Using Python to Access Web Data Quiz Answers – Networking Funda

All Weeks Using Python to Access Web Data Quiz Answers

Using Python to Access Web Data Week 1 Quiz Answers

Quiz: Regular Expressions

Q1. Which of the following best describes “Regular Expressions”?

  • The way Python handles and recovers from errors that would otherwise cause a traceback
  • A way to calculate mathematical values paying attention to operator precedence
  • A way to solve Algebra formulas for the unknown value
  • A small programming language unto itself

Q2. Which of the following is the way we match the “start of a line” in a regular expression?

  • correcr answer ^
  • str.startswith()
  • \linestart
  • String.startsWith()
  • variable[0:1]

Q3. What would the following mean in a regular expression? [a-z0-9]

  • Match anything but a lowercase letter or digit
  • Match a lowercase letter or a digit
  • Match any number of lowercase letters followed by any number of digits
  • Match an entire line as long as it is lowercase letters or digits
  • Match any text that is surrounded by square braces

Q4. What is the type of the return value of the re.findall() method?

  • A boolean
  • A single character
  • An integer
  • A list of strings
  • A string

Q5. What is the “wild card” character in a regular expression (i.e., the character that matches any character)?

  • *
  • +
  • ?
  • ^
  • $
  • correct answer .

Q6. What is the difference between the “+” and “*” character in regular expressions?

  • The “+” matches at least one character and the “*” matches zero or more characters
  • The “+” matches upper case characters and the “*” matches lowercase characters
  • The “+” matches the beginning of a line and the “*” matches the end of a line
  • The “+” matches the actual plus character and the “*” matches any character
  • The “+” indicates “start of extraction” and the “*” indicates the “end of extraction”

Q7. What does the “[0-9]+” match in a regular expression?

  • Any number of digits at the beginning of a line
  • One or more digits
  • Zero or more digits
  • Any mathematical expression
  • Several digits followed by a plus sign

Q8. What does the following Python sequence print out?

x = 'From: Using the : character'

y = re.findall('^F.+:', x)


  • :
  • From:
  • [‘From:’]
  • [‘From: Using the :’]
  • ^F.+:

Q9. What character do you add to the “+” or “*” to indicate that the match is to be done in a non-greedy manner?

  • ++
  • $
  • **
  • ^
  • correct answer ?
  • \g

Q10. Given the following line of text:

From [email protected] Sat Jan  5 09:14:16 2008

What would the regular expression ‘\S+?@\S+’ match?

Using Python to Access Web Data Week 2 Quiz Answers

Quiz: Networks and Sockets

Q1. What do we call it when a browser uses the HTTP protocol to load a file or page from a server and display it in the browser?

  • SMTP
  • The Request/Response Cycle
  • Internet Protocol (IP)
  • IMAP

Q2. What separates the HTTP headers from the body of the HTTP document?

  • A blank line
  • A less-than sign indicating the start of an HTML tag
  • Four dashes
  • X-End-Header: true

Q3. What must you do in Python before opening a socket?

  • import tcp-socket
  • open socket
  • import tcp
  • _socket = true
  • import socket

Q4. In a client-server application on the web using sockets, which must come up first?

  • server
  • client
  • it does not matter

Q5. Which of the following is most like an open socket in an application?

  • An “in-progress” phone conversation
  • Fiber optic cables
  • The wheels on an automobile
  • The chain on a bicycle
  • The ringer on a telephone

Q6. What does the “H” of HTTP stand for?

  • HyperText
  • wHolsitic
  • Simple
  • Hyperspeed
  • Manual

Q7. What is an important aspect of an Application Layer protocol like HTTP?

  • How long do we wait before packets are retransmitted?
  • What is the IP address for a domain like
  • How much memory does the server need to serve requests?
  • Which application talks first? The client or server?

Q8. What are the three parts of this URL (Uniform Resource Locator)?

  • Page, offset, and count
  • Protocol, document, and offset
  • Protocol, host, and document
  • Host, offset, and page
  • Document, page, and protocol

Q9. When you click on an anchor tag in a web page like below, what HTTP request is sent to the server?

<p>Please click <a href="page1.htm">here</a>.</p> 

  • GET
  • POST
  • PUT
  • INFO

Q10. Which organization publishes Internet Protocol Standards?

  • LDAP
  • IMS
  • SIFA
  • IETF

Using Python to Access Web Data Week 3 Quiz Answers

Quiz :Reading Web Data From Python

Q1. Which of the following Python data structures is most similar to the value returned in this line of Python:

x = urllib.request.urlopen('')1 point

  • list
  • regular expression
  • file handle
  • socket
  • dictionary

Q2. In this Python code, which line actually reads the data?

import socket

mysock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

mysock.connect(('', 80))

cmd = 'GET HTTP/1.0\n\n'.encode()


while True:    

data = mysock.recv(512)    

if (len(data) < 1):       




  • mysock.recv()
  • socket.socket()
  • mysock.close()
  • mysock.connect()
  • mysock.send()

Q3. Which of the following regular expressions would extract the URL from this line of HTML:

<p>Please click <a href="">here</a></p>

  • href=”(.+)”
  • href=”.+”
  • http://.*
  • <.*>

Q4. In this Python code, which line is most like the open() call to read a file:

import socket 

mysock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

mysock.connect(('', 80))

cmd = 'GET HTTP/1.0\n\n'.encode()


while True:    

data = mysock.recv(512)   

if (len(data) < 1):        




  • mysock.connect()
  • import socket
  • mysock.recv()
  • mysock.send()
  • socket.socket()

Q5. Which HTTP header tells the browser the kind of document that is being returned?

  • HTML-Document:
  • Content-Type:
  • Metadata:
  • Document-Type:
  • ETag:

Q6. What should you check before scraping a web site?

  • That the web site supports the HTTP GET command
  • That the web site returns HTML for all pages
  • That the web site only has links within the same site
  • That the web site allows scraping

Q7. What is the purpose of the BeautifulSoup Python library?

  • It allows a web site to choose an attractive skin
  • It optimizes files that are retrieved many times
  • It repairs and parses HTML to make it easier for a program to understand
  • It builds word clouds from web pages
  • It animates web operations to make them more attractive

Q8. What ends up in the “x” variable in the following code:

html = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read()

soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')

x = soup('a')

  • A list of all the anchor tags (<a..) in the HTML from the URL
  • True if there were any anchor tags in the HTML from the URL
  • All of the externally linked CSS files in the HTML from the URL
  • All of the paragraphs of the HTML from the URL

Q9. What is the most common Unicode encoding when moving data between systems?

  • UTF-64
  • UTF-8
  • UTF-16
  • UTF-32
  • UTF-128

Q10. What is the ASCII character that is associated with the decimal value 42?

  • !
  • ^
  • correct answer *
  • +
  • /

Q11. What word does the following sequence of numbers represent in ASCII:

108, 105, 110, 101

  • lost
  • tree
  • ping
  • func
  • line

Q12. How are strings stored internally in Python 3?

  • Byte Code
  • Unicode
  • UTF-8

Q13. When reading data across the network (i.e. from a URL) in Python 3, what method must be used to convert it to the internal format used by strings?

  • trim()
  • upper()
  • decode()
  • encode()
  • find()

Using Python to Access Web Data Week 4 Quiz Answers

Quiz: eXtensible Markup Language

Q1. What is the name of the Python 2.x library to parse XML data?

  • xml.json
  • xml.etree.ElementTree
  • xml-misc
  • xml2

Q2. Which of the following are not commonly used serialization formats?

  • Dictionaries
  • XML
  • JSON
  • HTTP
  • TCP

Q3. In this XML, which are the “simple elements”?




<phone>303 4456</phone>    




<phone>622 7421</phone>    


  • person
  • name
  • people
  • Noah
  • phone

Q4. In the following XML, which are attributes?



<phone type="intl">     

+1 734 303 4456  


<email hide="yes" />


  • name
  • hide
  • type
  • email
  • person

Q5. In the following XML, which node is the parent node of node e








  • e
  • b
  • c
  • a

Q6. Looking at the following XML, what text value would we find at path “/a/c/e”








  • b
  • Z
  • e
  • Y
  • a

Q7. What is the purpose of XML Schema?

  • To establish a contract as to what is valid XML
  • To transfer XML data reliably during network outages
  • To compute SHA1 checksums on data to make sure it is not modified in transit
  • A Python program to tranform XML files

Q8. For this XML Schema:

<xs:complexType name=”person”>  


<xs:element name="lastname" type="xs:string"/>    

<xs:element name="age" type="xs:integer"/>    

<xs:element name="dateborn" type="xs:date"/>  



And this XML,






Which tag is incorrect?

  • Age
  • lastname
  • age
  • person
  • dateborn

Q9. What does the “Z” mean in this representation of a time:12002-05-30T09:30:10Z

  • This time is in the UTC timezone
  • The hours value is in the range 0-12
  • The local timezone for this time is New Zealand
  • This time is Daylight Savings Time

Q10. Which of the following dates is in ISO8601 format?

  • 2002-May-30
  • May 30, 2002
  • 2002-05-30T09:30:10Z
  • 05/30/2002

Using Python to Access Web Data Week 5 Quiz Answers

Quiz: REST, JSON, and APIs

Q1. Who is credited with the REST approach to web services?

  • Vint Cerf
  • Bjarne Stroustrup
  • Roy Fielding
  • Leonard Klienrock
  • Daphne Koller

Q2. What Python library do you have to import to parse and handle JSON?

  • import re
  • ElementTree
  • import json
  • BeautifulSoup

Q3. Which of the following is a web services approach used by the Twitter API?

  • SOAP
  • REST

Q4. What kind of variable will you get in Python when the following JSON is parsed:

{ "id" : "001", 

 "x" : "2",  

"name" : "Chuck"


  • A list of tuples
  • A tuple with three items
  • A dictionary with three key / value pairs
  • A list with three items
  • A list with six items

Q5. Which of the following is not true about the service-oriented approach?

  • An application makes use of the services provided by other applications
  • Standards are developed where many pairs of applications must work together
  • An application runs together all in one place
  • Web services and APIs are used to transfer data between applications

Q6. Which of these two web service approaches is preferred in most modern service-oriented applications?

  • SOAP – Simple Object Access Protocol
  • REST – Representational state transfer

Q7. What library call do you make to append properly encoded parameters to the end of a URL like the following:


  • urllib.parse.urlencode()
  • re.match()
  • urllib.urlcat()
  • re.encode()

Q8. What happens when you exceed the Google geocoding API rate limit?

  • The API starts to perform very slowly
  • You cannot use the API for 24 hours
  • You cannot use the API until you respond to an email that contains a survey question
  • Your application starts to perform very slowly

Q9. What protocol does Twitter use to protect its API?

  • SOAP
  • SHA1-MD5
  • Java Web Tokens
  • OAuth
  • WS*Security

Q10. What header does Twitter use to tell you how many more API requests you can make before you will be rate-limited?

  • content-type
  • x-rate-limit-remaining
  • x-max-requests
  • x-request-count-down
Get All Course Quiz Answers of Python for Everybody Specialization

Course 01: Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)

Course 02: Python Data Structures

Course 03: Using Python to Access Web Data

Course 04: Using Databases with Python

Course 05: Capstone: Retrieving, Processing, and Visualizing Data with Python

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