz 02 : Practice Quiz 3.2

Q1. What is the most commonly used material in desktop 3D printing?


Q2. What types of plastics are not used in desktop 3D printing?


Q3. What are some considerations for 3D printing equipment when looking to print Polycarbonate or Nylon?


Quiz 03: Module 3 Quiz

Q1. What advantage does a Bowden extrusion system have over direct drive?

Lower mass on the tool head

Q2. Operator A says the hotend is going to heat up the filament above the glass transition temperature of the material.  Operator B says the hotend is going to heat it up to the melting point of the material. 

Operator B

Q3. The purpose of the heat break is to

Prevent heat creep into the cold end

Q4. Why would anyone consider using a larger nozzle size than the standard .4mm

1.Print faster
2.Print new materials

Q5. When considering materials you are printing with, why is active cooling not always used? 

1.Some materials warp from cooling
2.Some materials are printed cold

Q6. Why is build plate surface preparation and materials so important for desktop 3D printing?

The part being printed needs to stay firmly planted on the building plate

Q7. What material is best suited for mechanical functional parts on a non-enclosed printer?


Q8. User A says that PLA is perfectly fine to use in a hot environment. User B says it would be better to use PETG or ABS.  Which user is correct? 

User B

Q9. If you were to make a part that had to be very durable and strong what material would be the best option? 


Q10. User A says using a larger nozzle like .6mm would make your prints take less time. User B says using a .6mm nozzle would give your model less detail.  Which user is correct?

User A

Week 04: 3D Printing Hardware Coursera Quiz Answers

Quiz 01: Practice Quiz 4.1

Q1. After a digital design is created, what is the next step in the process before you can print it?

Put the digital design into a slicer

Q2. Which of the following best describes a mesh file?

A file that describes the surface geometry of an object by using polygons to represent the surfaces

Q3. What type of file format should I export if I want to print a multi-color object?


Quiz 02: Practice Quiz 4.2

Q1. Which of these is the most commonly used and largest database of downloadable 3D models? 


Q2. Which is the most logical progression of a digital file?

Model>Export>Slice>Job File

Q3. Which type of mesh file contains surface geometry and color data for printing in a single file?


Quiz 03: Module 4 Quiz

Q1. Which of these is a repository for finding 3D printable models? 


Q2. Why don’t unsupported overhangs print well?

Without support, the molten plastic will droop

Q3. User A says a Job File will only provide instructions to the printer on what to do, User B says that a Job File is only produced by using a slicing software.  Which of these two users is correct?

User B

Q4. What must you do with a 3D scanned file to 3D print it? 

Translate the file into a mech surface geometry file 

Q5. If you download a file from Thingiverse, what is the next step you would take to 3D print it? 

Import it into a slicer

Q6. Operator A says a Multicolor desktop printer can use an OBJ file to print with multiple colors, Operator B says a multi-color desktop printer uses multiple STL files.  Which Operator is correct? 

Operator B

Q7. When a digital design is being created what considerations should you be thinking about for 3D printing? 

1.Strength in the XY plane
3.Printing speed
4.All of the above

Q8. What does the job file have to do with the subsystems of a 3D printer? 

The job file and slicer both talk to the printer to tell it what to do

Q9. Which change in the slicer will lower the time to print an object the most? 

Lowering the infill from 20% to 10% 

Q10. What impact does infill type and percentage have on a print?

1. More infill means the part will be stronger
2. More infill means it will print slower
3. Infill type can make a part stronger or weaker
4. All of the above

Week 05: 3D Printing Hardware Coursera Quiz Answers

Quiz 01: Practice Quiz 5.1

Q1. Why is keeping the box from the printer a good idea? 

Easier to ship it back if there is a defect 

Q2. Which of these is not a common 1st time print challenge? 

Print needed supports

Q3. What is the “hello world” print? 

A print that says the words “Hello World” 

Quiz 02: Practice Quiz 5.2

Q1. Which is not a type of bed leveling system? 

Self Leveling

Q2. Which is the most common type of leveling system on a 3D printer? 

Manual Leveling 

Q3. Why is having a routine checklist important?

1.Lowers risk of a failed print 
2.Lowers the need for maintenance 
3.Improves print speed 


Quiz 03: Module 5 Quiz

Q1. Operator A says that 3D printer bearings don’t have any excessive load so they don’t need to be lubricated aside from when the factory does it.  Operator B says you should lubricate rails every month to properly maintain the machine.  Who is correct? 

Operator B 

Q2. What is the most common failure that a new 3D printer user and machine might experience? 

Parts won’t stick to the build plate 

Q3. What is the most logical thing to do before starting a long print?

Make sure there is enough filament 

Q4. When you see this, what does that mean for the nozzle to build plate distance?

The nozzle is too far from the build plate 

Q5. If your bed leveling is not correct, what implications can that have on the part you are building? 

1. Inaccurate tolerances 
2. Part comes loose from the bed 
3. Difficulty removing the part from the bed after printing 
4. All of the above

Q6. When you hear popping sounds when printing what is this an indication of?

The filament has too much moisture

Q7. Which is true about storing filament properly? 

It should be stored it in a ziplock bag with desiccant 

Q8. After prolonged use what is a common item to check to ensure proper printing? 

Belt tension 

Q9. If you print the “hello world” print and the part fails on a brand new printer, which is likely the culprit? 

The bed is not properly leveled 

Q10. Operator A says when printing you should always watch a printer since they often fail randomly, Operator B says if the first few layers are successful the chances of a successful print are high.  Which is correct?

Operator B 

Week 06: 3D Printing Hardware Coursera Quiz Answers

Quiz 01: Practice Quiz 6.1

Q1. After starting a print it is best practice to. 

Watch the first layer 

Q2. When prints are finished for functional use what would be an appropriate measure of success? 

Accuracy of the part 

Q3. After the print is done and you have removed your part you should 

Clear off any remnants of printed material from the build plate 

Quiz 02: Practice Quiz 6.2

Q1. When sanding a part to achieve a high-quality finish, you should

Hand sand


Q2. Sanding parts to a very smooth finish should 

Start with dry sanding and end with wet sanding

Q3. Assembly of printed parts can be done by using 

4.All of the above 

Quiz 03: Module 6 Quiz

Q1. If the first layer is sparsely printed what is the best course of action? 

Pause the print and take a closer look

Q2. When a part is complete and you are inspecting it, what could be a potential issue if you find the part has warped from the print bed? 

B and C 
  • The material had too much moisture 
  • The bed was not properly level 
  • The bed was not properly prepped
  • A and B 
  • B and C 
  • A and C

Q3. Before starting a new print what should you check pertaining to the build surface? 

1.It is free from previous print material 
2.It is properly prepped with glue or other surface treatments if needed 
3.It is properly secured in place 
4.All of the above 

Q4. Why should you keep sanding speeds low when finishing a 3D-printed part? 

To prevent the material from changing color 

Q5. When finishing a 3D printed part, what is the recommended finishing grit sandpaper? 

1000 grit

Q6. Operator A says you can use Super Glue on any printed part. Operator B says some materials don’t bond well with Super Glue and you should use epoxy resins instead.  Which operator is correct? 

Operator B 

Q7. What are common modifications to a 3D printer to help print large structures quickly? 

2.Larger Nozzle 
3.Flexible print surface

Q8. Operator A runs a printing service with 50 printers.  They have to lubricate the bearings once every 2 weeks on a routine schedule.  Operator B runs a single printer at home for 20 hours a week and they say they lubricate their bearings every month.  Who has the correct approach? 

Operator A 

Q9. What is the most appropriate location to find information on how to take apart your printer’s extruder? 

The manufacturer’s website

Q10. Operator A is having difficulty printing with nylon. They say the prints warp frequently.  Operator B has perfect nylon prints and they say they just added a larger nozzle, an enclosure, and a new extruder to their machine.  Which modification has made the most significant impact on printing nylon for Operator B? 

None it was done in the slicer

We trust that this video, offering “3D Printing Hardware Coursera Quiz Answers,” has been a valuable asset on your educational journey into the world of 3D printing hardware. Understanding the hardware is a foundational step in mastering the art and science of 3D printing.

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