Get All Weeks Windows Registry Forensics Coursera Quiz Answers
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Windows Registry Forensics Week 01 Quiz Answers
Quiz 1: Windows Registry Forensics Quiz
Q1. The Windows Registry is defined as
- SQL database
- Central relational database
- Central hierarchical database
- Flat file
Q2. The Windows Registry replaced which type of file?
- Link Files
- Property lists
- Configuration and Initialization files
- Log Files
Q3. What information is NOT contained in the Windows Registry?
- System Information
- Disk structure information
- Application specific information
- user information
Q4. The Windows Registry can be useful for?
- Validating findings through an investigation
- Determining the number of partitions on a drive
- Determining cluster size
- looking up a phone number
Q5. Registry is important because it records?
- installed programs
- user account information
- all of these
- devices attached to the computer
Q6. The type of case you are investigating…
- will determine the type of information you are looking for
- will NOT determine the type of information you are looking for
- only matters if it is a Windows 7 computer
- has nothing to do with the registry
Q7. The Windows Registry contains
- All of these
- Keys
- Hives
- Sub-Keys
- Data
- Values
Q8. The registry hive files are pulled into memory, handle keys, and represented as
- user Keys (UK)
- File Keys (FK)
- Block Keys (BK)
- Handle Keys (HK)
Q9. Which Registry Key is only found on a live running system?
- Security
- Sam
- Hardware
- System
- Software
Q10. Registry values can be in several different forms. Which is not a registry value form?
- Binary Data
- SQL Data
- String Data
- Hex Data
Q11. The user specific registry files contained in the registry are?
- PTUser.reg and user.Dat
- Amcache and Sam
- NTUser.Dat and UsrClass.Dat
- None of the above
Q12. The system specific files contained within the registry are?
- security
- All of these
- AmCache
- software
- Sam
- system
Q13. The Sam, Security, Software, and System Registry files are located at
- Volume root\Windows\Sam\config
- Volume root\Windows\system32\config
- Volume root\WindowsNT\system32\config
- Volume root\system32\user\config
Q14. What are the two registry files that relate to a specific user?
- NTUser.dat and Software
- NTUser.dat and USRClass.dat
- Sam and System
- Sam and Security
Q15. Registry browser is a
- Hex editor
- Registry hive sub-key
- Older type of Windows registry prior to Windows 95
- Specialized tool used to view the Window Registry
Q16. Which sub-key is used to determine the current control set?
- Windows
- System
- Microsoft
- Select
Q17. What registry hive file contains the the time zone setting
- Sam
- Software
- System
- Security
Q18. The Windows OS Version and Install date are contained in the __ registry hive?
- Security
- System
- Software
- Sam
Q19. Regarding the live Windows Registry, which two hive keys or sub keys only exists in the live registry?
- Both A and B
- None of these
Q20. Which two Registry files are not accessible on a live running computer. As seen in Regedit.
- Sam
- Both Security and Software
- security
- software
- system
- Both Sam and security
Q21. What Registry sub key contains a list of recently used documents by file extension?
- The Run Sub Once subkey
- The Run MRU subkey
- Recent Docs subkey
- User Assist
Q22. The typed URL subkey contains:
- Recently run applications
- Search terms typed into Windows Explorer
- Programs run at startup
- Web Addresses typed into the Internet Explorer Address Bar
Q23. The values in which key are stored using ROT13
- Run
- Typed URLs
- User Assist
- Recent Applications
Q24. This sub key tracks recently used applications and may contain a record of the files that were opened with each application…
- Run Once
- User Assist
- Recent Apps
- Run MRU
Q25. This subkey tracks user-specific, persistent, applications that are set to run at start-up.
- Run MRU
- Recent Apps
- Run
- Run Once
Q26. This key tracks files that have been opened or saved within a Windows Open/Save dialog box. This includes web browsers and commonly used applications.
- Run MRU
- ComDlg32 OpenSavePidMRU
- Recent Docs
- Recent Apps
Q27. This key maintains a list of all the values typed into the Run box on the Start menu.
- Run
- Run MRU
- WordWheel Query
- Run Once
Q28. The subkey Typed Paths does what?
- Keeps track of URL typed into the Internet Explorer Address Bar
- Keeps track of Files, Directories, or programs accessed by typing a File path into Windows Explorer
- comdlg 32
- Runs at startup
Q29. Microsoft Office MRU are…
- programs or applications launched through the Windows runbox
- User-specific programs that are set to run at startup with no interaction from
- Recently used Microsoft Office Documents
- created when a user types a path to a directory, file, or application into Windows Explorer.
Q30. What subkey tracks user key word searches?
- ComDlg32
- Recent Apps
- Run MRU
- WordWheel query
Q31. The SAM file stores what information?
- Information about files and applications recently accessed by a user
- information about the users internet accounts and browser history
- Programs set to Run at startup by a user
- information about each user such as login information, login password hashes, and group information
Q32. The Security identifier SID is comprised of 3 parts…
- Issuing identifier-Domain authority-Machine identifier
- Issuing authority- Machine/domain identifier- Relative identifier
- user name – Profile path- User directory
- All of the above
Q33. The Machine identifier of the local machine is found in the __ subkey
- Users
- Domains
- Groups
- Account
Q34. The relative identifier or RID identifies a?
- User
- Domain
- Group
- Machine
Q35. The Names subkey identifier the user’s name and __ ?
- Relative Identifier
- last logon time
- log on count
- password hash
Q36. The last logon time is stored in the _ subkey?
- Names
- Accounts
- User
- Domains
Q37. The V value of the users subkey contains?
- last logon date and time
- username and password hash
- log on count
- number of failed logon’s
Q38. What is the function of the RunMRU subkey in the Software Hive File?
- all of the above
- This key tracks user searches
- This key shows programs that run at startup
- This key maintains a list of all the values typed into the Run box on the Start menu
Q39. The OpenSavePidMRU sub-key, which is a sub-key of Comdlg 32 tracks … ?
- User logon information and last logged on user
- AutoStart locations
- values typed into the Run box on the Start menu
- A specific executable used to open the files
Q40. Information indicating the last logged-on user would be found in which sub-key within the software hive file?
- Comdlg 32
- Classes
- LogonUI
- Run
Q41. _ is an autostart location in the Software Hive File.
- Run Key
- Comdlg 32
- RunMRU
- Installed printers
Q42. Windows OS install date and time would be found in the Software file in which sub-key?
- Run Once
- Winlogon
- Windows
- Current Version
Q43. The network list sub-keys profiles and signatures contain what information?
- Domain user account information
- Wireless network dates and times and gateway MAC address
- Evidence of program execution
- User account information
Q44. In the software hive file, what 2 sub-keys contain information regarding the connection of USB devices?
- Mount points and Mountspoints2
- Mountpoints2 and RunMRU
- Devices and EMD Management
- USBStore and USB
Q45. What key within the system file is used to determine the current control set?
- Control
- Prefetch
- Services
- Select
Q46. The last shutdown time is found within which sub-key in the system hive file?
- USBstore
- select
- control
- Windows
Q47. In the system hive, the Windows services sub-key tracks programs that _?
- is not a subkey in the system hive
- run automatically when the system is booted, and are started by the system and with no interaction from the user
- Tracks USB Devices
- Indicates when the system needs service
Q48. What subkey in the system hive file contains settings for the prefetch utility?
- Select
- prefetchParameters
- Windows
- Controlset
Q49. The setting within the system hive file that controls whether or not the page file is cleared at shutdown is _?
- Memory Management
- shutdown
- Crash Control
- select
Q50. What type of information is found at this location in the System hive file
Location:ControlSet001\Enum\USBSTOR\”Device”\”Serial# or Unique instance ID”\Properties{83da6326-97a6-4088-9453-a1923f573b29}
- user account information
- USB device connection and disconnection dates and times
- programs set to run at startup
- prefetch settings
Q51. Appcompatcache was created by Microsoft to identify application compatibility Issues between 32 bit and 64 bit applications. What does the cache data track?
- All of these
- File Path
- Last Modified Time
- File Size
- None of these
Q52. Information found in the Background Activity Moderator (BAM) sub-key proves?
- Program execution by a specific user
- Nothing
- Program execution but not by a specific user
- A change to the file MFT record
Q53. What do Shellbags track?
- Folders or Directories within the Windows file system
- File Times
- Recently used applications
- Programs run at startup
Q54. The _ hive file stores artifacts such as the Last write time, Install Dates, Application Name, Version, and path to exe or dill
- The NTUser.dat Hive File
- The AmCache Hive File
- The Sam File
- The System Hive File
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