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Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure Module 02 Quiz Answers
Q1. What is the primary benefit to a Google Cloud customer of using resources in several zones within a region?
- For expanding services to customers in new areas
- For better performance
- For getting discounts on other zones
- For improved fault tolerance
Q2. What type of cloud computing service lets you bind your application code to libraries that give access to the infrastructure your application needs?
- Software as a service
- Infrastructure as a service
- Platform as a service
- Virtualized data centers
- Hybrid cloud
Q3. Why might a Google Cloud customer use resources in several regions around the world?
- To bring their applications closer to users around the world, and for improved fault tolerance
- To offer localized application versions in different regions.
- To improve security
- To earn discounts
Introducing Google Cloud Platform: Cloud Computing Services
Q1. Does a cloud computing service let you scale your resource use up and down?
- Yes
- No
Q2. To get resources from a cloud computing provider, is working with a person at the provider required?
- Yes
- No
GCP Regions and Zones
Q1. Why might a GCP customer use resources in several zones within a region?
- For improved fault tolerance
- For better performance
Q2. Why might a GCP customer use resources in several regions around the world?
- To bring their applications closer to users around the world, and for improved fault tolerance
- To improve security
Introducing Google Cloud Platform
Q1. Choose fundamental characteristics of cloud computing. Mark all that are correct (4 correct responses).
- Providers always dedicate physical resources to each customer
- Customers are required to commit to multi-year contracts
- All resources are open-source-based
- Customers pay only for what they use or reserve
- Computing resources available on-demand and self-service
- Resources are available from anywhere over the network
- Customers can scale their resource use up and down
Q2. Choose a fundamental characteristic of devices in a virtualized data center.
- They are more secure.
- They are available from anywhere on the Internet.
- They are manageable separately from the underlying hardware.
- They use less resources than devices in a physical data center.
Q3. What type of cloud computing service lets you bind your application code to libraries that give access to the infrastructure your application needs?
- Platform as a Service
- Infrastructure as a Service
- Software as a Service
- Hybrid cloud
- Virtualized data centers
Q4. What type of cloud computing service provides raw compute, storage, and network, organized in ways that are familiar from physical data centers?
- Software as a Service
- Database as a Service
- Platform as a Service
- Infrastructure as a Service
Q5. Which statement is true about the zones within a region?
- The zones within a region are never closer to each other than 160 km.
- Each zone corresponds to a single physical data center.
- Customers must choose exactly one zone in each region in which to run their resources.
- The zones within a region have fast network connectivity among them.
Q6. What kind of customer benefits most from billing by the second for cloud resources such as virtual machines?
- Customers who create and run many virtual machines
- Customers who create many virtual machines and leave them running for months
- Customers who create too few virtual machines to get discounts
- Customers who create virtual machines running commercially licensed operating systems
All Modules Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure Quiz Answers
Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure Module 02 Quiz Answers
Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure Module 03 Quiz Answers
Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure Module 04 Quiz Answers
Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure Module 05 Quiz Answers
Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure Module 06 Quiz Answers
Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure Module 07 Quiz Answers
Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure Module 08 Quiz Answers
Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure Module 09 Quiz Answers
Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure Final Quiz Answers