Introduction to Front-End Development Quiz Answer – Networking Funda

All Weeks Introduction to Front-End Development Quiz Answer

Introduction to Front-End Development Week 01 Quiz Answer

Quiz 1: Knowledge Check – How the web works

Q1: In the client/server model, your device is a ____________________.

[expand title=View Answer] Client[/expand]

Q 2: The website address that you type in your web browser to navigate to a website is called a ____________________.

[expand title=View Answer] Domain name [/expand]

Q 3. Servers are typically stored in a building called a ____________________.

[expand title=View Answer] Data Center [/expand]

Q 4. The physical components of a server are called the ____________________.

[expand title=View Answer] Hardware[/expand]

Q 5. The purpose of a web server is to ____________________.

[expand title=View Answer] Receive requests from a web browser and to respond with the correct content for that request [/expand]

Q 6. True or False. A website can consist of multiple web pages linked together.

[expand title=View Answer] True [/expand]

Q 7. The links you click on in your web browser are known as ____________________.

[expand title=View Answer] Hyperlinks [/expand]

Q 8. Which of these are the 3 main technologies of the web browser? Select all that apply.

[expand title=View Answer]


Q 9. When you run a website on the cloud, the website is restricted to one physical server.

[expand title=View Answer] False [/expand]

Quiz 2: Knowledge Check – The Web and the Internet

Q 1. When sending a message to another computer, the source and destination are specified using ________________.

[expand title=View Answer] an IP Address [/expand]

Q 2. Which of the following are valid IP addresses? Select all that apply.

[expand title=View Answer] [/expand]

Q 3. When using TCP, data can arrive out of order.

[expand title=View Answer]False [/expand]

Q 4. Which of the following are valid HTTP methods? Select all that apply.

[expand title=View Answer]

Q 5. HTML describes the structure and content of a web page.

[expand title=View Answer] True [/expand]

Q 6 When you type a website address (for example, in your web browser, which protocol is used to find the IP address of the website?

[expand title=View Answer] Domain Name System Protocol (DNS) [/expand]

Q 7. A web application is more ________________ compared to a website.

[expand title=View Answer] Interactive[/expand]

Quiz 3: Self Review: Examine the Page

Q 1. What is the value of the ID attribute for the Little Lemon logo?

[expand title=View Answer] logo1 [/expand]

Quiz 4: Knowledge Check – Core Internet Technologies

Q 1. Which of the following can be done using the developer tools in your browser? Select all that apply.

[expand title=View Answer]
Inspect the HTML elements of a web page.

Check JavaScript error logs.

Inspect a timeline of HTTP requests and responses

Inspect the performance and memory usage of a webpage.

Q 2. In software development, a library provides _________________________.

[expand title=View Answer] Reusable pieces of code that can be used by your application.[/expand]

Q 3. In software development, an API is _________________________.

[expand title=View Answer]a set of functions that an application component or service can provide. [/expand]

Q 4. Which of the following are benefits of using an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) such as Visual Studio Code? Select all that apply.

[expand title=View Answer]
Syntax Highlighting

Error Highlighting



Quiz 5: Module Quiz: Get started with Web Development

Q 1. When two computers connect directly to each other, this forms ______________

[expand title=View Answer]a Network [/expand]


Q 2 .The programs that run on a computer are called the ______________.

[expand title=View Answer] Software [/expand]

Q 3.The structure of a web page is defined using ______________.

[expand title=View Answer]HTML [/expand]

Q 4 .The style of a web page is defined using ______________.

[expand title=View Answer] CSS [/expand]

Q 5. Computers communicate with each other using which protocol?

[expand title=View Answer] Internet Protocol [/expand]

Q 6. To communicate with another computer on a network, your computer sends a message called an __________________.

[expand title=View Answer] IP Packet[/expand]

Q 7. The web browser and web server use which protocol to transfer data?

[expand title=View Answer] HTTP [/expand]

Q 8. In software development, a framework provides a structure for developers to build an application.

[expand title=View Answer] True [/expand]

Q 9. As a developer, it is best to use a _____________ to write and maintain code.

[expand title=View Answer] Integrated Development Environment [/expand]

Q 10. In software development, an API is a set of functions that an application component or service can provide.

[expand title=View Answer]True [/expand]

Introduction to Front-End Development Week 02 Quiz Answer

Quiz 1: Knowledge Check – Getting started with HTML

Q 1. An HTML document begins with ______________.

[expand title=View Answer] The DOCTYPE declaration [/expand]

Q 2.To display a link to another HTML document, the ______________ tag is used.

[expand title=View Answer] anchor (a) [/expand]

Q 3. To add an image to a webpage, the ______________ tag is used.

[expand title=View Answer] img [/expand]

Q 4 .To represent the HTML document in JavaScript, the browser builds _____________.

[expand title=View Answer] Document Object Model [/expand]

Q 5. Which of the following answer choices improves web accessibility for people with disabilities? Select all that apply.

[expand title=View Answer]
Correct HTML structure

Accessible Rich Internet Application (ARIA) techniques

Appropriate use of HTML elements

Quiz 2: Knowledge check: CSS basics

Q 1: To reference a CSS file in an HTML document, you use the ______________ tag.

[expand title=View Answer] link [/expand]

Q 2: In the following CSS rule, the `h1` part of the rule is called the ______________.

[expand title=View Answer] Selector [/expand]

h1 {

    color: green;


Q 3: What is the padding box width of the following CSS rule?

div {

    width: 10px;

    padding: 20px;

    margin: 40px;


[expand title=View Answer] 70 pixels[/expand]

Q 4: Which CSS property and value change the HTML element to a block-level element?

[expand title=View Answer]display: block [/expand]

Q 5: Which CSS property and value change the text to center alignment?

[expand title=View Answer] text-align: center [/expand]

Quiz 3: Module Quiz: Introduction to HTML and CSS

Q 1:Which two elements should be added to the HTML element to make the structure of an HTML document?

<!DOCTYPE html>

[expand title=View Answer]

Q 2: When using the anchor tag <a>, which attribute determines where the hyperlink links to?

[expand title=View Answer] href [/expand]

Q 3: When adding an image to a web page, which of the following is the correct HTML tag?

[expand title=View Answer] [/expand]

Q 4: How many columns exist on the following HTML table?

        <td>Pasta Salad</td>

[expand title=View Answer] 3 columns[/expand]

Q 5: When an HTML form is submitted to a web server, which HTTP methods can be used? Select all that apply.

[expand title=View Answer]



Q 6: For the following HTML code, which CSS selectors can be used to select the h1 element? Select all that apply.

<h1 id="title">Welcome</h1>

[expand title=View Answer]
Element Selector

ID selector

Q 7: In the following CSS code, what is the color: purple; part known as?

h1 {
    color: purple;

[expand title=View Answer] CSS Property [/expand]

Q 8: Based on the following CSS, what will be the margin-box width for div elements?

div {
    width: 10px;
    padding-left: 5px;
    padding-right: 5px;
    margin-left: 5px;
    margin-right: 5px;

[expand title=View Answer]
1.30 pixels
2.10 pixels

Q 9: True or false. In document flow, block-level elements always start on a new line.

[expand title=View Answer] True[/expand]

Q 10: Based on the following CSS code, how will the text be aligned for the p element

p {

    text-align: justify;


[expand title=View Answer] The text will be spread out so that every line of the text has the same width within the p element. [/expand]

Introduction to Front-End Development Week 03 Quiz Answer

Quiz 1: Self Review: Working with Bootstrap Grid

Q 1: When viewing the page in the web browser, is the logo centered on the webpage?

[expand title=View Answer] Yes [/expand]

Q 2: When viewing the page in the web browser on a desktop, do the four menu items display in one column?

[expand title=View Answer] No [/expand]

Q 3: Use the developer tools to preview the webpage on a mobile device. How many columns does the content display in?

[expand title=View Answer] 1[/expand]

Quiz 2: Self review: Working with Bootstrap components

Q 1: In the Browser Preview, does the New badge display beside the Falafel heading?

[expand title=View Answer]Yes [/expand]

Q 2: In the Browser Preview, does the alert display below the Order Online button?

[expand title=View Answer] No [/expand]

Q 3 In the Browser Preview, does the Order Online button display using Bootstrap button design?

[expand title=View Answer] Yes [/expand]

Quiz 3: Knowledge Check: Introduction to UI frameworks and libraries

Q 1: To reference a JavaScript script or file in an HTML document, you use the ______________ tag.

[expand title=View Answer] script [/expand]

Q 2: If your application requires a library or framework to run, this is called a ______________.

[expand title=View Answer] dependency [/expand]

Q 3: A point at which a website’s content and design will adapt in order to provide the best user experience is called a ______________.

[expand title=View Answer] Breakpoint [/expand]

Q 4: The Bootstrap Grid System always starts with which element?

[expand title=View Answer] Container[/expand]

Q 5: The responsive breakpoint for Bootstrap CSS rules is determined by the ______________?

[expand title=View Answer] Infix [/expand]

Quiz 4: Knowledge Check: Introduction to React

Q 1: Dynamic content is faster to generate than static content.

[expand title=View Answer] False [/expand]

Q 2: Single Page Applications allow users to interact with a website without re-downloading the entire webpage.

[expand title=View Answer] True[/expand]

Q 3: React applications are built using reusable pieces of code called ______________.

[expand title=View Answer] Components [/expand]

Q 4: To improve performance, React uses a ______________ to reduce updates to the browser DOM.

[expand title=View Answer] Virtual DOM [/expand]

Q 5: React applications have at least 1 component called the ______________ component.

[expand title=View Answer] Root[/expand]

Quiz 5: Module Quiz: UI Frameworks

Q 1: If a library depends on another library, it forms a ______________.

[expand title=View Answer] Dependency Document [/expand]

Q 2: How many columns does Bootstrap’s responsive grid consist of?

[expand title=View Answer] 12 [/expand]

Q 3 : To change the style of a Bootstrap component, you use ______________.

[expand title=View Answer] a modifier [/expand]

Q 4: To improve performance, web servers can keep a copy of dynamic content in a ______________.

[expand title=View Answer] Cache [/expand]

Q 5: What are the two main approaches for serving code and resources in a Single Page Application called? Select two.

[expand title=View Answer]
Code Boxing

Code Splitting

Q 6: React is a ______________ that can be used to create single page applications.

[expand title=View Answer] Library [/expand]

Q 7: Components allow developers to improve development efficiency by reusing code.

[expand title=View Answer] True [/expand]

Q 8: A React application is built up of a tree of components called the Component ______________.

[expand title=View Answer] Root [/expand]

Introduction to Front-End Development Week 04 Quiz Answer

Quiz 1: Self review: Improve your Bio page with Bootstrap

Q 1: Using the web browser developer tools to check, does your web page content stack vertically on a mobile device?

[expand title=View Answer] Yes [/expand]

Q 2: Does the profile photo display in the right column of the page?

[expand title=View Answer] No [/expand]

Q 3: Does the link to My Meta Profile display as a button?

[expand title=View Answer] Yes [/expand]

Quiz 2: Course 1 Assessment: Introduction to Web Development

Q 1: The code that runs on the web server is commonly known as _____________.

[expand title=View Answer] Software [/expand]

Q 2: In the web browser, what is the role of JavaScript?

[expand title=View Answer] To provide interactivity and data processing [/expand]

Q 3: Which protocol is used to transfer HTML documents to the web browser when browsing the World Wide Web?

[expand title=View Answer] HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)[/expand]

Q 4: What will display in the web browser tab for the following HTML document?

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Little Lemon</title>
    <p>Our Menu</p>

[expand title=View Answer]
Little Lemon

Our Menu

Q 5: Which HTML tag is used to link to other HTML documents?

[expand title=View Answer] The link tag [/expand]

Q 6: In the following CSS rule, what part of the rule is represented by div?

div {
    width: 50%;

[expand title=View Answer] Selector [/expand]

Q 7: What is the padding-box width for the following CSS rule?

div {
    width: 10px;
    padding: 5px;
    margin-left: 10px;
    margin-right: 10px;

[expand title=View Answer]15 pixels [/expand]

Q 8: How many columns does Bootstrap’s grid consist of?

[expand title=View Answer] 12 [/expand]

Q 9: In the following HTML, the btn-primary CSS class is applied to the button element. What is this CSS class known as in Bootstrap?

<button class="btn btn-primary">Submit</button>

[expand title=View Answer] Modifier [/expand]

Q 10: React stores a representation of the browser DOM in memory. What is this representation called?

[expand title=View Answer] The Virtual DOM [/expand]

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Team Networking Funda
Team Networking Funda

Hi, I’m Abbas Sarang, the creator of Networking Funda. With a passion for online education, I provide reliable course reviews and learning resources to empower learners worldwide.

I am a passionate SEO Specialist with over 3.5 years of experience in optimizing websites, driving organic traffic, and crafting content strategies. I began my journey by building and monetizing my own blog, gaining hands-on expertise in WordPress, SEO tools, and analytics. With a keen eye for detail and a love for data-driven decisions, I aim to help businesses enhance their online visibility and achieve measurable growth.

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