Introduction to Test Driven Development (TDD) Quiz Answers

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Week 01: Introduction to Test-Driven Development (TDD) Quiz Answers

Quiz 01:  Introduction to Testing

Q1. At which level of the software testing process do developers test an individual component of the system?

Unit testing

Q2. During traditional release, what is the best environment to do performance testing?


Q3. Behavior-driven development (BDD) focuses on the behavior of the system as observed from which perspective?

The outside

Q4. Test-driven development (TDD) has which of the following advantages?

TDD keeps developers focused on the code’s purpose.

Q5. Why do developers use test cases?

To ensure the code’s functionality

Quiz 02: Introduction to Testing

Q1. Which aspects of your code can you test?

All aspects that you do and do not know of

Q2. After cloning a new repository for a project on which you will work, what should be your next step?

Test the code.

Q3. Testing has which of the following benefits for development?

Reduces development time

Q4. At which level of the software testing process do developers combine individual units and test them as a group?

Integration testing

Q5. In the software testing process, what is the purpose of acceptance-level testing?

Assess system compliance with business requirements.

Q6. During the traditional release cycle, in which environment do developers perform unit testing?


Q7. Behavior-driven development (BDD) has which of the following advantages?

BDD keeps developers focused on the code’s purpose.

Q8. Test-driven development (TDD) focuses on how the system works as observed from which perspective?

The outside

Q9. Why do developers need both test-driven development (TDD) and behavior-driven development (BDD)?

TDD and BDD complement each other in the development process.

Q10. What purpose do test cases serve?

Identify bugs in the code

Week 02: Introduction to Test-Driven Development (TDD) Quiz Answers

Quiz 01 : Methods for Test-Driven Development

Q1. Which of the following features is available in Nose but missing in Unittest?

Running coverage automatically

Q2. What is an assertion?

A statement that evaluates to either True or False

Q3. Which of the following PyUnit assertions is useful for testing whether an object passed into it is the correct type returned from a function call?


Q4. What is the purpose of using happy paths in testing?

Ensure that functions produce the expected output.

Q5. Why do developers use test fixtures?

Establish a known initial state for testing.

Q6. Developers use test fixtures for which of the following situations?

Loading a database with a known data set

Q7. What are the three levels of specificity at which test fixtures can operate?

Unit, integration, and system

Quiz 02:  Methods for Test-Driven Development

Q1. In the basic workflow for test-driven development (TDD), what happens in the second step?

Write the program code.


Q2. To create a DevOps pipeline, which type of testing must developers use for all testing?

Automated testing

Q3. Which of the following Python testing frameworks is built into Python?


Q4. Which of the following commands can developers use to invoke Python with the unit test module and to run all the tests in the test folder?

python -m unittest discover

Q5. Which of the following features is available in Nose but missing in Unittest?

Adding color coding to test output

Q6. In which of the following ways do testing frameworks help developers build assertions?

Testing frameworks provide tools that simplify testing conditions.

Q7. What purpose do assertions serve in testing?

Determining if tests have passed or failed

Q8. What is the purpose of using sad paths in testing?

Verify that functions respond to exceptions appropriately.

Q9. Test fixtures provide which of the following benefits for testing?

Repeatable results

Q10. PyUnit provides six test fixtures. Assume you include all six in a test module. Which of the following sequences shows the order in which the test runner will execute the first three test fixtures?

setUpModule, tearDownModule, setUpClass

Week 03: Introduction to Test-Driven Development (TDD) Quiz Answers

Quiz 01: Advanced Methods for Test-Driven Development

Q1. What is test coverage?

The percentage of lines of code executed during testing

Q2. Why is continued testing important even at 100% test coverage?

To find additional bugs

Q3. When generating fakes in Python, what is one purpose for using the Meta class inside the factory?

Indicates the model class for which the factory will create fakes

Q4. Which of the following is a method for mocking?

Functional call patch

Q5. Which of the following is a patching technique available in Python’s mock library?

Patching a function’s return value

Quiz 02: Advanced Methods for Test-Driven Development

Q1. Why is high test coverage valuable for development?

Increases the likelihood that the code works as expected

Q2. Fake data is more practical to use than real data in which of the following testing situations?

When testing requires only a small set of test data

Q3. When generating fakes in Python, what is one purpose for using the Meta class inside the factory?

Provides information describing the purpose and number of fakes

Q4. How do developers test fakes generated by a factory?

Developers test fakes just like real objects.

Q5. What is mocking?

A process for creating fake objects that mimic the behavior of real objects

Q6. Developers should use mocking for which of the following purposes?

Isolate their tests from external systems

Q7. When patching, developers change the behavior of which of the following testing items?

Function call

Q8. For which of the following situations is it useful to patch return values with data?

Testing objects with method calls

Q9. Mock objects are useful in testing for which of the following reasons?

Mock objects can behave like real objects.

Q10. In Python, how do you make a Mock object mimic a specific real object?

Specify the name of the real object in the spec parameter.

Week 04: Introduction to Test-Driven Development (TDD) Quiz Answers

Quiz 01: Final Exam

Q1. Which of the following statements is a key principle of testing?

You can only test for the factors that you know.

Q2. Testing has which of the following benefits for development?

Improves code quality

Q3. At which level of the software testing process do developers test the entire software process?

System testing

Q4. What is the purpose of integration testing?

Expose flaws in the interaction between components

Q5. Behavior-driven development (BDD) ensures which of the following for developers?

Identifying the code’s purpose

Q6. In the basic workflow for test driven development (TDD), what happens in the third step?

Write the program code.

Q7. In which Python testing framework can you use nearly an infinite number of setup and teardown levels?


Q8. Assume you are using Python and have installed PyUnit, Nose, and Pinocchio. Which of the following commands can you use to perform unit tests and receive color-coded output?

nosetests –with-spec –spec-color

Q9. Which of the following PyUnit assertions is useful for determining if an object is in a result set?


Q10. PyUnit provides six test fixtures. Assume you include all six in a test module. Which of the following sequences shows the order in which the test runner will execute the final three test fixtures?

tearDown, tearDownClass, tearDownModule

Q11. How does a missing test coverage report help developers improve their testing?

Reveals lines of code that need test cases

Q12. When generating fakes in Python, what is one advantage of using the Faker class to generate fake data?

Creates a diverse set of test data

Q13. Developers should use mocking for which of the following purposes?

Isolate their tests from a remote component

Q14. For which of the following purposes is it useful to patch return values with data?

Controlling data returned from a function call

Q15. Developers use mock objects for which of the following purposes?

Mimicking a real object
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