Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers

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Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Week 01 Quiz Answers

Quiz : Week 1

Q1. Let’s say you are taking a statistics course with your best friend. You watch the teacher carefully and read all the suggested readings. You do your homework with your friend and carefully copy the solutions, making sure you understand them as you copy them. For some reason, you aren’t doing as well as your friend in the course. What is the most probable explanation, according to the videos you’ve watched this week, for why you’re not doing as well as your friend?

  • My friend is luckier at picking the right example problems to study before the tests.Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers
  • I wasn’t ACTIVELY working with the materials. I was fooling myself in thinking that just by reading the written materials, and watching the teacher, that I had actually learned the material.Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers
  • My friend is a lot smarter than me.

Q2. Nobel Prize winner Santiago Ramón y Cajal felt that one characteristic in particular was not helpful in allowing him to be successful in science. What characteristic did he describe as NOT being helpful for him in his own success in science?Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers

  • Flexibility
  • Persistence
  • Genius

Q3. Scientists have found that music is almost always harmful when you are trying to study.Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers

  • True
  • False

Q4. Select the true statements below:

  • Breakthroughs in science and other career fields can happen as a consequence of someone bringing insights from one field to another.Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers
  • A former career in a seemingly completely unrelated discipline can help you to be better at your new career.
  • Paradigm shifts in science can allow us to make enormous new gains in our creative understanding of the world.Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers
  • Only young people, who haven’t yet been indoctrinated into seeing the world the same way as everyone else, can have fresh insights in science or in relation to their careers.Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers

Q5. Fill in the blank with the best choice based on this week’s videos.

Because of their early verbal advantage, women sometimes come to believe their passions lie in ____________________oriented fields, which accounts for part of the reason there are fewer women in technical and scientific fields.

  • scientifically
  • verbally
  • mathematically

Q6. Based on the information in this week’s videos, check the three best answers from the four possible answers below that could be used to fill in the blank.

The concept of “mastery learning” _____________________________.

  • means that students should be allowed to retake quiz variants over and over again until they feel comfortable with the material, re-watch lectures if they need to, or even get different explanations of the material. It’s a great way to learn the material well.
  • means that some students cannot master the learning, so they should be directed to only work on studies that allow them to “follow their passion.”
  • can involve new forms of online learning, such as MOOCs like this one.
  • means that different students may need different amounts of instruction time, and different amounts of practice, in order to master the material—even though they all eventually master the material.

Q7. Select the true options related to the focused and diffuse modes.Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers

  • In general, you can only be in one mode at a time—the inputting focused mode, or the organizing diffuse mode, where the brain is consolidating the information. This is why it’s really important to take little study breaks and give yourself time where you’re NOT focusing on the information at hand. The little break is what helps the brain consolidate the new information so it can later think more creatively about it.
  • When you focus on something, your mind is in receiving mode. Information is pouring in. When you’re in diffuse mode, your brain is “turning around,” so to speak, and placing the new information in other parts of your brain—organizing and making sense of the new material.
  • Counterintuitively, when you’ve reached that point of intense frustration where you can’t seem to make any headway, only when you STOP thinking about the problem you’re trying to solve, can you actually regroup mentally and begin to make progress.
  • The habit of writing down a problem that you are trying to solve before going to bed will help calm your mind and let your night time brain think of a solution.

Q8. Select the single best answer according to what was taught this week.

Everybody has a genius IQ if they just work to uncover it.Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers

  • Aptitude tests are good indicators of how you can change.
  • Everyone, even seemingly highly successful people, has failures and false starts.
  • The Mindshift course is structured to show you how you can believe anything into reality.Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers

Q9. Choose the single best option from below to complete the sentence.

Our need for occasional distraction during any given learning session may arise from _________________________________________________.

  • competing tight-focus versus big-picture needsMindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers
  • the actions of caffeine.Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers
  • boredom
  • synaptic exhaustion

Q10. Select the answer that best conveys a key idea from Terry’s video about the effect of environment on your behavior.

Studies have shown that dark, indoor lighting promotes ______________________________.Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers

  • hyperactivity
  • enigma brain waves
  • inactivity
  • arousal

Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Week 02 Quiz Answers

Quiz : Week 2

Q1. Please select the correct choices regarding this week’s discussion of learning styles. Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers

  • Learning styles form a big industry because it is such a powerful and scientifically proven technique.
  • Whenever you’re learning anything, try to take advantage of ALL your senses. Don’t characterize yourself as having a preferred learning style—instead, think of yourself as an “all inclusive” type learner.
  • It seems we often learn best when we can integrate what we’re learning using a lot of our different senses—including hearing, seeing, and perhaps especially, being able to feel with our hands.
  • Learning styles form a big industry—authors and companies make a lot of money from the tests they devise, administer and teach workshops about. So there is a BIG impetus to push the idea that teaching to learning styles is important, even if there is a lack of scientific evidence for those claims, and even if teaching to learning styles can actually be harmful.

Q2. In accordance with what was taught in this week’s quizzes, select the following options that are true.

  • Meditation can have surprisingly different effects depending on the type.
  • It’s important to always keep practicing your focus whenever possible.
  • Open monitoring types of meditation, such as Vipassana and mindfulness, appear to improve dif­fuse, imaginative thinking.Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers
  • Focused attention types of meditation, such as mantra, sound, or chakra meditation, appear to help enhance focused mode type thinking. Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers

Q3. Select the following true statements based on the past two weeks of material:

  • Allowing yourself to react inappropriately to stressful events can open the door to serious disease. Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers
  • Having a poor memory isn’t all bad—a poor memory can give you advantages like creativity and the ability to see short cuts.Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers
  • Pushing yourself to learn as much as you can, where ever possible, is the best way to ensure that you’re making most efficient use of your capabilities and growing as much as you can as a human being.Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers
  • It’s best to keep worrying and let the anxiety propel you to greater success.Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers

Q4. Select the following true statements, based on the information in this week’s videos

  • Diffuse mode thinking is more wide-ranging. Your thoughts can bounce pretty much anywhere.
  • Focused mode thinking is more wide-ranging. Your thoughts can bounce pretty much anywhere.
  • Researchers sometimes classify meditation techniques into two types that seem to be fundamentally different: focused attention and open monitoring.
  • Researchers sometimes classify meditation techniques into four types that seem to be fundamentally different: diminished attention, self monitoring, controlled output, and buouyed intellect.

Q5. Select the true answers regarding procrastination from the material we presented this week:

  • As mentioned in this weeks videos, sports teams often use “productive procrastination” as a tool to help them succeed competitively against other teams.
  • One good way to tackle procrastination is to decrease your impulsiveness by doing things like:
  • Setting small, realistic goals
  • Eliminating the temptation of my cell phone
  • Setting up helpful routines and habits.

Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers

  • Procrastination can be useful if you are trying to synthesize the material.
  • Procrastination was emphasized as an important way to get others to help you with the work.Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers
  • Procrastination is a bad idea when you are trying to learn something new, because the neural structures of learning take time to grow.Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers

Q6. Select the best choice to complete this sentence in accordance with what was taught in this week’s videos.

Once you’ve found words to describe your feelings, you’re beginning to move thoughts from emotions to more ____________________________.Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers

  • traumatizing thoughts
  • rational cognitions
  • poetic thoughts
  • deeply felt emotions

Q7. Select the single best answer to complete the sentence in accordance with this week’s materials.

In the past, for thousands of years, people thought that learning occurred primarily through ________________________.

  • incorporating musical rhythmMindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers
  • shortening sleep periods
  • reciting mantras
  • memorization

Q8. During the 25 minutes when you are doing a “Pomodoro,” it’s important to _______________________.Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers

  • commit all information to memory
  • turn off all distractions
  • text and interact with friends
  • play loud music with lyrics

Q9. Select the single best choice to fill in the blank in this question.

We know that the prefrontal cortex has approximately ____________ “slots” of working memory. This is why, if you are confronted with too much new information at once, it’s easy to feel confused or overwhelmed by the material unless you’ve already “chunked” some of the information.

  • four
  • two
  • six
  • eight

Q10. Select the true statements from below, based on this week’s materials related to your social brain. Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers

  • Brain serotonin levels depend heavily on the environment.
  • It’s wise to choose friends and coworkers who have aspirations that fit in with your goals.
  • The neuromodulators that affect your temperament can be changed by moving to a new environment where you are surrounded by a different group of people.
  • The drug “Ecstasy” releases most of the available serotonin in the brain and you become withdrawn and less social for the weeks it takes to fully replenish your supply of serotonin.

Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Week 03 Quiz Answers

Quiz : Week 3

Q1. In this MOOC, the term “passion trap” is defined as:

  • The state you fall into when you are passionately arguing about your career choice in a defensive manner.Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers
  • The phenomenon where we’re encouraged to “follow our passions” by well-meaning people—friends and teachers especially—who don’t themselves have to suffer the consequences of long term difficulties in getting a job. Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers
  • The frustrating feeling you get when your passions aren’t fulfilled.Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers
  • A meditative state where passions are trapped away within the diffuse mode.Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers

Q2. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence in light of a key point that was made in this week’s videos.

In Western cultures and societies, self-confidence and certainty is often praised. But the reality is that self-doubts can sometimes be a _________________ thing because they can help you have a “beginner’s mind” that is open to new experiences.

  • good
  • bad
  • sad
  • certain

Q3. This week, we made the point that it’s not a good idea to just blindly ______________ your passion. A little strategic thinking can go a long way!

  • follow
  • love
  • advertise
  • talk about


Select the true statements from below based on this week’s materials.Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers

  • Who you are is not just you – who you are also depends on your environment. This means that by changing your environment, you can speed up the process of mindshifting.
  • If you’re making a mindshift, count yourself lucky if those around you are supportive, and use the opportunity to go as far as you can down your new learning path.
  • You should follow your passions in finding and pursuing your career, no matter what the cost. Debt should not be a factor.
  • Well thought-out career changes can become a vitally important creative fuel. As career change type and frequency vary considerably within different cultures, this can affect the rate and direction of overall development for entire societies.
  • It’s important to try to “fake people out”–even lying if you need to–in order to dominate others and become successful.

Q5. Select the true answers from below related to this week’s materials.

  • In the end, it’s always important to keep your mind open, and to keep learning. This is the best way to ensure your skills don’t become obsolete. Read, take MOOCs, and take courses and seminars to keep yourself prepared, no matter what twists or turns your career may take.
  • Avoid learning non-academic topics like magic or how to be a DJ. These are just frivolous pleasures.
  • Many individuals focus on acquiring a specific skill—say, a certain programming language—but they forget that other skills, such as being able to speak humorously and effectively, can add formidable value to their talent stack.
  • Once you’ve started learning the new skill, you will often be surprised to see the powerful enhancement it makes with relation to your pre-existing skills.

Q6. The “Golden Rule of Career Catastrophes” states that:

  • It’s never as bad as you think it is at the time, and there’s always a silver lining.
  • Career catastrophes are amongst the worst challenges people face, there’s no recovery from them.
  • Career catastrophes are something you should aim for because self-destruction is an interesting process.Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers

Q7. Select the single best answer from this week’s videos to complete the sentence below.

If you have long term goals in a difficult-to-master area, one of the best things you can do is to _______________________ what you are learning.

  • become frustrated with
  • believe in
  • time yourself in
  • immerse yourself in

Q8. Select the true statements from below.

  • Emotions are important for social interactions, learning and decision making.
  • Emotions are relatively unimportant for social interactions, learning and decision making.
  • The interaction of many ancient neural systems, such as those involving serotonin and noradrenaline, complicates the search for effective treatments for mental disorders and reminds us that, although we talk about this or that chemical system, brain systems are deeply integrated.
  • The three neuromodulatory systems based serotonin, noradrenaline and dopamine, interact strongly with emotional systems in the brain. Without these systems, we would not be human; with them, we are able to form social bonds, evaluate dangerous situations, and learn new skills.

Q9. Select the best word or phrase to complete this sentence, based on this week’s videos.

If you have a poor working memory, you are more likely to be more __________________________.Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers

  • lazy
  • sleepy
  • creative
  • creepyMindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers

Q10. Select the single best phrase to complete the second sentence, based on this MOOC’s teachings

When changing careers or starting something new and different, it is typical to feel an almost child-like incompetence. _________________________________________

  • This means you should be taking it easy and letting your diffuse mode do all the “work.”
  • But the creative power you bring to the table because of your willingness to change can be invaluable.
  • But that’s okay, you’ll get used to it.

Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Week 04 Quiz Answers

Quiz : Final Examination

  • Q1. Nobel Prize winner Santiago Ramón y Cajal felt that two important traits underpinned his success in science. What were those two traits?Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers
  • Persistence
  • CleanlinessMindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers
  • Genius
  • Flexibility
  • Sense of humor

Q2. In accordance with what was taught in this MOOC, select the true statements from below.Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers

  • Focused attention types of meditation, such as mantra, sound, or chakra meditation, appear to help enhance focused mode type thinking.
  • Open monitoring types of meditation, such as Vipassana and mindfulness, appear to improve focused type thinking.
  • Scientific research on meditation is still in its infancy, but researchers sometimes classify meditation techniques into two types that seem to be fundamentally different: focused attention and open monitoring.
  • Open monitoring types of meditation, such as Vipassana and mindfulness, appear to improve dif­fuse, imaginative thinking.

Q3. One of the most important themes of this MOOC is (choose the single best answer):

  • Don’t just follow your passion—broaden your passion. Try to learn new concepts, skills, and ideas, even if at first those new areas might not seem natural for you. Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers
  • Horses are important today in how human history will continue to unfold.Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers
  • The internal combustion engine is the most important development in today’s society.Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers
  • Becoming aware of your own learning style is a key to your success in learning.Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers

Q4. Select the single best answer based on the teachings of Mindshift.

One of the very best ways to be the smartest person in the room is to _____________________.

  • study your own discipline with single-minded intensity.Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers
  • eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers
  • make a habit of reading plenty of books, like Warren Buffet.Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers
  • exercise on a daily basis.Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers

Q5. Fill in the single best option based on the teachings of this course to complete the following sentence.

Aptitude tests _________________________________.

  • provide a definitive guide for what you should do in your life–you should unquestioningly follow their advice.
  • are valuable to take because they allow you to focus only on what you are good at, which is what this course is all about.
  • show your complete potential.
  • only provide indications about what you are good at right now–they don’t necessarily provide information about how you can change.

Q6. Part of the reason it’s important NOT to procrastinate when you are learning something new and difficult is:

  • Cramming has been shown by research to improve your brain’s neuro-synaptic speeds.
  • Cramming has been shown by research to improve learning.
  • The stress of an impending deadline can be uncomfortable, making it harder to learn.
  • Your brain can only grow so many new neural synapses each day. Waiting until the last minute to cram means that you’ll be developing a poor neural architecture related to what you’re learning.

Q7. Select the following true statements in accordance with what has been taught in this MOOC.

  • Well-thought-out career change, whether a small shift to a different department, or a major shift to a whole new discipline, can help form a vitally important creative fuel for all societies.
  • If you ARE considering career change, or even simple second-skilling, three approaches you can take are dabbling, leading a double life, or being a contrarian. Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers
  • When making a “mindshift,” for example, by changing careers, it’s important to remain open to what is new around you, rather than reverting to old thought patterns.
  • If you keep getting deep indications that a certain career path is not for you–for example, you repeatedly do very badly over several years on an important test for medical school–you should just keep trying anyway. Sooner or later, you’ll succeed by sheer willpower!

Q8. Select the following true answers in accordance with the material taught in this course.

  • You can learn a subject just as well–even better–than someone smarter than you if you practice and spend more time to master the material.
  • Mastery learning means that a single lecture and test should be all that’s required to learn at the mastery level.Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers
  • When we go through school we tend to focus on areas we’re thought to be good at, which means we get less practice with things we’re not as good at. This tends to make us think we’re only good at certain areas, when that isn’t necessarily true at all.
  • You can change the neural structure of your brain through learning.Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers

Q9. Select the true options related to the focused and diffuse modes.Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers

  • The focused mode helps us make intuitive leaps—connections between new ideas you didn’t realize were connected.
  • When you’re concentrating intently on something and you find yourself growing frustrated, the best thing you can do is often to get your concentration OFF what you’re trying to understand.
  • When you focus on something, your mind is in receiving mode. Information is pouring in. When you’re in diffuse mode, your brain is “turning around,” so to speak, and placing the new information in other parts of your brain—organizing and making sense of the new material.
  • The diffuse mode helps us make intuitive leaps—connections between new ideas you didn’t realize were connected.
  • The diffuse mode only turns on when you aren’t thinking of anything in particular, so you can’t just concentrate and turn it on, like you can with the focused mode.

Q10. (Select the single true option below) When it comes to listening to music: Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers

  • You should never listen to music while studying.
  • Graphic lyrics improve reading comprehension.
  • You should use common sense and discover what works for you.
  • Louder volume improves material retention.

Q11. According to the videos of this course, you often subconsciously use two tricks to increase your focus when trying to remember something. Select those tricks below.

  • Averting your gaze to avoid overloading your working memory
  • Closing your eyes to help ignore distractors.
  • Humming “happy birthday”–the familiar tune will help you focus and maintain your attention.Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers
  • Tapping your fingers to create a learning rhythm.

Q12. Chose the single best phrase to insert in the sentence below.

Even rude and mean people can be mentors to us–since they can show us what we _________________want to be like.

Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers

  • seemingly
  • really
  • always
  • don’t

Q13. Chose the single best word or phrase to complete the sentence below.

Mentors aren’t necessarily ___________________ figures who spend many hours brain-storming and guiding you to your future.

Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers

  • eloquent
  • high ranking
  • unknown
  • parent-like
  • silly

Q14. Select the single best phrase to complete the sentence below.

Metaphors can often help you understand _______________________________. Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers

  • difficult concepts
  • people who are confusing
  • that all goldfish secretly wish to be sharks
  • how to block out distractions

Q15. Choose the best phrase from below to complete the sentence.

Research has shown that if you watch a professor on a video for about ______________________, you can get a good sense of how effective that professor actually is.Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers

  • 30 seconds
  • An hour
  • 30 minutes
  • Two weeks

Q16. Select the single best description of the term “imposter syndrome” as used in this course.Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers

  • Imposters think of themselves as actors in a play.
  • Imposters are those who think that the others around them are somehow better, more gifted, or possessing more ability. Feeling like an imposter is a very common feeling when changing professions or learning something new.
  • Imposters like to work as mannequins in department stores.Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers
  • Imposters are those who don’t follow their passions.

Q17. Check the following true statements, according to the information we’ve given in Mindshift.

  • Real expertise can only be acquired through a college degree.
  • Practice, repetition, and some memorization can help you “chunk” key concepts and procedures–a vitally important part of learning.
  • Memorizing an equation can help you understand that equation more deeply, especially if you’re trying to understand what’s going on with that equation as you are memorizing it.
  • If you have a race car brain, just be aware—one of your biggest assets can become your biggest liability if you get too used to thinking you’re always right and that you’re the smartest person around.

Q18. Select the following true choices related to memory based on this course.

  • We have roughly four “slots” of working memory.
  • Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers
  • Practice can result in repetitive brain function syndrome, which can send you to the hospital.
  • Having a poor memory is always a disadvantage, because you get there more slowly. Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers
  • Having a poor memory can give you an unexpected advantage–increased creativity.

Q19. Select the true answers below based on the information in this MOOC1 point

  • Being mediocre at a lot of things–having a “talent stack,” can be valuable–don’t discount the value of your additional skills, even if you don’t think you’re the best at them. Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers
  • “Fluorescent learning” is one of the best approaches for making ideas stick in your mind.Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers
  • (H. Zell, own work, Fluorescence of Aragonite, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Aragonit_-_Fluorescence.gif)
  • Hobbies also play a role in your life of learning—not only do they make you happy, they help keep your brain fresh and agile
  • .Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers
  • There usually isn’t much difference between someone who’d been working the same job six months versus six years. Second-skilling doesn’t need to be as difficult as many people think. Skill development curves are typically logarithmic, not linear.
  • Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers

Q20. Select the single best word based on this week’s materials to complete the best sentence.

The best of online learning combines academia, with Silicon Valley, with a little bit of _____________________________, and there’s nothing wrong with that!

  • drudgery
  • teaching
  • research
  • Hollywood

Q21. Select the two most important true answers from the options below, based on this week’s discussions.

Part of the reason why there is such a range in the quality of university online materials is:

  • Universities are not used to competition in teaching.
  • There is no accrediting authority for universities.
  • Universities have limited budgets.
  • At many universities, especially the world’s elite, the attention goes towards doing great research–NOT great teaching.

Q22. Select the single best phrase or idea, based on the key ideas of this MOOC, to help complete the sentence below.

Where ever you are in your career path, it can help to keep your eye on _______________________________.

  • the MOOC you are planning to takeMindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers
  • the weatherMindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers
  • the big picture of societal trends
  • (This is because looking at change through history helps remind us that change is only to be expected.)Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers
  • https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File%3AMongol_Empire_map.gif, by User:Astrokey44

Q23. Select the true statements based on this course, from those listed below.Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers

  • Learning and change are only for young people.
  • Background and training from the past that might at first seem entirely useless often proves valuable in your new job or field.
  • Lifelong learning keeps our minds fresh as we age.
  • Mindshift—deep changes in life that occur through learning—is something that can be done at any age, with any goal in mind.
  • “General competence,” along with “selective ignorance,” can be valuable in helping you toward success in your career.

Q24. Select the three true statements from below.

  • As Terry Sejnowski pointed out, “Can you remember the last time you got angry? How long did your angry mood last?” This was used to make the point that emotions are typically fast to occur, and only last a few moments.
  • For a long time emotions were considered unreliable compared with cognition. This has all changed in the last few decades.
  • As Terry Sejnowski pointed out, “Can you remember the last time you got angry? How long did your angry mood last?” This was used to make the point that emotions are typically slow in onset and can last for a long time.
  • Researcher Paul Ekman found 6 universal expressions of emotion in all the human societies that he studied.
  • Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers

Q25. Select the single best phrase from below, based on this MOOC, to complete the sentence.

Being a worrier has its advantages. Anxiety can allow you to ____________________. (Later, you can reframe to help eliminate the worrisome feeling.)

Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential Quiz Answers

  • enjoy
  • forget your worries
  • anticipate possibilities
  • relax

Get All Course Quiz Answers of Software Development Lifecycle Specialization

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Lean Software Development Coursera Quiz Answers

Engineering Practices for Building Quality Software Quiz Answers

Team Networking Funda
Team Networking Funda

Hi, I’m Abbas Sarang, the creator of Networking Funda. With a passion for online education, I provide reliable course reviews and learning resources to empower learners worldwide.

I am a passionate SEO Specialist with over 3.5 years of experience in optimizing websites, driving organic traffic, and crafting content strategies. I began my journey by building and monetizing my own blog, gaining hands-on expertise in WordPress, SEO tools, and analytics. With a keen eye for detail and a love for data-driven decisions, I aim to help businesses enhance their online visibility and achieve measurable growth.

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