Machine Learning Foundations: A Case Study Approach Quiz Answer

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Week 1: Machine Learning Foundations: A Case Study Approach Quiz Answer

Quiz 1: S Frames

Q 1:Download the Wiki People SFrame. Then open a new Jupyter notebook, import TuriCreate, and read the SFrame data. 

Answer: Click here

Q 2: How many rows are in the SFrame? (Do NOT use commas or periods.)

[expand title=View Answer] 59071 [/expand]

Q 3: Which name is in the last row?

[expand title=View Answer] F​awaz Damrah [/expand]

Q 4: Read the text column for Harpdog Brown. He was honored with:

[expand title=View Answer] A​ Grammy award for his latest blues album. [/expand]

Q 5: Sort the SFrame according to the text column, in ascending order. What is the name entry in the first row?

[expand title=View Answer] D​igby Morrell [/expand]

Week 2: Machine Learning Foundations: A Case Study Approach Quiz Answer

Quiz 1: Regression

Q 2: True or false: The model that best minimizes training error is the one that will perform best for the task of prediction on new data.

[expand title=View Answer] True[/expand]

Q 3: The following table illustrates the results of evaluating 4 models with different parameter choices on some data set. Which of the following models fits this data the best?

Model indexParameters (intercept, slope)Residual sum of squares (RSS)
3(2.7, 1.9)13.67
4(0, 2.3)18.99

[expand title=View Answer]
1.Model 1
2.Model 2
3.Model 4

Q 4: Assume we fit the following quadratic function: f(x) = w0+w1*x+w2*(x^2) to the dataset shown (blue circles). The fitted function is shown by the green curve in the picture below. Out of the 3 parameters of the fitted function (w0, w1, w2), which ones are estimated to be 0? (Note: you must select all parameters estimated as 0 to get the question correct.)<!– wp:shortcode –> [expand title=View Answer] James P. Grant [/expand] <!– /wp:shortcode –>

[expand title=View Answer] w2 [/expand]

Machine Learning Foundations: A Case Study Approach Quiz Answer

Q 5: Assume we fit the following quadratic function: f(x) = w0+w1*x+w2*(x^2) to the dataset shown (blue circles). The fitted function is shown by the green curve in the picture below. Out of the 3 parameters of the fitted function (w0, w1, w2), which ones are estimated to be 0? (Note: you must select all parameters estimated as 0 to get the question correct.)

[expand title=View Answer]

Machine Learning Foundations: A Case Study Approach Quiz Answer

Q 6: Assume we fit the following quadratic function: f(x) = w0+w1*x+w2*(x^2) to the dataset shown (blue circles). The fitted function is shown by the green curve in the picture below. Out of the 3 parameters of the fitted function (w0, w1, w2), which ones are estimated to be 0? (Note: you must select all parameters estimated as 0 to get the question correct.)

[expand title=View Answer]



none of the above

Q 7: Assume we fit the following quadratic function: f(x) = w0+w1*x+w2*(x^2) to the dataset shown (blue circles). The fitted function is shown by the green curve in the picture below. Out of the 3 parameters of the fitted function (w0, w1, w2), which ones are estimated to be 0? (Note: you must select all parameters estimated as 0 to get the question correct.)

[expand title=View Answer]w0[/expand]

Q 8: Which of the following plots would you not expect to see as a plot of training and test error curves?


Q 9: True or false: One always prefers to use a model with more features since it better captures the true underlying process.

[expand title=View Answer]False [/expand]

Quiz 2: Predicting house prices

Q 1: Selection and summary statistics: We found the zip code with the highest average house price. What is the average house price of that zip code?

[expand title=View Answer] $2,160,607 [/expand]

Q 2: Filtering data: What fraction of the houses have living space between 2000 sq.ft. and 4000 sq.ft.?

[expand title=View Answer]Between 0.3 and 0.39 [/expand]

Q 3: Building a regression model with several more features: What is the difference in RMSE between the model trained with my_features and the one trained with advanced_features?

[expand title=View Answer] the RMSE of the model with advanced_features lower by between $35,001 and $45,000 [/expand]

Week 3: Machine Learning Foundations: A Case Study Approach Quiz Answer

Quiz 1: Classification

Q 1: The simple threshold classifier for sentiment analysis described in the video (check all that apply):

[expand title=View Answer] Must have pre-defined positive and negative attributes [/expand]

Q 2: For a linear classifier classifying between “positive” and “negative” sentiment in a review x, Score(x) = 0 implies (check all that apply):

[expand title=View Answer] We are uncertain whether the review is “positive” or “negative” [/expand]

Q 3: For which of the following datasets would a linear classifier perform perfectly?


Machine Learning Foundations: A Case Study Approach Quiz Answer

Q 4: True or false: High classification accuracy always indicates a good classifier.

[expand title=View Answer] False [/expand]

Q 5: True or false: For a classifier classifying between 5 classes, there always exists a classifier with an accuracy greater than 0.18.

[expand title=View Answer] True [/expand]

Q 6: True or false: A false negative is always worse than a false positive.

[expand title=View Answer] False [/expand]

Q 7: Which of the following statements are true? (Check all that apply)

[expand title=View Answer]
1.Test error is never a function of the amount of training data
2.Test error tends to decrease with more training data until a point, and then does not change (i.e., curve flattens out)

Quiz 2: Analyzing product sentiment

Q 1: Out of the 11 words in selected_words, which one is most used in the reviews in the dataset?

[expand title=View Answer] love [/expand]

Q 2: Out of the 11 words in selected_words, which one is least used in the reviews in the dataset?

[expand title=View Answer] wow[/expand]

Q 3: Out of the 11 words in selected_words, which one got the most positive weight in the selected_words_model?

(Tip: when printing the list of coefficients, make sure to use print_rows(rows=12) to print ALL coefficients.)

[expand title=View Answer] Jlove [/expand]

Question 4: Out of the 11 words in selected_words, which one got the most negative weight in the selected_words_model?

(Tip: when printing the list of coefficients, make sure to use print_rows(rows=12) to print ALL coefficients.)

[expand title=View Answer] terrible [/expand]

Q 5: Which of the following ranges contains the accuracy of the selected_words_model on the test_data?

[expand title=View Answer] 0.871 to 0.901 [/expand]

Q 6: Which of the following ranges contains the accuracy of the sentiment_model in the IPython Notebook from lecture on the test_data?

[expand title=View Answer] 0.901 to 0.931 [/expand]

Q 7: Which of the following ranges contains the accuracy of the majority class classifier, which simply predicts the majority class on the test_data?

[expand title=View Answer] 0.811 to 0.843 [/expand]

Q 8: How do you compare the different learned models with the baseline approach where we are just predicting the majority class?

[expand title=View Answer] The model learned using all words performed much better than the other two. The other two approaches performed about the same.[/expand]

Q 9: Which of the following ranges contains the ‘predicted_sentiment’ for the most positive review for ‘Baby Trend Diaper Champ’, according to the sentiment_model from the IPython Notebook from lecture?

[expand title=View Answer] 0.9 to 1.0 [/expand]

Q 10: Consider the most positive review for ‘Baby Trend Diaper Champ’ according to the sentiment_model from the IPython Notebook from lecture. Which of the following ranges contains the predicted_sentiment for this review, if we use the selected_words_model to analyze it?

[expand title=View Answer] 0.7 to 0.8 [/expand]

Q 11: Why is the value of the predicted_sentiment for the most positive review found using the sentiment_model much more positive than the value predicted using the selected_words_model?

[expand title=View Answer] None of the selected words appeared in the text of this review. [/expand]

Week 4: Machine Learning Foundations: A Case Study Approach Quiz Answer

Quiz 1: Clustering and Similarity

Q 1:A country, called Simpleland, has a language with a small vocabulary of just “the”, “on”, “and”, “go”, “round”, “bus”, and “wheels”. For a word count vector with indices ordered as the words appear above, what is the word count vector for a document that simply says “the wheels on the bus go round and round.”

Please enter the vector of counts as follows: If the counts were [“the”=1, “on”=3, “and”=2, “go”=1, “round”=2, “bus”=1, “wheels”=1], enter 1321211.

[expand title=View Answer] 21112111[/expand]

Question 2: In Simpleland, a reader is enjoying a document with a representation: [1 3 2 1 2 1 1]. Which of the following articles would you recommend to this reader next?

[expand title=View Answer] [1 0 0 0 7 1 2] [/expand]

Question 3: A corpus in Simpleland has 99 articles. If you pick one article and perform a 1-nearest neighbor search to find the closest article to this query article, how many times must you compute the similarity between two articles?

[expand title=View Answer] 98 [/expand]

Question 4: For the TF-IDF representation, does the relative importance of words in a document depend on the base of the logarithm used? For example, take the words “bus” and “wheels” in a particular document. Is the ratio between the TF-IDF values for “bus” and “wheels” different when computed using log base 2 versus log base 10?

[expand title=View Answer] Yes [/expand]

Question 5:Which of the following statements are true? (Check all that apply):

[expand title=View Answer]
1.Deciding whether an email is spam or not spam using the text of the email and some spam / not spam labels is a supervised learning problem.
2.If we are performing clustering, we typically assume we either do not have or do not use class labels in training the model.

Question 6: Which of the following pictures represents the best k-means solution? (Squares represent observations, plus signs are cluster centers, and colors indicate assignments of observations to cluster centers.)


Machine Learning Foundations: A Case Study Approach Quiz Answer

Quiz 2: Retrieving Wikipedia articles

Q 1: Top word count words for Elton John

[expand title=View Answer] (the, john, singer) [/expand]

Question 2: Top TF-IDF words for Elton John

[expand title=View Answer] (furnish,elton,billboard)[/expand]

Question 3: The cosine distance between ‘Elton John’s and ‘Victoria Beckham’s articles (represented with TF-IDF) falls within which range?

[expand title=View Answer] 0.5 to 0.69[/expand]

Question 4: The cosine distance between ‘Elton John’s and ‘Paul McCartney’s articles (represented with TF-IDF) falls within which range?

[expand title=View Answer] 0.7 to 0.89 [/expand]

Question 5: Who is closer to ‘Elton John’, ‘Victoria Beckham’ or ‘Paul McCartney’?

[expand title=View Answer] Paul McCartney[/expand]

Question 6: Who is the nearest cosine-distance neighbor to ‘Elton John’ using raw word counts?

[expand title=View Answer] Roger Daltrey [/expand]

Question 7: Who is the nearest cosine-distance neighbor to ‘Elton John’ using TF-IDF?

[expand title=View Answer]Rod Stewart [/expand]

Question 8: Who is the nearest cosine-distance neighbor to ‘Victoria Beckham’ using raw word counts?

[expand title=View Answer] Mary Fitzgerald (artist) [/expand]

Question 9: Who is the nearest cosine-distance neighbor to ‘Victoria Beckham’ using TF-IDF?

[expand title=View Answer] David Beckham [/expand]

Week 5: Machine Learning Foundations: A Case Study Approach Quiz Answer

Quiz 1: Recommender Systems

Q1: Recommending items based on global popularity can (check all that apply):

[expand title=View Answer] provide personalization [/expand]

Question 2: Recommending items using a classification approach can (check all that apply):

[expand title=View Answer] capture context (e.g., time of day) [/expand]

Question 3:Recommending items using a simple count-based co-occurrence matrix can (check all that apply):

[expand title=View Answer] provide personalization [/expand]

Question 4:Recommending items using featured matrix factorization can (check all that apply):

[expand title=View Answer] capture context (e.g., time of day) [/expand]

Question 5:Normalizing co-occurrence matrices is used primarily to account for:

[expand title=View Answer] items purchased by many people [/expand]

Question 6: A store has 3 customers and 3 products. Below are the learned feature vectors for each user and product. Based on this estimated model, which product would you recommend most highly to User #2?

User IDFeature vector
1(1.73, 0.01, 5.22)
2(0.03, 4.41, 2.05)
3(1.13, 0.89, 3.76)
Product IDFeature vector
1(3.29, 3.44, 3.67)
2(0.82, 9.71, 3.88)
3(8.34, 1.72, 0.02)

[expand title=View Answer] Product #2 [/expand]

Question 7: For the liked and recommended items displayed below, calculate the recall and round to 2 decimal points. (As in the lesson, green squares indicate recommended items, and magenta squares are liked items. Items not recommended are grayed out for clarity.) Note: enter your answer in American decimal format (e.g. enter 0.98, not 0,98)

[expand title=View Answer] 0.33 [/expand]

Question 8: For the liked and recommended items displayed below, calculate the precision and round to 2 decimal points. (As in the lesson, green squares indicate recommended items, and magenta squares are liked items. Items not recommended are grayed out for clarity.) Note: enter your answer in American decimal format (e.g. enter 0.98, not 0,98)

[expand title=View Answer] 0.25 [/expand]

Question 9: Based on the precision-recall curves in the figure below, which recommender would you use?

[expand title=View Answer]RecSys #1[/expand]

Quiz 2: Recommending songs

Question 1: Which of the artists below have had the most unique users listening to their songs?

[expand title=View Answer] Taylor Swift[/expand]

Question 2: Which of the artists below is the most popular artist, the one with the highest total listen_count, in the data set?

[expand title=View Answer]Kings of Leon [/expand]

Question 3: Which of the artists below is the least popular artist, the one with the smallest total listen_count, in the data set?

[expand title=View Answer]William Tabbert [/expand]

Week 6: Machine Learning Foundations: A Case Study Approach Quiz Answer

Quiz 1: Deep Learning

Question 1: Which of the following statements are true? (Check all that apply)

[expand title=View Answer]Having good non-linear features can allow us to learn very accurate linear classifiers. [/expand]

Question 2: A simple linear classifier can represent which of the following functions? (Check all that apply)

[expand title=View Answer]
x1 OR x2 OR NOT x3

x1 AND x2 AND NOT x3

x1 OR (x2 AND NOT x3)

Question 3: Which of the following neural networks can represent the following function? Select all that apply.

(x1 AND x2) OR (NOT x1 AND NOT x2)


Machine Learning Foundations: A Case Study Approach Quiz Answer

Question 4: Which of the following statements is true? (Check all that apply)

[expand title=View Answer] Deep learning has had an impact in computer vision because it’s used to combine all the different hand-created features that already exist. [/expand]

Question 5: If you have lots of images of different types of plankton labeled with their species name and lots of computational resources, what would you expect to perform better predictions:

[expand title=View Answer] a deep neural network trained on this data. [/expand]

Question 6: If you have a few images of different types of plankton labeled with their species name, what would you expect to perform better predictions:

[expand title=View Answer] a simple classifier trained on this data, using deep features as input, which were trained using ImageNet data. [/expand]

Quiz 2: Deep features for image retrieval

Question 1: What’s the least common category in the training data?

[expand title=View Answer] bird [/expand]

Question 2: Of the images below, which is the nearest ‘cat’ labeled image in the training data to the first image in the test data (image_test[0:1])?


Machine Learning Foundations: A Case Study Approach Quiz Answer

Question 3: Of the images below, which is the nearest ‘dog’ labeled image in the training data to the the first image in the test data (image_test[0:1])?


Machine Learning Foundations: A Case Study Approach Quiz Answer

Question 4: :For the first image in the test data, in what range is the mean distance between this image and its 5 nearest neighbors that were labeled ‘cat’ in the training data?

[expand title=View Answer] 35 to 37 [/expand]

Question 5: For the first image in the test data, in what range is the mean distance between this image and its 5 nearest neighbors that were labeled ‘dog’ in the training data?

[expand title=View Answer] 37 to 39 [/expand]

Question 6: On average, is the first image in the test data closer to its 5 nearest neighbors in the ‘cat’ data or in the ‘dog’ data?

[expand title=View Answer] cat[/expand]

Question 7: In what range is the accuracy of the 1-nearest neighbor classifier at classifying ‘dog’ images from the test set?

[expand title=View Answer] 60 to 70 [/expand]

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