Creating Dashboards and Storytelling with Tableau Quiz Answers

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Week 01: Creating Dashboards and Storytelling with Tableau Quiz Answers

Module 1 Quiz Answers

Q1. When thinking about a story, which of the following best describes the fundamental structure?

Context, Challenge, Conclusion

Q2. Which are the potential benefits of using stories?

1.Improving comprehension
2.Boosting recall
3.Increasing potential engagement and empathy
4.All of the above

Q3. What is a potential drawback to using stories for data?

False narratives

Q4. Talking to stakeholders can help you

1.Define the business and/or other goals
2.Develop an initial sense of audiences
3.Learn about the available data and technologies
4.All of the above

Q5. What best describes the meaning of expressiveness and effectiveness in relation to data visualization and storytelling?

Expressiveness is about displaying all the relevant data for an accurate understanding and effectiveness is the ability of the visualization to convey the meaning

Q6. Which of the following is not a primary consideration in developing a design strategy for a visualization?

Determining the best chart before talking to anyone

Q7. Which description best describes a Persona?

Highly specific archetypes or representatives of a particular user segment

Q8. Which of the following best describes an important purpose of Personas?

Prioritize design requirements

Q9. Which choice below is not generally considered an essential element of a useful Persona description?

The Persona’s pet’s name

Q10. It’s good practice in the beginning of an audience interview to

Ask open-ended questions about the interviewee’s goals and pain points

Q11. Questions to consider about your data include

1.What kinds of data are available?
2.What is the quality of the data?
3.What are the gaps?
4.All of the above

Q12. Which is a potential pitfall of turning data patterns into narratives?

Conflating correlation and causation

Q13. One reason Tableau is great for finding stories in data and alternative ways to express them is

It’s relatively fast and easy to import, visualize, and evaluate data in different ways

Q14. To increase the likelihood of your design’s success, you should

Try to match, balance, and align stakeholder and audience goals

Q15. Albert Einstein is said to have remarked which of the following?

“Make things as simple as possible.”

Q16. What is a tool that Tableau offers to help you organize your data story?

Story Points

Module 2 Quiz Answers

Q1. When building KPIs in Tableau, the following is the most fundamental skill:

Being comfortable with using calculations.

Q2. Which of the following is a poor way to design a KPI?

Using the data that are available and not worrying about whether it is essential because just getting data out there is important.

Q3. Which of the following Tableau functions is used to set thresholds in your visualization?


Q4. Indicate the correct calculated field code for when you want to set a threshold in Tableau to indicate if profit is above or below a benchmark.

if sum([Profit Field]) > 125000 then “Above benchmark” else “Below benchmark” end

Q5. The way you set colors based on your KPI is by?

Creating a calculated field with an if…else…end statement.

Q6. Indicate which of the following would NOT be an appropriate KPI from the Sales Superstore dataset.

A table of names and addresses used by staff to mail products.

Q7. A KPI can be used to evaluate ________________. (Select all that apply).

1.Performance based on a single employee’s goals.
2.Performance based on a department within a corporation but not the corporation itself.

Q8. A Net Promoter Score is _________?

A way to gauge loyalty to your products or company.

Q9. To get the “shapes” marks card to show up in Tableau, what do you need to do?

Click on the down arrow under “Marks” and select “Shape”.

Q10. KPIs cannot be __________.

Based on a set of measurable criteria.

Q11. What’s a poor way to choose KPIs?

Based on a vague notion of what a KPI is.

Module 3 Quiz Answers

Q1. A dashboard is _____________.

A visual display of the most important information needed to achieve one or more objectives.

Q2. What is a text object in Tableau?

A floating box that allows you to write any text you’d like and can be moved. It can only be used in a dashboard.

Q3. When sizing a dashboard, set the size in the upper left of the dashboard layout screen to:

Automatic so that Tableau can adjust based on screen size.

Q4. A filter action in a dashboard is accessed in the following ways:

Going to the drop-down, select either worksheet or dashboard then select “action”.

Q5. How do you get the dashboard objects to align in a way that you want them to align?

You simply just select tiled objects and never float them.

Q6. Actions are powerful tools for your dashboard. So what is the most important thing to do before launching your dashboard that has actions in them?

Make sure that they are named well.

Q7. How can you make sure that a filter is connected to all of the visualizations in a dashboard?

By selecting “Apply to worksheets” and choosing an option from the menu.

Q8. If there is filtering that would not make sense for a dashboard, select any of the possible options. (Select all that apply.)

Do not include a filter that would create contextual problems.

Q9. Tableau will not render a dashboard perfectly for other devices. What’s one possible way to address this issue?

Accept that you will have issues with other devices.

Q10. Which of these is not a core characteristic of modern dashboarding?

Data from one source

Module 4 Quiz Answers

Q1. Which of the following editing features can you use in Tableau’s story feature?

Changing the layout of the story to fit properly on any screen

Q2. Among the useful roles stories have long played for humans is that

1.They provide a vivid and memorable way to convey information
2.They can let people simulate situations that they don’t have to experience directly

Q3. What is a story as defined by Tableau?

A sheet that contains a sequence of worksheets or dashboards that work together to convey information

Q4. Some research with people who have damage to the parts of the brain involving emotion suggests

Emotions have an important impact on the ability to make decisions

Q5. From Tableau’s point of view, a story point is

An individual sheet in a story

Q6. One technique to help people connect with a story is to

When possible, use specific, concrete examples to illustrate the larger narrative

Q7. Which of the following ways should you NOT create a story?

Design everything as final and then drop them into the Tableau story. Don’t drop them in until they are absolutely final

Q8. The meaning and symbolism of specific colors

This can vary from culture to culture

Q9. You could think of a Tableau story as akin to this other commonly used software:

A slide in a PowerPoint

Q10. Generally speaking, one of the ways a visualization geared for exploratory analysis differs from an explanatory presentation/story

The former lets audiences come to their own conclusions

Q11. Which of the following is not an example of a common storytelling convention?

Including a bulleted list of facts in the story
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