All Weeks Distributed Computing with Spark SQL Coursera Quiz Answer
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Week 01 : Distributed Computing with Spark SQL Coursera Quiz Answer
Quiz 01: Assignment #1 Quiz – Queries in Spark SQL
Q 1. What is the first value for “Incident Number”?
Answer: comment the answer
Q 2. What is the first value for “Incident Number” on April 4th, 2016?
Answer: comment the answer
Q 3. Is the first fire call in this table on Brooke or Conor’s birthday? Conor’s birthday is 4/4 and Brooke’s is 9/27 (in MM/DD format).
- Brooke’s birthday
- Conor’s birthday
Q 4. What is the “Station Area” for the first fire call in this table? Note that this table is a subset of the dataset.
Answer: comment the answer
Q 5. How many incidents were on Conor’s birthday in 2016?
Answer: comment the answer
Q 6. How many fire calls had an “Ignition Cause” of “4 act of nature”?
Answer: comment the answer
Q 7. What is the most common “Ignition Cause”?
Hint: Put the entire string.
Answer: comment the answer
Q 8. What is the total incidents from the two joined tables?
Answer: comment the answer
Quiz 02: Module 1 Quiz
Q 1. Which of the following are true when it comes to the business value of big data? (Select all that apply.)
- Businesses are increasingly making data-driven decisions
- The size of the data businesses collect is growing
Q 2.
Question 2
Spark uses…
(Select all that apply.)
- Your database technology (e.g., Postgres or SQL Server) to run Spark queries
- One very large computer that is able to run computation against large databases
- A distributed cluster of networked computers made of a driver node and many executor nodes
- A driver node to distribute work across a number of executor nodes
Q 3. How does Spark execute code backed by DataFrames? (Select all that apply.)
- It optimizes your query by figuring out the best “how” to execute what you want
- It iterates over all of the source data to exhaustively evaluate queries
- It executes code determined in advance
Q 4. What are the properties of Spark DataFrames? (Select all that apply.)
- Distributed: Computed across multiple nodes
- Resilient: Fault-tolerant
- Dataset: Collection of partitioned data
- Tables: Operates as any table in SQL environments
Q 5. What is the difference between Spark and database technologies? (Select all that apply.)
- Spark does not interact with databases but uses its proprietary DataFrame technology instead
- Spark is a computation engine and is not for data storage
- Spark is a highly optimized compute engine and is not a database
Q 6. What is Amdahl’s law of scalability? (Select all that apply.)
- A formula that gives the number of processors (or other unit of parallelism) needed to complete a task
- A formula that gives the theoretical speedup as a function of the size of a partition (or subset) of data
- A formula that gives the expected speed of a single processor performing a computation
- Amdahl’s law states that the speedup of a task is a function of how much of that task can be parallelized
- A formula that gives the theoretical speedup as a function of the percentage of a computation that can be parallelized
Q 7. Spark offers a unified approach to analytics. What does this include? (Select all that apply.)
- Spark is able to connect to data where it lives in any number of sources, unifying the components of a data application
- Spark allows analysts, data scientists, and data engineers to all use the same core technology
- Spark code can be written in the following languages: SQL, Scala, Java, Python, and R
- Spark unifies applications such as SQL queries, streaming, and machine learning
- Spark unifies databases with optimized computation allowing for faster computation against the data it stores
Q 8. What is a Databricks notebook?
- A single Spark query
- A collaborative, interactive workspace that allows you to execute Spark queries at scale
- A cluster that executes Spark code
- A Spark instance that executes queries
Q 9. How can you get data into Databricks? (Select all that apply.)
- By connecting to Dropbox or Google Drive
- By registering the data as a table
- By uploading it through the user interface
- By “mounting” data backed by cloud storage
Q 10. What are the qualities of big data? (Select all that apply.)
- Variety: the diversity of data
- Volume: the amount of data
- Valorous: the positives impact of data
- Veracity: the reliability of data
- Velocity: the speed of data
Week 02 : Distributed Computing with Spark SQL Coursera Quiz Answer
quiz 01 : Assignment #2 Quiz – Spark Internals
Q 1. How many fire calls are in our table?
Answer: Comment the answer
Q 2. How large is our fireCalls dataset in memory? Input just the numeric value (e.g. 51.2)
Answer: Comment the answer
Q 3. Which Unit Type is most common?
Q 4. What type of transformation, wide or narrow, did the GROUP BY and ORDER BY queries result in?
- Narrow
- Wide
Q 5.Looking at the query below, how many tasks are in the last stage of the last job?
Answer: Comment the Answer
Quiz 02:Module 2 Quiz
Q 1. What are the different units of parallelism? (Select all that apply.)
- Core
- Task
- Executor
- Partition
Q 2. What is a partition?
- A division of computation that executes a query
- A synonym with “task”
- A portion of a large distributed set of data
- The result of data filtered by a WHERE clause
Q 3. What is the difference between in-memory computing and other technologies? (Select all that apply.)
- In-memory operates from RAM while other technologies operate from disk
- In-memory computing is slower than other types of computing
- In-memory operations were not realistic in older technologies when memory was more expensive
Q 4. Why is caching important?
- It reformats data already stored in RAM for faster access
- It improves queries against data read one or more times
- It stores data on the cluster to improve query performance
- It always stores data in-memory to improve performance
Q 5. Which of the following is a wide transformation? (Select all that apply.)
Q 6. Broadcast joins…
- Shuffle both of the tables, minimizing computational resources
- Shuffle both of the tables, minimizing data transfer by transferring data in parallel
- Transfer the smaller of two tables to the larger, increasing data transfer requirements
- Transfer the smaller of two tables to the larger, minimizing data transfer
Q 7. Adaptive Query Execution uses runtime statistics to:
- Dynamically coalesce shuffle partitions
- Dynamically switch join strategies
- Dynamically optimize skew joins
- Dynamically cache data
Q 8. Which of the following are bottlenecks you can detect with the Spark UI? (Select all that apply.)
- Data Skew
- Incompatible data formats
Q 9. What is a stage boundary?
- Any transition between Spark tasks
- An action caused by a SQL query is predicate
- When all of the slots or available units of processing have to sync with one another
- A narrow transformation
Q 10. What happens when Spark code is executed in local mode?
- The executor and driver are on the same machine
- The code is executed against a local cluster
- The code is executed in the cloud
- A cluster of virtual machines is used rather than physical machines
Week 03 : Distributed Computing with Spark SQL Coursera Quiz Answer
Quiz 01:Assignment #3 Quiz – Engineering Data Pipelines
Q 1. What type of table is “newTable”?
Q 2. How many rows are in “newTable”?
Answer: Comment the Answer.
Q 3.What is the “Battalion” of the first entry in the sorted table?
Answer: Comment the Answer.
Q 4. Was this query faster or slower on the table with increased partitions?
- Slower
- Faster
Q 5. Does the data stored within the table still exist at the original location (‘dbfs:/tmp/newTableLoc’) after you dropped the table?
- No
- Yes
Quiz 02: Module 3 Quiz
Q 1. Decoupling storage and compute means storing data in one location and processing it using a separate resource. What are the benefits of this design principle? (Select all that apply.)
- Resources are isolated and therefore more manageable and debuggable
- It results in copies of the data in case of a data center outage
- It allows for elastic resources so larger storage or compute resources are used only when needed
- It makes updates to new software versions easier
Q 2. You want to run a report entailing summary statistics on a large dataset sitting in a database. What is the main resource limitation of this task?
- IO: the transfer of data is more demanding than the computation
- IO: computation is more demanding that the data transfer
- CPU: the transfer of data is more demanding than the computation
- CPU: computation is more demanding than the data transfer
Q 3. Processing virtual shopping cart orders in real time is an example of
- Online Transaction Processing (OLTP)
- Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)
Q 4. When are BLOB stores an appropriate place to store data? (Select all that apply.)
- For cheap storage
- For storing large files
- For a “data lake” of largely unstructured data
- For online transaction processing on a website
Q 5. JDBC is the standard protocol for interacting with databases in the Java environment. How do parallel connections work between Spark and a database using JDBC?
- Specify a column, number of partitions, and the column’s minimum and maximum values. Spark then divides that range of values between parallel connections.
- Specify the numPartitions configuration setting. Spark then creates one parallel connection for each partition.
- Specify the number of partitions using COALESCE. Spark then creates one parallel connection for each partition.
- Specify the number of partitions using REPARTITION. Spark then creates one parallel connection for each partition.
Q 6. What are some of the advantages of the file format Parquet over CSV? (Select all that apply.)
- Corruptible
- Compression
- Parallelism
- Columnar
Q 7. SQL is normally used to query tabular (or “structured”) data. Semi-structured data like JSON is common in big data environments. Why? (Select all that apply.)
- It does not need a formal structure
- It allows for easy joins between relational JSON tables
- It allows for missing data
- It allows for complex data types
- It allows for data change over time
Q 8. Data writes in Spark can happen in serial or in parallel. What controls this parallelism?
- The number of stages in a write operation
- The number of data partitions in a DataFrame
- The numPartitions setting in the Spark configuration
- The number of jobs in a write operation
Q 9. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate response below:
A _______ table manages _______and a DROP TABLE command will result in data loss.
- Managed, both the data and metadata such as the schema and data location
- Unmanaged, only the metadata such as the schema and data location
- Unmanaged, both the data and metadata such as the schema and data location
- Managed, only the metadata such as the schema and data location
Week 04 : Distributed Computing with Spark SQL Coursera Quiz Answer
Assignment #4 Quiz – Lakehouse
Q 1. How many folders were created? Enter the number of records you see from the output below (include the _delta_log in your count)
Answer: 9
Q 2. Delete all the records where City is null. How many records are left in the delta table?
Answer: 416869
Q 3. After you deleted all records where the City is null, how many files were removed? Hint: Look at operationsMetrics in the transaction log using the DESCRIBE HISTORY command.
Answer: 22
Q 4. There are quite a few missing Call_Type_Group values. Use the UPDATE command to replace any null values with Non Life-threatening.
After you replace the null values, how many Non Life-threatening call types are the
Answer: 302506
Q 5. Travel back in time to the earliest version of the Delta table (version 0). How many records were there?
Answer: 417419
Module 4 Quiz
Q 1. What are the ACID properties?
- Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability
- Atomicity, Consistency, Idempotent, and Durability
- Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Duration
- Atomicity, Congruency, Isolation, and Durability
Q 2. Which of the following are true statements about data warehouses?
- They use closed protocols and proprietary software
- They enable machine learning workloads
- They provide the structure needed for BI applications
- They have a high degree of flexibility
Q 3. Which of these features does Delta Lake support? (Select all that apply.)
- Cluster Creation
- Delete
- Time Travel
- Schema Evolution
- Space Travel
Q 4. Which of the following are true statements about data lakes?
- They provide the structure needed for BI applications
- They use closed protocols and proprietary software
- They enable machine learning workloads
- They have a high degree of flexibility
Q 5. Which of the following are valid data models?
- Relational
- Non-relational
- Query-oriented
- Star
- Medallion
Q 6. What are the benefits a lakehouse architecture provides?
- Combine scalability and low-cost storage of data lakes with the speed and ACID transactional guarantees of data warehouses
- Combine scalability and ACID transactional guarantees of data lakes with the speed and low-cost storage of data warehouses
- Combine scalability and low-cost storage of data warehouses with the speed and ACID transactional guarantees of data lakes
- Combine speed and low-cost storage of data lakes with the scalability and ACID transactional guarantees of data warehouses
Q 7. Machine learning is suited to solve which of the following tasks? (Select all that apply.)
- Image Recognition
- Financial Forecasting
- Reporting
- Fraud Detection
- Natural Language Processing
- A/B Testing
- Churn Analysis
Q 8. What is Machine Learning? (Select all that apply.)
- A function that maps features to an output
- Learning patterns in your data without being explicitly programmed
- Hand-coded logic
- Statistical moments calculated against a dataset
Q 9. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate answer below.)
Predicting whether a website user is fraudulent or not is an example of _________ machine learning. It is a __________ task
- unsupervised, regression
- supervised, classification
- unsupervised, classification
- supervised, regression
Q 10. Linear regression is one algorithm used for machine learning. What is this algorithm learning?
- It learns the line of best fit through the data
- It learns the average of the label you’re trying to predict
- It learns the median of the label you’re trying to predict
- It learns the most similar other datapoints in that dataset to the ones you provide
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