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IBM Data Analyst Capstone Project Week 01 Quiz Answers
Quiz 1: Graded Quiz: Collecting Data
Q1. Which python module helps you to easily access an API?
- NumPy
- Matplotlib
- Requests
- Pandas
Q2. How many job postings exist for Python?
- 11
- 78
- 53
- 51
Q3. Which programming language has the maximum number of job postings?
- Java
- C
- C++
- Python
Quiz 2: Graded Quiz: Web Scraping
Q1. Which language are developers paid the most according to the output of the web scraping lab?
- Java
- Swift
- C
- C++
Q2. Which of the following code segments will help to scrape all images from a html page?
- soup.find_all(“image”)
- soup.find_all(“img”)
- soup.findall(“pic”)
- soup.findall(“img”)
Quiz 3: Graded Quiz: Exploring Data
Q1. How many rows are in the data set?
- 11255
- 11525
- 11555
- 11552
Q2. How many columns are in the data set?
- 84
- 85
- 86
- 26
Q3. What type of column is “Age”?
- Text
- Nominal
- Numerical
- Categorical
IBM Data Analyst Capstone Project Week 02 Quiz Answers
Quiz 1: Graded Quiz: Duplicates
Q1. How many duplicate rows are there in the dataset?
- 124
- 154
- 99
- 145
Q2. How many duplicate values are there in the column Respondent?
- 99
- 154
- 10
- 96
Quiz 2: Graded Quiz: Removing Duplicates
Q1. After removing the duplicate rows, how many rows are there in the dataset?
- 11398
- 9999
- 13456
- 12333
Q2. After removing the duplicate rows, how many unique rows are there in the column Respondent?
- 11398
- 11342
- 11999
- 11000
Quiz 3: Graded Quiz: Missing Values
Q1. After removing the duplicate rows, how many blank rows are there under the column EdLevel?
- 280
- 231
- 0
- 112
Q2. After removing the duplicate rows, how many rows are missing under the column Country?
- 0
- 188
- 280
- 201
Quiz 4: Graded Quiz: Imputing Missing Values
Q1. What is the majority category under the column Employment?
- Employed part-time
- Employed full-time
- Retired
- Independent contractor, freelancer, or self-employed
Q2. Under the column ” UndergradMajor”, which category has the minimum number of rows?
- Computer Science
- Health Science
- Fine Arts
- Information Systems
Q3. The column ‘ConvertedComp’ contains the annual compensation of the survey respondents. What is the best approach to impute the missing values in this column?
- mean
- median
- max
- min
Quiz 5: Graded Quiz: Normalizing Data
Q1. How many unique values are there in the CompFreq column?
- 5
- 11398
- 3
- 7
Q2. After removing the duplicate rows, how many respondents are being paid yearly?
- 9999
- 3259
- 312
- 6073
Q3. What is the median NormalizedAnnualCompensation?
- 9000
- 6132520
- 100000
- 8080
IBM Data Analyst Capstone Project Week 03 Quiz Answers
Quiz 1: Graded Quiz: Distribution
Q1. What is the median Age of survey respondents?
- 30
- 28
- 29
- 31
Q2. What is the median ConvertedComp of respondents who have identified themselves as ‘Woman’?
- 54678
- 55467
- 56453
- 57708
Q3. Based on the histogram, which age group has the highest number of survey respondents?
- 32-40
- 40-48
- 16-24
- 24-32
Quiz 2: Graded Quiz: Handling Outliers
Q1. What is the median ConvertedComp before removing outliers?
- 55768
- 78675
- 57745
- 55342
Q2. What is the median ConvertedComp after removing outliers?
- 52704
- 53564
- 55672
- 56456
Q3. Based on the boxplot of ‘Age’ how many outliers do you see below Q1?
- 0
- 3
- 2
- 1
Q4. What is the mean ConvertedComp after removing outliers?
- 59883
- 10000
- 34567.34
- 2378.56
Quiz 3: Graded Quiz: Correlation
Q1. Which column has a negative correlation with “Age“?
- Respondent
- CodeRevHrs
- WorkWeekHrs
- CompTotal
Q2. Which column has the highest correlation with “Age”?
- WorkWeekHrs
- ConvertedComp
- Respondent
- CompTotal
IBM Data Analyst Capstone Project Week 04 Quiz Answers
Quiz 1: Graded Quiz: Visualizing Relationship
Q1. Based on the scatter plot of Age and WorkWeekHrs , what kind of correlation do you see between them?
- Very high positive correlation
- Difficult to clearly identify from the scatter plot.
- No correlation
- Very High negative correlation.
Quiz 2: Graded Quiz: Visualizing Composition of Data
Q1. In the pie chart of top 5 databases, respondents wish to learn next year, what is the percentage of Mongodb?
- 19.1
- 16.4
- 18.8
- 20.9
Q3. In the list of most popular languages respondents wish to learn next year, what is the rank of Python?
- 2
- 4
- 1
- 3
Q3. How many respondents indicated that they currently work with ‘SQL’?
- 7106
- 5132
- 5012
- 5321
Q4. How many respondents indicated that they work on ‘MySQL’ only?
- 474
- 657
- 876
- 736
Quiz 3: Graded Quiz: Visualizing Comparison of Data
Q1. Majority of the survey responders are
- Developer – front-end
- Developer – full-stack
- Developer – mobile
- Developer – back-end
Q2. Based on the Line Chart of Age and median ConvertedComp for the age group 25-30, what kind of correlation do you see between Age and median ConvertedComp?
- Negative
- No Correlation
- Positive
- Highly Negative
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