Data Visualization and Communication with Tableau Quiz Answers

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Week 01: Data Visualization and Communication with Tableau Quiz Answers

Quiz 1: Week 1 Quiz

Q1. According to the data analytics company Gartner, the majority of companies reported the reason their big data projects failed is due to:

[expand title=View Answer] mostly technical failures, but also some organizational failures [/expand]

Q2. True/False: Everybody in the analytics world agrees that your job as a data analyst is to ask and answer the one, true, right question.

[expand title=View Answer] False[/expand]

Q3. In this course, we used the S.M.A.R.T acronym to refer to goals that are:

[expand title=View Answer]Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound [/expand]

Q4. Which of the following steps of the analytics project life cycle should you complete first?

[expand title=View Answer] Defining a SMART goal [/expand]

Q5. True/False: Including the business metric that you will use to assess success in your business analytics project will make your project goal sufficiently specific to ensure success.

[expand title=View Answer]True [/expand]

Q6. Which of the SMART criteria are NOT met by this data analytics project goal (pay close attention to whether the options are words the SMART acronym stands for)?

The goal of this project is to, within 45 days, use the inventory, production, and customer service databases from national manufacturing plants to reduce the number of polo shirts returned for manufacturing defects.

[expand title=View Answer] Reasonable [/expand]

Q7. True/False: Stakeholders are those individuals who are influenced by the outcome of your project or who might have a strong interest in it.

[expand title=View Answer] True [/expand]

Q8. Elicitation sessions occur:

[expand title=View Answer] after you have accepted an analysis job, and should continue throughout the life cycle of a data analysis project [/expand]

Q9. You are an analyst at a bank. Your bank ran a short-term experiment in which they provided credit cards to a wider range of applicants than normal, including applicants whose applications would typically be rejected due to their troubled financial profiles. Your job is to model the data from this experiment to create a decision-making algorithm that will help the bank decide how to respond to future credit card applications more profitably.

The following parties are NOT likely to be key stakeholder(s) in your project (select all that apply):

[expand title=View Answer]
1.The bank’s creditors
2.The bank’s shareholders
3.Individuals who applied for credit cards in the past, but were denied

Q10. At the beginning of any data analysis project, you should meet with your key stakeholders to understand:

[expand title=View Answer]
1.what problem the business is experiencing that stakeholders hope to solve.
2.whether all the stakeholders agree about what business problem needs to be solved.
3.what types of effects or factors you should be considering in your data analysis.
4.what kinds of analytic tools and results the company culture will be open to.
5.all of the above.

Q11. According to Doug Laney, VP of Information Innovation and Strategy at Gartner, why don’t more companies move higher on the analytics continuum? (Check all that apply)

[expand title=View Answer]
1.Inertia (comfort with the way businesses did things in the past)
2.The financial burden of implementing more sophisticated data analytics is too high
3.Decision-makers view analytic analyses as “black boxes” they don’t understand


Q12. True/False: When you are designing your business analysis plan, you should treat your business metric as the independent variable in your data analysis.

[expand title=View Answer] False [/expand]

Q13. SPAPs should be altered after you begin a data analysis.

[expand title=View Answer] True [/expand]

Q14. How many layers should there be in the “independent variables” section of your pyramid?

[expand title=View Answer]As many layers and sub-layers as needed to cover all the issues you want to be sure you document or address [/expand]

Q15. The best charts for assessing the categories and subcategories listed in the intermediate layers of your SPAP include (select all that apply):

[expand title=View Answer]
1.Bar charts
2.Scatter plots
3.Line charts

Week 02: Data Visualization and Communication with Tableau Quiz Answers

Q1. Use the Dognition_aggregated_by_DogID data set for the quiz questions. Note that we use comma (,) to separate groups of thousands in numbers.

How many unique human user IDs are there in the Dognition_aggregated_by_DogID data set?

[expand title=View Answer] 16,261[/expand]

Q2. What feature is common to all the rows that have a value of 37 in the “State” field of the Dognition_aggregated_by_DogID data set? Check all that apply.

[expand title=View Answer]
1. They are all “charmers”
2. They all weigh 37 pounds

Q3. What property is common to almost all the data points that had “Sign In Counts” of greater than 175 in the Dognition_aggregated_by_DogID data set?

[expand title=View Answer] They all have an Einstein profile[/expand]

Q4. The Personality Dimension that has the highest average number of completed tests in the Dognition_aggregated_by_DogID data set is clear:

[expand title=View Answer]None of them. All of the personality dimensions have very similar completion rates. [/expand]

Q5. In the Dognition_aggregated_by_DogID data set, what is consistent about the relationship between the breeding group and the number of tests completed, regardless of whether you aggregate the variable representing the number of tests completed by the median or the average of the breeding group?

[expand title=View Answer]Toy dogs complete the least number of tests [/expand]

Q6. In the Dognition_aggregated_by_DogID data set, what personality type has the strongest representation (greatest number of records) in the sporting breed group?

[expand title=View Answer] Socialite[/expand]

Q7. In the Dognition_aggregated_by_DogID data set, which of the following describes the median number of tests dogs of different breed types complete?

[expand title=View Answer] Cross-breed dogs complete a median of 8 tests, while all the other breed types complete a median of 7 tests[/expand]

Q8. In the Dognition_aggregated_by_DogID data set, how does the average number of tests dogs complete compare for fixed vs. not fixed dogs across different breed types? Click all that apply

[expand title=View Answer]
1.Fixed dogs complete more tests than non-fixed dogs in all breed types
2.Fixed dogs complete more tests than non-fixed dogs in the Cross-Breed and Mixed Breed/ I Don’t Know breed categories, but not in the other breed categories

Q9. In the Dognition_aggregated_by_DogID data set, which of the following are true about the average number of tests dogs complete when comparing DNA vs. not DNA-tested dogs who were fixed vs. not fixed across different breed types? Click all that apply.

[expand title=View Answer] DNA-tested dogs completed more tests than dogs that were NOT DNA tested in all categories except for the category of Popular Hybrids that were fixed [/expand]

Q10. In the Dognition_aggregated_by_DogID data set, when you make a filled map that displays the number of unique Dog IDs in each country, there is a country in Africa that has a deep color, suggesting it has a lot of users. When you hover over that country, what Country is displayed on the tooltip?

[expand title=View Answer] N/A [/expand]

Q11. In the Dognition_aggregated_by_DogID data set, which state within the United States has the most Dognition customers?

[expand title=View Answer] North Carolina, with California having the second greatest number of customers[/expand]

Q12. In the Dognition_aggregated_by_DogID data set, dogs in which of the following states did customers complete a median number of tests that were greater than 13? Check all that apply.

[expand title=View Answer]North Carolina (NC) [/expand]

Q13. Which of the following is true?

[expand title=View Answer]Median aggregations are more sensitive to extreme values than average aggregations [/expand]

Q14. In the Dognition_aggregated_by_DogID data set, when looking at only dogs who completed 19 or fewer tests, which of the following is true about the relationship between inter-test intervals (ITIs) and number of tests completed? Click all that apply.

[expand title=View Answer]
1.There was a non-significant negative (p > .05) correlation between average ITIs and number of tests completed
2.There was a significant positive (p < .05) correlation between median ITIs and the number of tests completed [/expand]

Q15. In the Dognition_aggregated_by_DogID data set, when looking at only dogs who completed 7 or fewer tests, which of the following is true about the relationship between inter-test intervals (ITIs) and number of tests completed? Click all that apply

[expand title=View Answer]
1.There was a non-significant negative (p > .05) correlation between average ITIs and number of tests completed
2.There was a significant negative (p < .05) correlation between median ITIs and the number of tests completed [/expand]

Week 03: Data Visualization and Communication with Tableau Quiz Answers

Q1. Use the dognition_data_no_aggregation data set provided in this course for this quiz.

In the dognition_data_no_aggregation data set, the greatest drop-offs of test-takers occur after a subcategory of tests is completed rather than while the subcategories of tests are still in progress.

[expand title=View Answer] True [/expand]

Q2. In the dognition_data_no_aggregation data set, after which game is the drop-off of completed tests the greatest?

[expand title=View Answer] Cunning Game[/expand]

Q3. If you remove all the entries associated with Shih Tzu dogs that weigh 190 pounds from the dognition_data_no_aggregation data set, how many different sequences of tests were administered to customers in the data that are left?

[expand title=View Answer] at least 15[/expand]

Q4. During which day of the week do customers play Dognition games the most?

[expand title=View Answer] Saturday[/expand]

Q5. During which month in the data set were the most tests completed?

[expand title=View Answer] March 2014 [/expand]

Q6. After adjusting the time stamps of the tests completed by United States users provided in the “Created At” field of the dognition_data_no_aggregation data set for time zone differences, during which hour of the day do Dognition customers play the most amount of games?

[expand title=View Answer] 7 PM[/expand]

Q7. In the dognition_data_no_aggregation data set, approximately what percentage of users who begin taking the Dognition Assessment complete 20 tests?

[expand title=View Answer] 6% [/expand]

Q8. In the dognition_data_no_aggregation data set, what percentage of users who begin taking the Dognition Assessment using a “Free Start” promotion complete 20 tests?

[expand title=View Answer] 1% [/expand]

Q9. Using the dognition_data_no_aggregation data set, if you make a table using the “Dog ID” and “Test Name” variables on the rows shelf, and Created At on the Text property of the Marks card, which of the following might be a value you would see in the column farthest to the right, if the “Created At” pill was blue and read SECOND(Created At)?

[expand title=View Answer] 39 [/expand]

Q10. If you were writing a calculation to rank each test a dog completed by its time stamp in the dognition_data_no_aggregation data set, what would be missing from the following version of your rank table calculation: RANK(([Created At]),’asc’)

[expand title=View Answer] an aggregation before [Created At], the most appropriate of which is MEDIAN [/expand]

Q11. You are writing a calculation to rank each test a dog completed by its time stamp in the dognition_data_no_aggregation data set. You’ve configured your table calculation so that “Dog ID” and “Test Name” are in the Partitioning field and “Second Created” is in the Addressing field. The resulting rank will:

[expand title=View Answer]
1.List “1” for the first test of every Dog ID
2.Provide one correctly ranked number for every test within a single Dog ID

Q12. You are writing a calculation to include a column in a table that ranks each test a human user completed by its time stamp in the dognition_data_no_aggregation data set. You put this column directly to the left of the column you made to rank each test a dog completed by its time stamp. The following field(s) will go in the Partitioning field in the calculation configuration page in your new calculation meant to rank each test a human user completed: (check all that apply)

Created At

[expand title=View Answer] User ID [/expand]

Week 04: Data Visualization and Communication with Tableau Quiz Answers

Q1. The hourglass model for structuring effective business presentations suggests you should:

[expand title=View Answer] Begin your presentation with motivating context and end with your business recommendation [/expand]

Q2. Beginning your business presentation in the middle of the plot of a motivational story can sometimes be an effective way to lead into your business recommendation.

[expand title=View Answer]True [/expand]

Q3. The storyboarding process includes:

[expand title=View Answer]
1.asking for feedback
2.determining the precise order in which the scenes will be organized
3.choosing the best visualizations to communicate the information about each scene
4.narrowing in on the minimum number of scenes necessary to convey your data story
5.All of the above

Q4. According to the psychology literature, if the business recommendation you are going to make in a business presentation is likely to be controversial, you should order the stem of your presentation hourglass so that the:

[expand title=View Answer]most emotional story point is presented first. [/expand]

Q5. As a data analyst, you can avoid the logical fallacy of overgeneralization by:

[expand title=View Answer]
1.insisting that you are given a very large data set to analyze.
2.selecting a small, unbiased sample.
3.ensuring the data you work with is a selected subset with a strong data story.
4.None of the above

Q6. To test whether a certain advertising campaign would work, an analytics team sorts their customer list from lowest to highest customer ID number and then sends their advertisement to the first 1000 customers on the list. The rest of the customers did not receive any advertisements that week. When analyzing the results of the campaign one week later, the analytics team realized that there was a previously unknown pattern in the customer ID numbers: the lower the customer number, the longer the person had been a customer. Thus, the customers who received the advertisement were the individuals who had been customers with the company the longest. The analytics team decided the test was invalid and needed to be repeated. The reason for their decision was that analyzing the results in their current form would result in the following logical fallacy (or fallacies):

[expand title=View Answer] Lack of controls[/expand]

Q7. When two variables are correlated, one variable does not cause the other variable.

[expand title=View Answer] True [/expand]

Q8. When tests can’t be run, which of the following can data analysts do to assess the degree of confidence one should have in the nature of a correlation between two variables? Choose all that apply.

[expand title=View Answer]
1.Attempt to replicate the effect by examining whether the correlation on which you are basing your business recommendation exists in other data sets or contexts.
2.Assess whether there are additional variables that can explain the relationship.

Q9. Which of these charts would be the best way to display how Smartphone sales have changed over time?

[expand title=View Answer] Chart B[/expand]

Q10. When you want to represent very detailed and nuanced information about continuous variables, given humans’ ability to perceive relative differences along different kinds of visual attributes, which of the following attributes should you exploit in your visualizations? Choose the best 2 options.

[expand title=View Answer]

Q11. If you are in a situation where you MUST use color bars to represent detailed information about a continuous variable, you should:

[expand title=View Answer] use a color bar that color-blind people can perceive.[/expand]

Q12. Visualizations for persuasion should: (Choose all that apply)

[expand title=View Answer] your audience’s eyes to the precise points of the data that support your argument. selected pieces of data.

Q13. Which of the following reflects (s) the principles of maximizing the data-ink ratio? Choose all that apply.

[expand title=View Answer] Making the scales and labels of the graph easy to read[/expand]

Q14. It’s a good idea to apply the rule of thirds to: (Choose all that apply)

[expand title=View Answer]
1.Slides illustrating stories
2.Soft break slides
3.Slides meant to catch your audience’s attention
4.Slides containing data

Q15. Effective presentation techniques include:

[expand title=View Answer]
1.keeping a physically open posture by keeping your arms away from the front of your body
2.facing your audience and looking at different people in the room
3.Being natural in your movements
4.refraining from looking down or reading your slides.
5.all of the above

Q16. A hospital was having problems with the amount of time employees with direct care responsibilities were absent from work. Due to the high levels of absenteeism, patient satisfaction was declining, 20% of patient-related work was not getting done, and 47% of nonpatient work was not getting done. At the advice of a consulting company, the hospital implemented a positive incentive system that would allow all employees to convert up to 24 hours of unused sick time into additional pay or more vacation days in order to reduce absenteeism. After 6 months of implementing the program, the hospital analysts calculated that absentee rates declined an average of 11.5 hours per employee, and concluded that the program was successful in this company. Did the hospital analysts commit any logical fallacies when arriving at their conclusion, and if so, which fallacy (or fallacies)?

[expand title=View Answer]Lack of controls [/expand]

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