Building Web Applications in Django Coursera Quiz Answers

Get All Weeks Building Web Applications in Django Coursera Quiz Answers

Week 01: Building Web Applications in Django Coursera Quiz Answers

Quiz 1: Django Tutorial Part 2

Q1. These questions come from the Django project tutorial materials.

What is the default database backend for Django projects when they are first set up?

[expand title=View Answer] sqlite3[/expand]

Q2. What file contains the list of INSTALLED_APPS in a Django project?

[expand title=View Answer][/expand]

Q3. What does the “python migrate” command do?

[expand title=View Answer] Builds/updates the database structure for the project [/expand]

Q4. What is the purpose of the file?

[expand title=View Answer] To define the shape of the data objects to be stored in a database[/expand]

Q5. What does the “sqlmigrate” option accomplish in a Django application?

[expand title=View Answer]It lets you see the SQL that will run to effect a migration [/expand]

Q6. What does the str method in a Django model accomplish?

[expand title=View Answer] It lets you specify how an instance of the model will be represented as a string [/expand]

Q7. What is the difference between the Django shell and a normal interactive Python shell?

[expand title=View Answer] The Django shell loads all of the project objects before starting [/expand]

Q8. What is the Django command to create a user/password for the admin user interface?

[expand title=View Answer] createsuperuser [/expand]

Q9. What file in a Django application do you edit to make sure a model appears in the admin interface?

[expand title=View Answer] [/expand]

Quiz 2: Model View Controller

Q1. Which of these might you find in the View of a Django MVC application?

[expand title=View Answer]

Q2. Which of these might you find in the Model of a Django MVC application?

[expand title=View Answer]

Q3. Which of these might you find in the Controller of a Django MVC application?

[expand title=View Answer] Python[/expand]

Q4. Which of the following is typically the first task when handing an incoming HTTP request in web server code?

[expand title=View Answer]Retrieve any needed data for the View[/expand]

Q5. Which of the following files does Django consult first when it receives an incoming HTTP Request?

[expand title=View Answer] [/expand]

Q6. Which of the following files in a Django application most closely captures the notion of “View”?

[expand title=View Answer] [/expand]

Q7. Which file represents the “Controller” aspect of a Django application?

[expand title=View Answer]

Week 2: Building Web Applications in Django Coursera Quiz Answers

Quiz 1: Templates and Views

Q1. What does the built-in Django template tag “lorem” do?

[expand title=View Answer]Displays random “lorem ipsum” Latin text [/expand]

Q2. What does the built-in Django template tag “spaceless” do?

[expand title=View Answer] Removes whitespace between HTML tags [/expand]

Q3. What does the built-in Django template tag “url” do?

[expand title=View Answer] Returns an absolute path reference matching a given view and optional parameters[/expand]

Q4. What built-in Django template filter capitalizes the first character of the value?

[expand title=View Answer] capfirst [/expand]

Q5. What does the built-in Django template filter “length” do?

[expand title=View Answer] Returns the length of a list but not the length of a string [/expand]

Q6. What does the built-in Django template filter “safe” do?

[expand title=View Answer] Marks a string as not requiring further HTML escaping prior to output [/expand]

Q7. Looking at the Django built-in template and filter documentation, the author seems to have a pet named “Joel”. What kind of animal is their pet?

[expand title=View Answer] A bearded gecko [/expand]

Q8. What does the Django built-in template tag forloop.counter represent in a Django template?

[expand title=View Answer] The current iteration of the loop (1-indexed) [/expand]

Quiz 2: Tutorial 3

Q1. These questions come from the Django project tutorial materials.

When do you see a path with the following pattern in, path(‘/’, views. detail, name=’detail’),

where in the code does the question_id value parsed from the URL end up?

[expand title=View Answer] As an additional parameter to the detail() view [/expand]

Q2. What kind of data is passed into a view in the ‘request’ object?

[expand title=View Answer]Information about the incoming HTTP request from the browser[/expand]

Q3. Which of the following SQL commands will be run by the Question.objects.values() statement in a view function?

[expand title=View Answer] SELECT[/expand]

Q4. How do you indicate that a particular question cannot be found in a detail view?

[expand title=View Answer] Raise an Http404 exception[/expand]

Q5. How do you retrieve only the first five objects in a table using a Django model query?

[expand title=View Answer] Add [:5] to the end of the model query [/expand]

Q6. In Django, why do we add an extra folder (i.e., namespace) our templates?

[expand title=View Answer] To make sure there is not a conflict with a template of the same name in a different application [/expand]

Q7. What is the difference between a list view and detail view?

[expand title=View Answer] A list view shows multiple items and a detail view shows only one item [/expand]

Q8. What is a “404” error?

[expand title=View Answer] It tells a browser that it did not get the page it was looking for [/expand]

Q9. In Django, what is the default language used in HMTL template files?

[expand title=View Answer] DTL – Django Templating language [/expand]

Q10. If the “get_object_or_404()” helper function finds the requested item, it returns the item. What happens if it cannot return the item?

[expand title=View Answer]It raises an Http404 exception [/expand]

Q11. Why do we name space URL names using the “app_name” variable in the file?

[expand title=View Answer]In case we have multiple applications with the same named path[/expand]

Week 3: Building Web Applications in Django Coursera Quiz Answers

Quiz 1: Object-Oriented Python

Q1. Which came first, the instance or the class?

[expand title=View Answer]class [/expand]

Q2. In Object Oriented Programming, what is another name for the attributes of an object?

[expand title=View Answer] fields [/expand]

Q3. Which of the following is NOT a good synonym for “class” in Python?

[expand title=View Answer] direction [/expand]

Q4. What does this Python statement do if PartyAnimal is a class?

[expand title=View Answer] Use the PartyAnimal template to make a new object and assign it to zap [/expand]

zap = PartyAnimal()

Q5. What is the syntax to look up the fullname attribute in an object stored in the variable colleen?

[expand title=View Answer] colleen.fullname [/expand]

Q6. Which of the following statements are used to indicate that class A will inherit all the features of class B?

[expand title=View Answer] class A(B): [/expand]

Q7. What is “self” typically used for in a Python method within a class?

[expand title=View Answer] To refer to the instance in which the method is being called [/expand]

Q8. What does the Python dir() function show when we pass an object into it as a parameter?

[expand title=View Answer] It shows the methods and attributes of an object [/expand]

Q9. Which of the following is rarely used in Object Oriented Programming?

[expand title=View Answer] Destructor [/expand]

Quiz 2: Generic Views

Q1. In the class django.views.generic.list.ListView, which of the following methods is called earliest in the process?

[expand title=View Answer]get_queryset()[/expand]

Q2. In the class django.views.generic.list.ListView, which of the following methods is called latest in the process?

[expand title=View Answer] render_to_response() [/expand]

Q3. In the class django.views.generic.detail.DetailView, which of the following methods is called earliest in the process?

[expand title=View Answer] get_queryset() [/expand]

Q4. In the class django.views.generic.detail.DetailView, which of the following methods is called latest in the process?

[expand title=View Answer] render_to_response()[/expand]

Q5. By convention when using an app_name of “abc” and a model of “Dog”, if you use a View that extends django.views.generic.detail.DetailView, what is the file name that will be used for the template?

[expand title=View Answer]templates/abc/dog_detail.html [/expand]

Q6. If you want to override the template name chosen by convention in a View that extends django.views.generic.detail.DetailView, what is the name of the class attribute variable that you use?

[expand title=View Answer]template_name[/expand]

Q7. By convention when using an app_name of “abc” and a model of “Dog”, if you use a View that extends django.views.generic.list.ListView, what is the name of the context variable that will include all the Dog objects in the template when it is being rendered?

[expand title=View Answer] dog_list [/expand]

Q8. For the following line in a file

[expand title=View Answer] The class that is being created [/expand]

class ArticleListView(ListView):

what is the best description of “ListView”?

Q9. For the following line in a file

[expand title=View Answer] The class that is being created [/expand]

class ArticleListView(ListView):

what is the best description of “ArticleListView”?

Q10. For the following line in a file

[expand title=View Answer] In the Django source [/expand]

urlpatterns = [
path('', TemplateView.as_view(template_name='gview/main.html'))
where would you find the actual code for TemplateView?

Week 4: Building Web Applications in Django Coursera Quiz Answers

Quiz 1: Tutorial 4

Q1. These questions come from the Django project tutorial materials.

What is stored in the variable request.POST?

[expand title=View Answer] A dictionary-like object that lets you access submitted POST data [/expand]

Q2. What does the django.urls.reverse() function do?

[expand title=View Answer] It constructs the path to a view using the name of a path entry in[/expand]

Q3. What happens if you access a detail view like results() in Django tutorial 4 and provide a key that does not exist on the URL?

[expand title=View Answer] You get a 404 [/expand]

Q4. In the polls/templates/polls/detail.html file in Django tutorial 4, what happens if you leave out the csrf_token line in the form?

[expand title=View Answer] The POST data will be blocked by the server [/expand]

Q5. In the polls/templates/polls/detail.html file in Django tutorial 4, which bit of code tells the view that will receive the POST data which question to associate this vote with?

[expand title=View Answer] url ‘polls:vote’[/expand]

Q6. Which HTTP method is used when sending data to the server that will modify or update data?

[expand title=View Answer] POST [/expand]

Q7. What does the Django template filter “pluralize” do?

[expand title=View Answer] It emits an ‘s’ if the value is > 1 [/expand]

Quiz 2: Forms and HTML

Q1. Which of the following HTTP methods adds form data to the URL after a question mark?

[expand title=View Answer] GET [/expand]

Q2. Which of the following HTTP methods is recommended for sending data to the server that will modify a model?

[expand title=View Answer] POST [/expand]

Q3. Which of the following Python types is most like the request.POST data in Django?

[expand title=View Answer] dictionary [/expand]

Q4. How does the browser send form data to the server when sending a POST request?

[expand title=View Answer]Using the socket after the request headers have been sent [/expand]

Q5. When using the password field type in HTML, the data is encrypted before it is sent to the server.

[expand title=View Answer] True [/expand]

Q6. There is no way the end user can see the actual data stored in a password form field.

[expand title=View Answer] True [/expand]

Q7. How do radio buttons in HTML associate with each other?

[expand title=View Answer] They use the same name parameter [/expand]

Q8. What HTTP response code is sent to a browser when a missing or incorrect CSRF value is detected by Django?

[expand title=View Answer] 403 [/expand]

Q9. What HTTP code is sent to the browser to redirect it to another page?

[expand title=View Answer] 302[/expand]

Q10. Why do we consider the POST-Redirect-GET pattern best practice?

[expand title=View Answer] To avoid triggering the browser double-post popup[/expand]

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