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Applied Data Science Capstone Coursera Quiz Answers
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Applied Data Science Capstone Week 01 Quiz Answers
Check Points: Data Collection API Answers
Q1. Did you Request and parse the SpaceX launch data using the GET request?
- Yes
- No
Q2. Did you filter the dataframe to only include Falcon 9 launches?
- Yes
- No
Q3. Did you relace None values in the PayloadMass with the mean?
- Yes
- No
Graded Quiz: Data Collection API with Webscraping Answers
Q1. After you performed a GET request on the Space X API and convert the response to a dataframe using pd.json_normalize. What year is located in the first row in the column static_fire_date_utc?
- 2006
Q2. Using the API, how many Falcon 9 launches are thereafter we remove Falcon 1 launches?
- 90
Q3. At the end of the API data collection process, how many missing values are there for the column landing pad?
- 26
Q4. After making a request to the Falcon9 Launch Wiki page and creating a BeautifulSoup object what is the output of:
soup. title
- < td colspan=”9″ > First flight of Falcon 9 v1.0. < sup class=”reference” id=”cite_ref-sfn20100604_17-0″
- <table class=”wikitable plainrowheaders collapsible” style=”width: 100%;”>
- <title> List of Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy launches – Wikipedia </title>
Check Points: Data Wrangling Answers
Q1. Did you calculate the number of launches on each site?
- Yes
- No
Q2. Did you calculate the number and occurrence of each orbit?
- Yes
- No
Q3. Did you calculate the number and occurrence of mission outcome per orbit type?
- Yes
- No
Q4. Did you create a landing outcome label from the outcome column?
- Yes
- No
Graded Quiz: Data Wrangling Quiz Answers
Q1. How many launches came from CCAFS SLC 40?
- 55
Q2. What was the success rate?
- 80%
- 67%
- 40%
Q3. In the lab you used the method .value_counts() to determine the number and occurrence of each orbit in the column Orbit. What was the value for Orbit with the column name GTO.
- 27
Q4. How many landing outcomes in the column landing_outcomes had a value of none.
- 19
Applied Data Science Capstone Week 02 Quiz Answers
Check Points: Exploratory Analysis Using SQL Answers
Q1. Have you created a Db2 database asset in your IBM Watson Studio project?
- Yes
- No
Q2. Have you loaded SpaceX dataset into Db2 Table?
- Yes
- No
Q3. Have you used SQL queries with the SQL magic commands in Python to perform EDA?
- Yes
- No
Exploratory Data Analysis using SQL Answers
Q1. Which of the following will retrieve the most recent date from the spacex table?
- SELECT max(Date) from SPACEXTBL
Q2. Which of the following queries display the minimum payload mass?
- select payload_mass__kg_ from SPACEXTBL order by payload_mass__kg_ group by booster_version LIMIT 1
- select payload_mass__kg_ from SPACEXTBL order by payload_mass__kg_ desc LIMIT 1
- select min(payload_mass__kg_) from SPACEXTBL
- select payload_mass__kg_ from SPACEXTBL where payload_mass__kg_=(select max(payload_mass__kg_) from SPACEXTBL) LIMIT 1
Q3. You are writing a query that will give you the total payload_mass_kg carried by the booster versions. The mass should be stored in the mass column. You want the result column to be called “Total_Payload_Mass”. Which of the following SQL queries is correct?
- SELECT sum(PAYLOAD_MASS__KG_) as Total_Payload_Mass from SPACEXTBL
- SELECT count(PAYLOAD_MASS__KG_) as Total_Payload_Mass from SPACEXTBL
Q4. Which of the following query to display 5 records launched on Friday?
Q5. What are the unique launch sites mentioned in the Spacex table?
- None of the Above
Exploratory Data Analysis for Data Visualization Answers
Q1. What type of data does a Bar Chart best represent?
- Location Data
- Numerical
- Categorical
- None of the above
Q2. What are the total number of columns in the features dataframe after applying one hot encoding to columns Orbits, LaunchSite, LandingPad and Serial .
Here the features dataframe consists of the following columns FlightNumber’, ‘PayloadMass’, ‘Orbit’, ‘LaunchSite’, ‘Flights’, ‘GridFins’, ‘Reused’, ‘Legs’, ‘LandingPad’, ‘Block’, ‘ReusedCount’, ‘Serial’
- 120
- 80
- 83
- 96
Q3. The catplot code to show the scatterplot of FlightNumber vs LaunchSite with x as FlightNumber, and y to Launch Site and hue to ‘Class’ is
sns.catplot(y=”LaunchSite”,x=”FlightNumber”,hue=”Class”, data=df, aspect = 1,kind=’cat’)
plt.ylabel(“Launch Site”,fontsize=15)
plt.xlabel(“Flight Number”,fontsize=15)
sns.catplot(y=”LaunchSite”,x=”FlightNumber”,hue=”Class”, data=df, aspect = 1)
plt.ylabel(“Launch Site”,fontsize=15)
plt.xlabel(“Flight Number”,fontsize=15)
sns.catplot(y=”LaunchSite”,x=”FlightNumber”,hue=”Class”, data=df, aspect = 1,kind=’scatter’)
plt.ylabel(“Launch Site”,fontsize=15)
plt.xlabel(“Flight Number”,fontsize=15)
sns.catplot(y=”LaunchSite”,x=”FlightNumber”,hue=”Class”, col=”Class”, data=df, aspect = 1)
plt.ylabel(“Launch Site”,fontsize=15)
plt.xlabel(“Flight Number”,fontsize=15)
Applied Data Science Capstone Week 03 Quiz Answers
Q1. How can you add marking objects such as circles, markers, or lines on a Folium map? (Click all choices that apply)
- add_node(map, object)
- map.add_child(object)
- map.add_to(object)
- object.add_to(map)
Q2. If you want to add multiple markers with similar coordinates on the Folium map, which Folium plugin you should use?
- MarkerCluster
- MarkerGroup
- MarkerContainer
- Markers should be add to map directly without any extra layer
Q3. Which attribute is used to provide available selections (such as a list of launch sites) for a Plotly DropDown input?
- input
- values
- placeholder
- options
Q4. How can we associate the result of a callback function (like a Ploty figure) to an element defined in the application layout
- Using a unique component id
- Dash automatically render the result of a callback function
- Using component name
Q5. Can we add multiple input components to a dash callback function
- Yes
- No
Applied Data Science Capstone Week 04 Quiz Answers
Graded Quiz: Predictive Analysisis Answers
Q1. How many records were there in the test sample?
- 18
Q2. For Support Vector Machines, what kernel has the best result on the validation dataset
- linear
- rbf
- sigmoid
Q3. After selecting the best hyperparameters for the decision tree classifier using the validation data, what was the accuracy achieved on the test data
- 83.33%
- 73.33%
- 93.33%
All Quiz Answers of multiple Specializations or Professional Certificates programs:
Course 1: What is Data Science?
Course 2: Tools for Data Science
Course 3: Data Science Methodology
Course 4: Python for Data Science, AI & Development
Course 5: Python Project for Data Science
Course 6: Databases and SQL for Data Science with Python
Course 7: Data Analysis with Python