Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) Quiz Answers

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Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) Quiz Answers

Module 1 – Graded Quiz: Introduction to CI/CD week 1 quiz answer

Q1. What is Continuous Delivery (CD)?

An automation process with which you can continuously push changes to production

Q2. Which component of a DevOps pipeline consists exclusively of the Release, Deploy, and Operate phases?

Continuous Delivery

Q3. Which aspect of development is reduced by using Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)?

Integration risk

Q4. What is an important consideration when using DevOps pipeline tools?

That the tools automate processes

Q5. Which tool is a hosted Continuous Integration (CI) service that helps developers build and test software projects hosted on GitHub and Bitbucket?

Provide instructions in a textual format like YAML.

Q6. Which Infrastructure as Code (IaC) approach requires you to define the specific order of commands needed to achieve the desired state?


Q7. Which file type contains a list of servers or devices that an Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool uses to provision infrastructure?


Q8. What is the benefit of Infrastructure as Code (IaC)?

Improved use of developers’ time

Q9. Which Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool uses a declarative, or automatic, approach with a pre-execution check to ensure that the tool achieves the desired result?


Module 2 – Graded Quiz: Continuous Integration (CI)

Q1. What is one benefit of Continuous Integration (CI)?

CI ensures that the main branch is always deployable.

Q2. Why does Continuous Integration (CI) reduce code integration risk?

CI involves smaller code changes that are easier to review.

Q3. What is the first step of social coding?

Fork the repo, create a branch, and make changes.

Q4. Why is Git valuable for DevOps?

It enables non-linear collaboration.

Q5. When starting development on a new feature for a Git project, what should you do first?

Check out the main branch.

Q6. In the pull request workflow, what should you do after pulling changes from the main branch to your local workspace?

Merge the changes into the local branch.

Q7. With Travis CI, what type of file must you use to define the instructions for your Continuous Integration (CI) pipeline?


Q8. What does a job do in a GitHub Actions workflow?

It performs a single low-level task.

Q9. What is one keyword you can use to set up a GitHub Actions event?


Q10. In GitHub Actions, what does the ‘needs’ keyword do?

It lists jobs that must run before the job with this keyword.

Module 3 – Graded Quiz: Continuous Delivery (CD)

Q1. What is the benefit of Continuous Delivery (CD)?

Reduces deployment time

Q2. According to the key principles of Continuous Delivery (CD), what should you do if a build breaks?

Determine how the system failed.

Q3. What is a best practice for Continuous Delivery (CD)?

Use long-lived repository branches when possible.

Q4. Which scanning capability should you have within your Continuous Delivery (CD) pipeline?


Q5. In Tekton, what does TaskRun do?

Creates a Kubernetes pod for each task

Q6. In a Tekton task manifest, what syntax must you use to pass a parameter into a step?


Q7. Which subfield must you include within the spec field of a Tekton EventListener definition?


Q8. Assume you want to use the git-clone task from the Tekton Catalog. You have a Tekton PersistentVolumeClaim named pipelinerun-vc and a PipelineRun defined as follows:

1.apiVersion: PipelineRun
2.metadata: generateName: pipeline-mn-
3.spec: pipelineRef: name: ab-pipeline
4.workspaces: – name: pipeline-xy persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: pipelinerun-vc
5.params: – name: repo-url value: “$(tt.params.repo)”

Q9. In the pipeline’s spec section, what name must you give the workspace so that any tasks that need it can use it?


Q10. Where should you define an environment property that you want to add to a Tekton task?

Task’s steps field

Q11. How can you deploy an application to an environment when using Tekton?

Apply manifests in YAML format.

Final Exam

Q1. Which component of a DevOps pipeline consists exclusively of the Plan, Code, Build, and Test phases?

Continuous Integration

Q2. Which tool is a Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) platform that performs CD deployments and contains workflow definitions inside a YAML file?


Q3. What is one benefit of Infrastructure as Code (IaC)?

Quicker time to production

Q4. Why does Continuous Integration (CI) lead to higher-quality code?

Constant review and testing

Q5. What is social coding?

An open-source approach to enterprise code

Q6. Which Git command should you use to undo a commit to your local repository but keep the changes in the staging area?

git reset –soft

Q7. Assume you are working on a Git project and want to develop a new feature. After pulling all the repository’s latest code to your local workspace, what should you do next?

Create a new branch.

Q8. What does an event do in a GitHub Actions workflow?

Triggers a workflow run

Q9. In GitHub Actions, which keyword is helpful for using the output of one step as the input for another step?


Q10. What is the benefit of Continuous Delivery (CD)?

It reduces the drift between the feature and main branches.

Q11. According to the key principles of Continuous Delivery (CD), what should developers spend their time on?

Solving coding problems

Q12. What is the best practice for Continuous Delivery (CD)?

Release at the granularity of the test.

Q13. In Tekton, what does TriggerBinding do?

It captures the required event parameters for running the pipeline.

Q14. In a Tekton task manifest, what is one way to pass a parameter to a task?

List the parameter name as a step argument.

Q15. Assume you have four Tekton tasks within a pipeline: task-a, task-b, task-c, and task-d. How could you make task-a and task-b run in parallel?

Include the runAfter field in both tasks and then specify task-c as the value for both runAfter fields.
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